✨ See the NEWS for further details about the state of the astsa
package and the changelog.
✨ An intro to astsa
capabilities can be found at FUN WITH ASTSA
✨ Here is A Road Map if you want a broad view of what is available.
✨ A brief R tutorial
✨ Pages for the old 4th Edition
Note when you are in a code block below, you can copy the contents of the block by moving your mouse to the upper right corner and clicking on the copy icon ( ⧉ ).
The code below is based on
version 2.2 or higher, so a few things won't work with lower versions.
⛔ ⛔ WARNING: If loaded, the package dplyr
may (and most likely will) corrupt the base scripts filter
and lag
that we use often. To avoid problems, before analyzing time series data you have some simple choices:
# (1) either detach the problem package
# (2) or fix it yourself if you want dplyr
# this is a great idea from https://stackoverflow.com/a/65186251
library(dplyr, exclude = c("filter", "lag")) # remove the culprits on load
Lag <- dplyr::lag # and do what the dplyr ...
Filter <- dplyr::filter # ... maintainer refuses to do
# then use `Lag` and `Filter` for dplyr's scripts
# `lag` and `filter` will remain uncorrupted as originally intended
# (3) or just take back the commands
filter = stats::filter
lag = stats::lag
# in this case, you can still use these for dplyr
Lag <- dplyr::lag
Filter <- dplyr::filter
😖 If you are wondering how it is possible to corrupt a base package, 👽 you are not alone.
Example 1.1
tsplot(jj, col=4, ylab="USD", type="o", main="Johnson & Johnson Quarterly Earning per Share")
tsplot(jj, col=4, ylab="USD", type="o", log="y")
Example 1.2
tsplot(cbind(gtemp_land, gtemp_ocean), spaghetti=TRUE, lwd=2, col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.7), ylab="\u00B0C", main="Global Surface Temperature Anomalies", addLegend=TRUE, location='topleft', legend=c("Land Surface","Sea Surface"))
Example 1.3
tsplot(speech, col=4)
arrows(658, 3850, 766, 3850, code=3, angle=90, length=.05, col=6)
text(712, 4100, "pitch period", cex=.75)
Example 1.4
djia_return = diff(log(djia$Close))
plot(djia$Close, col=4, main="DJIA Close")
plot(djia_return, col=4, main="DJIA Returns")
# it's possible not to use `xts` (if it's not available for some reason)
djiaClose = ts(djia[,'Close'], start=c(2006,4,1), freq=251) # ~251 trading days/yr
tsplot(djiaClose, col=4, main="DJIA Close", ylab=NA)
tsplot(diff(log(djiaClose)), col=4, main="DJIA Returns", ylab=NA)
Example 1.5
par(mfrow = c(2,1)) # set up the graphics
tsplot(soi, col=4, ylab="", main="Southern Oscillation Index")
text(1970, .91, "COOL", col=5, font=4)
text(1970, -.91, "WARM", col=6, font=4)
tsplot(rec, col=4, ylab="", main="Recruitment")
Example 1.6
tsplot(cbind(Hare, Lynx), col=c(2,4), type="o", pch=c(0,2), ylab="Number", spaghetti=TRUE, addLegend=TRUE)
mtext("(\u00D7 1000)", side=2, adj=1, line=1.5, cex=.8)
Example 1.7
x = ts(fmri1[,4:9], start=0, freq=32) # data
u = ts(rep(c(rep(.6,16), rep(-.6,16)), 4), start=0, freq=32) # stimulus signal
names = c("Cortex","Thalamus","Cerebellum")
for (i in 1:3){
j = 2*i-1
tsplot(x[,j:(j+1)], ylab="BOLD", xlab="", main=names[i], col=5:6, ylim=c(-.6,.6), lwd=2, xaxt="n", spaghetti=TRUE)
axis(seq(0,256,64), side=1, at=0:4)
lines(u, type="s", col=gray(.3))
mtext("seconds", side=1, line=1.75, cex=.9)
Example 1.8
tsplot(cbind(EQ5, EXP6), ylab=c("Earthquake", "Explosion"), col=4)
Example 1.10
w = rnorm(250,0,1) # 250 N(0,1) variates
v = filter(w, sides=2, rep(1/3,3)) # moving average
tsplot(w, main="white noise", col=4, gg=TRUE)
tsplot(v, ylim=c(-3,3), main="moving average", col=4, gg=TRUE)
Example 1.11
w = rnorm(300,0,1) # 250 +50 extra to avoid startup problems
x = filter(w, filter=c(1.5,-.75), method="recursive")[-(1:50)]
tsplot(x, col=4, main="autoregression", gg=TRUE)
Example 1.12
set.seed(154) # so you can reproduce the results
w = rnorm(200); x = cumsum(w) # two commands in one line
wd = w +.2; xd = cumsum(wd)
tsplot(xd, ylim=c(-5,55), main="random walk", ylab="", col=4, gg=TRUE)
lines(x, col=6); clip(0, 200, 0, 50)
abline(h=0, a=0, b=.2, col=8, lty=5)
Example 1.13
cs = 2*cos(2*pi*(1:500 + 15)/50)
w = rnorm(500)
tsplot(cs, ylab="", main=bquote(2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)), col=4, gg=TRUE)
tsplot(cs+w, ylab="", main=bquote(2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi) + N(0,1)), col=4, gg=TRUE)
tsplot(cs+5*w, ylab="", main=bquote(2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi) + N(0,5^2)), col=4, gg=TRUE)
Example 1.25
x = rnorm(100)
y = lag(x, -5) + rnorm(100)
ccf2(y, x, lwd=2, col=4, type='covariance', gg=TRUE)
text( 10, 1.1, 'x leads')
text(-10, 1.1, 'y leads')
Marginal normals that are not bivariate normal
x = rnorm(1000)
z = rnorm(1000)
y = ifelse(x*z > 0, z, -z)
scatter.hist(x, y, hist.col=5, pt.col=6)
# seeing is believing (sometimes)
QQnorm(x); QQnorm(y)
Example 1.26
(r = format(acf1(soi, 6, plot=FALSE), digits=2)) # first 6 sample acf values
tsplot(lag(soi,-1), soi, col=4, type="p", xlab="lag(soi,-1)")
legend("topleft", legend=bquote(hat(rho)(1) == .(r[1])), bty="n", adj=.2)
tsplot(lag(soi,-6), soi, col=4, type="p", xlab="lag(soi,-6)")
legend("topleft", legend=bquote(hat(rho)(6) == .(r[6])), bty="n", adj=.2)
Property 1.2 demonstration
x = replicate(1000, acf1(rnorm(100), plot=FALSE))
round(c(mean(x), sd(x)), 3)
QQnorm(x) # to check normality (not shown)
Example 1.27
x = sample(c(-2,2), 101, replace=TRUE) # simulated coin tosses
y100 = 5 + filter(x, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.5))[-1]
y10 = y100[1:10]
tsplot(y10, type='s', col=4, yaxt='n', xaxt='n', gg=TRUE)
axis(1, 1:10); axis(2, seq(2,8,2), las=1)
points(y10, pch=21, bg=6)
round( acf1(y10, 4, plot=FALSE), 2)
round( acf1(y100, 4, plot=FALSE), 2)
Example 1.28
acf1(speech, 250, col=4)
Example 1.29
acf1(soi, 48, main="Southern Oscillation Index")
acf1(rec, 48, main="Recruitment")
ccf2(soi, rec, 48, main="SOI vs Recruitment")
Example 1.30
num = 250
t = 1:num
X = .02*t + rnorm(num,0,2)
Y = .01*t + rnorm(num)
tsplot(cbind(X,Y), col=c(4,6), ylab="data", spaghetti=TRUE, lwd=2, gg=TRUE)
ccf2(X, Y, ylim=c(-.4,.5), col=4, lwd=2, gg=TRUE)
ccf2(X, detrend(Y), ylim=c(-.4,.5), col=4, lwd=2, gg=TRUE)
Example 1.31
persp(1:64, 1:36, soiltemp, phi=25, theta=25, scale=FALSE, expand=4, ticktype="detailed", xlab="rows", ylab="cols", zlab="temperature", col="lightblue")
tsplot(rowMeans(soiltemp), xlab="row", ylab="Average Temperature")
Example 1.32
fs = abs(fft(soiltemp-mean(soiltemp)))^2/(64*36) # see Ch 4 for info on FFT
cs = Re(fft(fs, inverse=TRUE)/sqrt(64*36)) # ACovF
rs = cs/cs[1,1] # ACF
rs2 = cbind(rs[1:41,21:2], rs[1:41,1:21]) # these lines are just to center
rs3 = rbind(rs2[41:2,], rs2) # the 0 lag
par(mar = c(1,2.5,0,0) + .1)
persp(-40:40, -20:20, rs3, phi=30, theta=30, expand=30, scale="FALSE", ticktype="detailed", xlab="row lags", ylab="column lags", zlab="ACF", col="lightblue")
Bad LCGs
x = c(1) # set the seed to 1
for (n in 2:32){ x[n] = (5*x[n-1] + 2) %% (2^5) }
x # print x
##-- here's a 32-bit one that sucks --##
x = c(1) # the bad seed (they're all bad)
for (n in 2:100){ x[n] = (12*x[n-1] + 4) %% 2^32 }
Example 2.1
trend(chicken, lwd=2, results=TRUE) # graphic and results
trend(salmon, lwd=2) # graphic only
Example 2.2
par(mfrow = c(3,1))
tsplot(cmort, ylab="Rate per 10,000", type="o", pch=19, col=6, nxm=2, main="Cardiovascular Mortality")
tsplot(tempr, ylab="\u00B0F", type="o", pch=19, col=4, nxm=2, main="Temperature")
tsplot(part, ylab="PPM", type="o", pch=19, col=2, nxm=2, main="Particulates")
pairs(cbind(Mortality=cmort, Temperature=tempr, Particulates=part), col=4, lower.panel = astsa:::.panelcor)
temp = tempr - mean(tempr) # center temperature
temp2 = temp^2
trend = time(cmort)
fit = lm(cmort~ trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL)
summary(fit) # regression results
summary(aov(fit)) # ANOVA table (compare to n<br/> Ext line)
summary(aov(lm(cmort~cbind(trend, temp, temp2, part)))) # Table 2.1
num = length(cmort) # sample size
AIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi) # AIC as in (2.15)
BIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi) # BIC as in (2.17)
(AICc = log(sum(resid(fit)^2)/num) + (num+5)/(num-5-2)) # AICc
Example 2.3
# uses variables from previous example
summary(fit2 <- lm(cmort~ trend + temp + temp2 + part + co, data=lap, na.action=NULL))
# compare models
c( AIC(fit), BIC(fit))/num # model without co
c( AIC(fit2), BIC(fit2))/num # model with co
Example 2.4
First, the Lotka-Volterra example graphic (code not in the book)
H = c(1); L =c(.5)
for (t in 1:66000){
H[t+1] = 1.0015*H[t] - .00060*L[t]*H[t]
L[t+1] = .9994*L[t] + .00025*L[t]*H[t]
L = ts(10*L, start=1850, freq=900)
H = ts(10*H, start=1850, freq=900)
tsplot(cbind(predator=L, prey=H), spag=TRUE, col=c(2,4), ylim=c(0,125), ylab="Population Size", gg=TRUE, addLegend=TRUE, location='topleft', horiz=TRUE)
and now back to our regularly scheduled program...
prdtr = ts.intersect(L=Lynx, L1=lag(Lynx,-1), H1=lag(Hare,-1), dframe=TRUE)
summary( fit <- lm(L~ L1 + L1:H1, data=prdtr, na.action=NULL) )
# residuals
tsplot(resid(fit), col=4, main="")
acf1(resid(fit), col=4, main="")
mtext("Lynx Residuals", outer=TRUE, line=-1.4, font=2)
# using dynlm
summary( fit2 <- dynlm(Lynx~ L(Lynx,1) + L(Lynx,1):L(Hare,1)) )
Example 2.6
tsplot(detrend(chicken), col=4, main="detrended" )
tsplot(diff(chicken), col=4, main="first difference")
par(mfrow = c(3,1))
acf1(chicken, col=6, lwd=2)
acf1(detrend(chicken), col=3, lwd=2)
acf1(diff(chicken), col=4, lwd=2)
Example 2.7
par(mfrow = 2:1)
tsplot(diff(gtemp_land), col=4, xlab="Year")
acf1(diff(gtemp_land), col=4)
mean(diff(window(gtemp_land, end=1979))) # drift before 1980
mean(diff(window(gtemp_land, start=1980))) # drift since 1980
Example 2.8
layout(matrix(1:4,2), widths=c(2.5,1))
tsplot(varve, main="", ylab="", col=4)
mtext("varve", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
tsplot(log(varve), main="", ylab="", col=4)
mtext("log(varve)", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
QQnorm(varve, main=NA, nxm=0) # in version 2.2+
QQnorm(log(varve), main=NA, nxm=0)
Example 2.9
lag1.plot(soi, 12, col=4) # Figure 2.10
lag2.plot(soi, rec, 8, col=4) # Figure 2.11
Example 2.10
dummy = ifelse(soi<0, 0, 1)
fish = ts.intersect(R=rec, SL6=lag(soi,-6), DL6=lag(dummy,-6), dframe=TRUE)
summary(fit <- lm(R~ SL6*DL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
layout(matrix(1:2,2), heights = c(3,2))
tsplot(fish[,"SL6"], fish[,"R"], type="p", col=astsa.col(8,.5), pch=19, xlab=bquote(S[~t-6]), ylab=bquote(R[~t]))
lines(lowess(fish[,"SL6"], fish[,"R"]), col=4, lwd=2)
points(fish[,"SL6"], fitted(fit), pch="+", col=2)
tsplot(resid(fit), col=4)
Example 2.11
t = 1:500
x = 2*cos(2*pi*(t+15)/50) + rnorm(500,0,5)
z1 = cos(2*pi*t/50)
z2 = sin(2*pi*t/50)
summary(fit <- lm(x~ 0+z1+z2)) # zero to exclude the intercept
tsplot(x, col=4, gg=TRUE)
tsplot(x, ylab=bquote(hat(x)), col=4, gg=TRUE)
lines(fitted(fit), col=2, lwd=2)
Example 2.12
t = 1:500
x = 2*cos(2*pi*(t+15)/50) + rnorm(500,0,5)
acf1(x, 200)
summary(fit <- nls(x~ A*cos(2*pi*omega*t + phi), start=list(A=10, omega=1/55, phi=0)))
tsplot(x, ylab=bquote(hat(x)), col=4, gg=TRUE)
lines(fitted(fit), col=2, lwd=2)
Example 2.13
wgts = c(.5, rep(1,11), .5)/12
ENSOf = filter(ENSO, sides=2, filter=wgts)
tsplot(ENSO, col=8)
lines(ENSOf, lwd=2, col=4)
par(fig = c(.02, .25, .01, .4), new=TRUE, bty="n")
nwgts = c(rep(0,6), wgts, rep(0,6))
plot(nwgts, type="l", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ann=FALSE)
🆘 remember if you have dplyr
loaded, it corrupts filter
and lag
so use one of the fixes listed at the top.
Example 2.14
tsplot(ENSO, col=8)
lines(ksmooth(time(ENSO), ENSO, "normal", bandwidth=1), lwd=2, col=4)
par(fig = c(.02, .25, .01, .4), new=TRUE, bty="n")
curve(dnorm,-4,4, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ann=FALSE)
Example 2.15
trend(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, col=c(8,6)) # data and trend
lines(lowess(ENSO, f=.03), lwd=2, col=4) # El Niño cycle
Example 2.16
trend(ENSO, order=3) # not shown
tsplot(ENSO, col=8)
lines(smooth.spline(time(ENSO), ENSO, spar= 1), lwd=2, col=6) # trend
lines(smooth.spline(time(ENSO), ENSO, spar=.5), lwd=2, col=4) # El Niño
Example 2.17
x = window(hor, start=2002)
plot(decompose(x)) # not shown
plot(stl(x, s.window="per")) # seasons are perfectly periodic - not shown
plot(stl(x, s.window=15))
# better graphic
par(mfrow = c(4,1))
x = window(hor, start=2002)
out = stl(x, s.window=15)$time.series
tsplot(x, main="Hawaiian Occupancy Rate", ylab="% rooms", col=8, type="c")
text(x, labels=1:4, col=c(3,4,2,6), cex=1.25)
tsplot(out[,1], main="Seasonal", ylab="% rooms", col=8, type="c")
text(out[,1], labels=1:4, col=c(3,4,2,6), cex=1.25)
tsplot(out[,2], main="Trend", ylab="% rooms", col=8, type="c")
text(out[,2], labels=1:4, col=c(3,4,2,6), cex=1.25)
tsplot(out[,3], main="Noise", ylab="% rooms", col=8, type="c")
text(out[,3], labels=1:4, col=c(3,4,2,6), cex=1.25)
Example 3.2
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar= .9, n=100), ylab="x", col=4, gg=TRUE, main=bquote(AR(1)~~~phi==+.9))
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar=-.9, n=100), ylab="x", col=4, gg=TRUE, main=bquote(AR(1)~~~phi==-.9))
Example 3.5
par(mfrow = 2:1)
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma= .9, n=100), ylab="x", col=4, gg=TRUE, main=bquote(MA(1)~~~phi==+.9))
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma=-.9, n=100), ylab="x", col=4, gg=TRUE, main=bquote(MA(1)~~~phi==-.9))
Example 3.7
set.seed(8675309) # Jenny, I got your number
x = rnorm(150, mean=5) # Jenerate iid N(5,1)s
arima(x, order=c(1,0,1)) # Jenstimation
Example 3.8
ARMAtoMA(ar = .9, ma = .5, 10) # first 10 psi-weights
ARMAtoAR(ar = .9, ma = .5, 10) # first 10 pi-weights
ARMAtoMA(ar=1, ma=0, 20)
Example 3.9
# this is how Figure 3.3 was generated
seg1 = seq( 0, 2, by=0.1)
seg2 = seq(-2, 2, by=0.1)
name1 = bquote(phi[1])
name2 = bquote(phi[2])
tsplot(seg1, (1-seg1), ylim=c(-1,1), xlim=c(-2,2), ylab=name2, xlab=name1, main='Causal Region of an AR(2)')
lines(-seg1, (1-seg1), ylim=c(-1,1), xlim=c(-2,2))
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col=8)
lines(seg2, -(seg2^2 /4), ylim=c(-1,1))
lines(x=c(-2,2), y=c(-1,-1), ylim=c(-1,1))
text(0, .35, 'real roots')
text(0, -.5, 'complex roots')
Example 3.11
ARMAtoMA(ar=.9, ma=.5, 50) # for a list
plot(ARMAtoMA(ar=.9, ma=.5, 50)) # for a graph
Example 3.12
x = sarima.sim(ar=c(1.5,-.75), n=144, S=12)
psi = ts(c(1, ARMAtoMA(ar=c(1.5, -.75), ma=0, 50)), start=0, freq=12)
tsplot(x, col=4, xaxt="n", gg=TRUE, main=bquote(AR(2)~~~phi[1]==1.5~~~phi[2]==-.75))
mtext(seq(0,144,by=12), side=1, at=0:12, cex=.8)
tsplot(psi, col=4, type="o", xaxt="n", gg=TRUE, xlab="Index", ylab=bquote(psi-weights))
mtext(seq(0,48,by=12), side=1, at=0:4, cex=.8)
# roots of the polynomial
z = c(1,-1.5,.75) # coefficients of the polynomial
(a = polyroot(z)[1]) # print one root = 1 + i/sqrt(3)
Arg(a) # in radians/pt
(theta = Arg(a)/(2*pi)) # in cycles/pt
1/theta # the pseudo period
Example 3.15
ACF = ts(ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), lag=24), start=0, freq=12)
PACF = ts(c(NA, ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), lag=24, pacf=TRUE)), start=0, freq=12)
tsplot(ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.8,1), gg=TRUE, col=4, xaxt="n")
abline(h=0, col=8)
mtext(side=1, at=seq(0,2,by=.5), text=seq(0,24,by=6), cex=.8)
tsplot(PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.8,1), gg=TRUE, col=4, xaxt="n")
abline(h=0, col=8)
mtext(side=1, at=seq(0,2,by=.5), text=seq(0,24,by=6), cex=.8)
Example 3.17
acf2(rec, 48) # will produce values and a graphic
(regr = ar.ols(rec, order=2, demean=FALSE, intercept=TRUE)) # regression
regr$asy.se.coef # standard errors
Example 3.23
regr = ar.ols(rec, order=2, demean=FALSE, intercept=TRUE)
fore = predict(regr, n.ahead=24)
x = ts( c(rec, fore$pred), start=1950, frequency=12)
tsplot(window(x, start=1980), ylab="Recruitment", ylim=c(10,100))
lines(fore$pred, type="o", col=2)
U = fore$pred+fore$se
L = fore$pred-fore$se
xx = c(time(U), rev(time(U)))
yy = c(L, rev(U))
polygon(xx, yy, border = 8, col = gray(0.6, alpha = 0.2))
Example 3.25
x = sarima.sim(ar=.9, ma=.5, n=100) # simulate
xr = rev(x) # reverse data
pxr = sarima.for(xr,10,1,0,1, plot=FALSE) # backcast
pxrp = rev(pxr$pred) # reorder the predictors (for plotting)
pxrse = rev(pxr$se) # reorder the SEs
nx = ts(c(pxrp, x), start=-9) # attach the backcasts to the data
tsplot(nx, ylab=bquote(X[~t]), main="Backcasting", ylim=c(-5,4), col=4, gg=TRUE)
U = nx[1:10] + pxrse
L = nx[1:10] - pxrse
xx = c(-9:0, 0:-9)
yy = c(L, rev(U))
polygon(xx, yy, border = 8, col = gray(0.6, alpha = 0.2))
lines(-9:0, nx[1:10], col=2, type="o")
Example 3.27
rec.yw = ar.yw(rec, order=2)
rec.yw$x.mean # = 62.26278 (mean estimate)
rec.yw$ar # = 1.3315874, -.4445447 (parameter estimates)
sqrt(diag(rec.yw$asy.var.coef)) # = .04222637, .04222637 (standard errors)
rec.yw$var.pred # = 94.79912 (error variance estimate)
rec.pr = predict(rec.yw, n.ahead=24)
tsplot(cbind(rec, rec.pr$pred), col=1:2, spaghetti=TRUE)
lines(rec.pr$pred + rec.pr$se, col=2, lty=5)
lines(rec.pr$pred - rec.pr$se, col=2, lty=5)
Example 3.28
# generate 10000 MA(1)s and calculate the 1st sample ACF
x = replicate(10000, acf1(sarima.sim(ma=.9, n=100), max.lag=1, plot=FALSE))
1 - ecdf(abs(x))(.5) # .5 exceedance prob (is about 38%)
# for fun (not in text)
h = hist(x, plot=FALSE)
culer = ifelse(h$breaks >= .5, 6, 3)[-length(h$breaks)]
culer = astsa.col(culer, .3)
plot(h, col=culer, freq=FALSE, main=NA, xlab=bquote(hat(theta)))
text(.475,2,'GO'); text(.525,2,'STOP')
# The asymptotic approximation is not very good:
pnorm( (.5-.497)/.071, lower=FALSE)
# [1] 0.4831483
Example 3.30
rec.mle = ar.mle(rec, order=2)
Example 3.32
acf2(diff(log(varve)), col=4) # sample ACF and PACF
x = diff(log(varve)) # data
r = acf1(x, 1, plot=FALSE) # acf(1)
c(0) -> z -> Sc -> Sz -> Szw -> para # initialize ..
c(x[1]) -> w # .. all variables
num = length(x) # 633
## Gauss-Newton Estimation
para[1] = (1-sqrt(1-4*(r^2)))/(2*r) # MME to start (not very good)
niter = 12
for (j in 1:niter){
for (t in 2:num){
w[t] = x[t] - para[j]*w[t-1]
z[t] = w[t-1] - para[j]*z[t-1]
Sc[j] = sum(w^2)
Sz[j] = sum(z^2)
Szw[j] = sum(z*w)
para[j+1] = para[j] + Szw[j]/Sz[j]
## Results
cbind(iteration=1:niter-1, thetahat=para[1:niter], Sc, Sz)
## Plot conditional SS and results
c(0) -> cSS
th = -seq(.3, .94, .01)
for (p in 1:length(th)){
for (t in 2:num){ w[t] = x[t] - th[p]*w[t-1]
cSS[p] = sum(w^2)
tsplot(th, cSS, ylab=bquote(S[c](theta)), xlab=bquote(theta))
abline(v=para[1:12], lty=2, col=4) # add previous results to plot
points(para[1:12], Sc[1:12], pch=16, col=4)
Example 3.35
t = time(USpop) - 1955
reg = lm( USpop~ t+I(t^2)+I(t^3)+I(t^4)+I(t^5)+I(t^6)+I(t^7)+I(t^8) )
b = as.vector(reg$coef)
g = function(t){ b[1] + b[2]*(t-1955) + b[3]*(t-1955)^2 + b[4]*(t-1955)^3 + b[5]*(t-1955)^4 + b[6]*(t-1955)^5 + b[7]*(t-1955)^6 + b[8]*(t-1955)^7 + b[9]*(t-1955)^8
x = 1900:2024
tsplot(x, g(x), ylab="Population", xlab="Year", main="U.S. Population by Official Census", cex.main=1, col=4)
points(time(USpop), USpop, pch=21, bg=rainbow(12), cex=1.25)
mtext(bquote("\u00D7"~10^6), side=2, line=1.5, adj=1, cex=.8)
Example 3.36
# data
e = rexp(150, rate=.5); u = runif(150,-1,1); de = e*sign(u)
dex = 50 + sarima.sim(n=100, ar=.95, innov=de, burnin=50)
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow=1), widths=c(5,2))
tsplot(dex, col=4, ylab=bquote(X[~t]), gg=TRUE)
# densities
f = function(x) { .5*dexp(abs(x), rate = 1/sqrt(2))}
w = seq(-5, 5, by=.01)
tsplot(w, f(w), gg=TRUE, col=4, xlab='w', ylab='f(w)', ylim=c(0,.4))
lines(w, dnorm(w), col=2)
fit = ar.yw(dex, order=1, aic=FALSE)
round(estyw <- c(mean=fit$x.mean, ar1=fit$ar, se=sqrt(fit$asy.var.coef), var=fit$var.pred), 3)
phi.yw = c()
for (i in 1:1000){
e = rexp(150, rate=.5)
u = runif(150,-1,1)
de = e*sign(u)
x = 50 + sarima.sim(n=100, ar=.95, innov=de, burnin=50)
phi.yw[i] = ar.yw(x, order=1)$ar
# Bootstrap
boots = ar.boot(dex, order=1, plot=FALSE) # default is B = 500
phi.star.yw = boots[[1]] # bootstrapped phi
# Picture
hist(phi.star.yw, main=NA, prob=TRUE, xlim=c(.65,1.05), ylim=c(0,15), col=astsa.col(4,.4), xlab=bquote(hat(phi)), breaks="FD")
lines(density(phi.yw, bw=.02), lwd=2) # from previous simulation
u = seq(.75, 1.1, by=.001) # normal approximation
lines(u, dnorm(u, mean=estyw[2], sd=estyw[3]), lty=2, lwd=2)
legend(.65, 15, bty="n", lty=c(1,0,2), lwd=c(2,0,2), col=1, pch=c(NA,22,NA), pt.bg=c(NA,astsa.col(4,.4),NA), pt.cex=2.5, legend=c("true distribution", "bootstrap distribution", "normal approximation"))
# 95% CI
alf = .025
quantile(phi.star.yw, probs = c(alf, 1-alf)) # boot
quantile(phi.yw, probs = c(alf, 1-alf)) # true
qnorm(c(alf, 1-alf), mean=estyw[2], sd=estyw[3]) # asym normal
Example 3.37
x = ts(cumsum(rnorm(150, .2))) # RW with drift .2 and error sd 1
y = window(x, end=100) # first 100 obs
c(d <- mean(diff(y)), s <- sd(diff(y))) # estimated drift and error sd
# || [1] 0.2207063 1.0369163 ||
rmspe = s*sqrt(1:50)
yfore = ts(y[100] + 1:50*d, start=101)
tsplot(x, ylab=bquote(X[~t]), col=4, gg=TRUE, ylim=c(0,40))
lines(yfore, col=6)
xx = c(101:150, 150:101)
yy = c(yfore - 1*rmspe, rev(yfore + 1*rmspe))
polygon(xx, yy, border = NA, col = gray(0.6, alpha = 0.2))
text(85, 38, 'PAST', cex=.8); text(115, 38, 'FUTURE', cex=.8)
abline(v=100, lty=2)
Example 3.38
x = sarima.sim(d = 1, ma = -0.8, n = 100)
(x.ima = HoltWinters(x, beta=FALSE, gamma=FALSE))
Example 3.39
sarima(log(varve), 0, 1, 1, col=4)
sarima(log(varve), 1, 1, 1, no.constant=TRUE, col=4)
Example 3.40
trend = time(cmort); temp = tempr - mean(tempr); temp2 = temp^2
summary(fit <- lm(cmort~trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(fit), 52) # implies AR2
sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=cbind(trend, temp, temp2, part))
Example 3.41
pp = ts.intersect(L=Lynx, L1=lag(Lynx,-1), H1=lag(Hare,-1), dframe=TRUE)
# Original Regression
summary( fit <- lm(L~ L1 + L1:H1, data=pp, na.action=NULL) )
acf2(resid(fit), col=4) # ACF/PACF of the residuls
# Try AR(2) errors
sarima(pp$L, 2,0,0, xreg=cbind(L1=pp$L1, LH1=pp$L1*pp$H1), col=4)
Example 3.42
SAR = sarima.sim(sar=.95, S=12, n=37) + 50
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), nc=2), heights=c(1.5,1))
tsplot(SAR, type="c", xlab="Year", gg=TRUE, ylab='SAR(1)', xaxt='n')
abline(v=0:3, col=4, lty=2)
points(SAR, pch=Months, cex=1.2, font=4, col=1:6)
axis(1, at=0:3, col='white')
phi = c(rep(0,11),.95)
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100)[-1] # [-1] removes 0 lag
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100, pacf=TRUE)
LAG = 1:100/12
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG \u00F7 12", ylim=c(-.04,1), gg=TRUE, col=4)
abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(LAG, PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG \u00F7 12", ylim=c(-.04,1), gg=TRUE, col=4)
abline(h=0, col=8)
Example 3.43
phi = c(rep(0,11),.8)
ACF = ts(ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50), start=0, freq=12)
PACF = ts(c(0, ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50, pacf=TRUE)), start=0, freq=12)
tsplot(ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG \u00F7 12", gg=TRUE, col=4)
abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG \u00F7 12", gg=TRUE, col=4)
Seasonal Persistence (with drift toward annihilation)
tsplot(gtemp.month, spaghetti=TRUE, col=rainbow(49, start=.2, v=.8, rev=TRUE), ylab='\u00b0C', xlab='Month', xaxt='n', main='Mean Monthly Global Temperature')
axis(1, labels=Months, at=1:12)
lines(gtemp.month[,1], lwd=2, col=6)
lines(gtemp.month[,49], lwd=2, col=3)
text(10, 13, '1975')
text(10.3, 15.5, '2023')
Example 3.45
tsplot(cardox, col=4, ylab=bquote(CO[2]), main="Monthly Carbon Dioxide Readings - Mauna Loa Observatory")
tsplot(diff(diff(cardox,12)), col=4, ylab=bquote(nabla~nabla[12]~CO[2]))
acf2(diff(diff(cardox,12)), col=4)
sarima(cardox, p=0,d=1,q=1, P=0,D=1,Q=1,S=12, col=4)
sarima(cardox, 1,1,1, 0,1,1,12)
sarima.for(cardox, 60, 1,1,1, 0,1,1,12, col=4)
abline(v=2023.17, lty=6)
##-- for comparison, try the first model --##
sarima.for(cardox, 60, 0,1,1, 0,1,1,12) # not shown
✔ Note- the script
has a slight change inastsa
version 2.2. Ifplot
and smoothing is used, instead of including the tapering amount in the default graphic title, tapering information is printed along with bandwidth and degrees of freedom.
t = seq(0, 24, by=.1)
X = cos(2*pi*t/2) # one cycle every 2 hrs
tsplot(t, X, xlab="Hours", ylab=bquote(X[~t]), gg=TRUE, col=7)
T = seq(1, length(t), by=25) # observe every 2.5 hrs
points(t[T], X[T], pch=19, col=4)
lines(t, cos(2*pi*t/10), col=4)
Example 4.1
x1 = 2*cos(2*pi*1:100*6/100) + 3*sin(2*pi*1:100*6/100)
x2 = 4*cos(2*pi*1:100*10/100) + 5*sin(2*pi*1:100*10/100)
x3 = 6*cos(2*pi*1:100*40/100) + 7*sin(2*pi*1:100*40/100)
x = x1 + x2 + x3
par(mfrow = c(2,2), cex.main=1, font.main=1)
tsplot(x1, ylim=c(-10,10), main=bquote(omega==6/100~~A^2==13), col=4, gg=TRUE)
tsplot(x2, ylim=c(-10,10), main=bquote(omega==10/100~~A^2==41), col=4, gg=TRUE)
tsplot(x3, ylim=c(-10,10), main=bquote(omega==40/100~~A^2==85), col=4, gg=TRUE)
tsplot(x, ylim=c(-16,16), main="sum", col=4, gg=TRUE)
Example 4.2
### x from previous example used here
x1 = 2*cos(2*pi*1:100*6/100) + 3*sin(2*pi*1:100*6/100)
x2 = 4*cos(2*pi*1:100*10/100) + 5*sin(2*pi*1:100*10/100)
x3 = 6*cos(2*pi*1:100*40/100) + 7*sin(2*pi*1:100*40/100)
x = x1 + x2 + x3
per = Mod( fft(x)/sqrt(100) )^2
P = (4/100)*per; Fr = 0:99/100
tsplot(Fr, P, type="h", lwd=3, xlab="frequency", ylab="scaled periodogram", col=4, gg=TRUE)
abline(v=.5, lty=5, col=8)
Example 4.4
for(i in 4:9){
mvspec(fmri1[,i], main=colnames(fmri1)[i], ylim=c(0,3), xlim=c(0,.2), col=5, lwd=2, type='o', pch=20)
abline(v=1/32, col=4, lty=5) # stimulus frequency
Examples 4.5
t = 1:200
tsplot(x <- 2*cos(2*pi*.2*t)*cos(2*pi*.01*t)) # not shown
lines(cos(2*pi*.19*t)+cos(2*pi*.21*t), col=2) # the same
Px = mvspec(x, main='') # the periodogram
tsplot(star, ylab="star magnitude", xlab="day", col=4)
Pstar = mvspec(star, col=5, xlim=c(0,.08), lwd=3, type="h", main=NA)
text(.05, 7000, "24 day cycle"); text(.027, 9000, "29 day cycle")
Example 4.9
Arg( polyroot(c(1,-1,.9))[1] )/(2*pi)
arma.spec(main="White Noise", col=5, gg=TRUE)
arma.spec(ma=.9, main="Moving Average", col=5, gg=TRUE)
arma.spec(ar=c(1,-.9), main="Autoregression", col=5, gg=TRUE)
DFT - it's injective (so be receptive, be perceptive and acceptive, we ain't tryin to be deceptive)
( dft = fft(1:4)/sqrt(4) )
( idft = fft(dft, inverse=TRUE)/sqrt(4) )
( Re(idft) ) # keep it real
Example 4.12
x = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1); t=1:5
omega1 = cbind(cos(2*pi*t*1/5), sin(2*pi*t*1/5))
omega2 = cbind(cos(2*pi*t*2/5), sin(2*pi*t*2/5))
anova(lm(x~ omega1 + omega2)) # ANOVA Table
Mod(fft(x))^2/5 # the periodogram (as a check)
( Izero = 5*mean(x)^2 ) # amaze your friends
Example 4.15
P = mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, col=5)
rect(1/7,-1, 1/2, 4, density=NA, col=gray(.6,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=5, col=8)
mtext('1/4',side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
# confidence interval:
c(2*P$spec[18]/qchisq(.975, 2), 2*P$spec[18]/qchisq(.025, 2))
smoothing the periodogram
P = mvspec(rnorm(2^10), col=8, main=NA, ylab='periodogram', gg=TRUE)
segments(0,1, .5,1, col=astsa.col(6,.7), lwd=5) # actual spectrum
lines(P$freq, filter(P$spec, filter=rep(.01,100), circular=TRUE), col=4, lwd=3)
😡 remember if dplyr
is loaded it will mess up filter
😡 - if it's loaded, use one of the remedies at the top ...
Example 4.16
kd = kernel("daniell", 4) # nine 1/9s
ENSO.av = mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, kernel=kd, col=5, main='ENSO: Averaged Periodogram')
## Bandwidth: 0.125 | Degrees of Freedom: 17.96 | split taper: 0%
rect(1/7,-1, 1/2,4, density=NA, col=gray(.6,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=5, col=8)
mtext('1/4', side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
ENSO.avl = mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, kernel=kd, col=5, main='ENSO: Averaged Periodogram (log scale)', log='y')
rect(1/7, .005, 1/2, 1, density=NA, col=gray(.6,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=5, col=8)
mtext('1/4', side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
Example 4.17
y = ts(100:1 %% 20, freq=20) # sawtooth signal
tsplot(1:100, y, ylab='sawtooth signal', col=4, gg=TRUE)
mvspec(y, main=NA, ylab='periodogram', col=5, gg=TRUE)
Modified Daniell kernel (Central Limit Theorem in action 😎)
tsplot(kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3)), ylab=bquote(h[~k]), lwd=2, col=4, ylim=c(0,.16), xlab='k', type='h', main='mDaniell(3,3)', gg=TRUE)
tsplot(kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3,3)), ylab=bquote(h[~k]), lwd=2, col=4, ylim=c(0,.16), xlab='k', type='h', main='mDaniell(3,3,3)', gg=TRUE)
Example 4.18
ENSO.sm = mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, spans=c(7,7), col=5, main='ENSO: Smoothed Periodogram')
## Bandwidth: 0.128 | Degrees of Freedom: 18.42 | split taper: 0%
rect(1/7, -1, 1/2, 4, density=NA, col=gray(.6,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=5, col=8)
mtext('1/4',side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
ENSO.sml = mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, spans=c(7,7), col=5, main='ENSO: Smoothed Periodogram (log scale)', log='y')
rect(1/7, .005, 1/2,4, density=NA, col=gray(.6,.2))
abline(v=1/4, lty=5, col=8)
mtext('1/4',side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
Example 4.19
mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, spans=c(7,7,7), taper=.5, xlim=c(0,3), col=5)
s0 = mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, spans=c(7,7,7), plot=FALSE) # no taper
lines(s0$freq, s0$spec, col=2, lty=5)
text(.22, .4, 'leakage', cex=.8)
legend('bottomleft', legend=c('no taper', 'full taper'), lty=c(5,1), col=c(2,4), bty='n')
Example 4.20
par(xpd=NA, oma=c(0,0,0,10))
tap = function(p){spec.taper(rep(1,100), p)}
tsplot(1:100/100, cbind(tap(.1), tap(.2), tap(.5)), col=astsa.col(2:4,.5), lty=c(5,2,1), gg=TRUE, spaghetti=TRUE, xlab='t / n', lwd=2, ylab='taper')
legend('topright', inset=c(-.2,0), bty='n', lty=c(5,2,1), col=2:4, legend=c('10%','20%', 'Full'), lwd=2)
Example 4.21
mvspec(ts(scale(EQ5), freq=40), spans=c(21,21), xlim=c(0,10), taper=.1, col=5, main='Earthquake', xlab='frequency (Hz)')
mvspec(ts(scale(EXP6), freq=40), spans=c(21,21), xlim=c(0,10), taper=.1, col=5, main='Explosion', xlab='frequency (Hz)')
# Bandwidth: 0.587 | Degrees of Freedom: 53.88 | split taper: 10%
Example 4.22
spec.ic(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, col=astsa.col(5, .7), ylim=c(0,.65), lwd=2)
u = mvspec(ENSO, lowess=TRUE, spans=c(7,7), taper=.2, plot=FALSE)
lines(u$freq, u$spec, col=6, lty=5)
legend('topright', legend=c('Parameteric', 'Nonparametric'), lty=c(1,5), col=5:6, bg='white')
Example 4.25
sr = mvspec(cbind(soi,rec), kernel=kernel("daniell",9), col=5, ci.col=8, ci.lty=2, plot.type='coh', main='SOI & Recruitment')
f = qf(.999, 2, sr$df-2)
abline(h = f/(18+f), col=8)
Example 4.26
tsplot(ENSO, main='SOI', col=4, ylab='' )
tsplot(diff(ENSO), col=4, ylab='', main='First Difference')
k = kernel("modified.daniell", 6)
tsplot(kernapply(ENSO, k), col=4, ylab='', main='Seasonal Moving Average')
##-- frequency responses --##
w = seq(0, .5, by=.001)
FRdiff = abs(1-exp(2i*pi*w))^2
tsplot(12*w, FRdiff, col=4, ylab='', xlab='frequency (\u00D7 12)', main='First Difference')
u = rowSums(cos(outer(w, 2*pi*1:5)))
FRma = ((1 + cos(12*pi*w) + 2*u)/12)^2
tsplot(12*w, FRma, col=4, ylab='', xlab='frequency (\u00D7 12)', main='Seasonal Moving Average')
Example 4.28
LagReg(soi, rec, L=15, M=32, threshold=6)
LagReg(rec, soi, L=15, M=32, inverse=TRUE, threshold=.01)
fish = ts.intersect(R=rec, RL1=lag(rec,-1), SL5=lag(soi,-5), dframe=TRUE)
(u = lm(R~ RL1 + SL5, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(u)) # suggests ar1
sarima(fish$R, 1, 0, 0, xreg=fish[,2:3])
Example 4.29
f.ENSO = SigExtract(ENSO, L=c(21,21), M=64, max.freq=.05)
tsplot(ENSO, col=8)
lines(f.ENSO, col=4, lwd=2)
mvspec(f.ENSO, lowess=TRUE, spans=c(21,21), taper=.5, col=5, na.action=na.omit)
rect(1/12,-1, 1/2,1, density=NA, col=gray(.6,.2))
abline(v=1/3, lty=5, col=8)
mtext('1/3',side=1, line=0, at=1/3, cex=.75)
Example 4.30
per = Mod(fft(soiltemp-mean(soiltemp))/sqrt(64*36))^2
per2 = cbind(per[1:32,18:2], per[1:32,1:18]) # these lines used ...
per3 = rbind(per2[32:2,], per2) # ... for better display
persp(-31:31/64, -17:17/36, per3, phi=30, theta=30, expand=.6, ticktype="detailed", xlab="cycles/row", ylab="cycles/column", zlab="Periodogram", col='lightblue')
Example 4.31
Note: For the remaining examples in this chapter, the breakpoints can vary because GA is random - adjust accordingly
x1 = sarima.sim(ar=c(1.4, -.8), sd=1.5, n=600)
x2 = sarima.sim(ar=c(1.7, -.8), n=400)
x = c(x1, x2)
tsplot(x, col=4)
abline(v=600.5, col=2, lwd=2)
ar(x[1:600], order=2)
ar(x[601:1000], order=2)
mvspec(x) # all action < .2 (not displayed)
autoSpec(x, max.freq=.2)
##-- graphics
z1 = arma.spec(ar=c(1.4, -.8), var=1.5^2, plot=FALSE)
z2 = arma.spec(ar=c(1.7, -.8), plot=FALSE)
spec.ic(x1, order=2, main='AutoParm', col=6, gg=TRUE, ylim=c(0,275), xlim=c(0,.25))
u = spec.ic(x2, order=2, plot=FALSE)
lines(u[[2]], col=5)
lines(z2$freq, z2$spec, col=8)
lines(z1$freq, z1$spec, col=8)
legend('topright', legend=c('True', 'Segment 1', 'Segment 2'), lty=1, col=c(8,6,5), bty="n")
mvspec(x[598:1000], taper=.5, kernel=bart(3), col=5, main='AutoSpec', gg=TRUE, las=0, xlim=c(0,.25))
u = mvspec(x[1:597], taper=.5, kernel=bart(7), plot=FALSE)
lines(u$freq, u$spec, col=6, lwd=2)
lines(z2$freq, z2$spec, col=8)
lines(z1$freq, z1$spec, col=8)
legend('topright', legend=c('True', 'Segment 1', 'Segment 2'), lty=1, col=c(8,6,5), bty="n")
Example 4.32
num = 1000
t = 1:num
w = 2*pi/25
d = 2*pi/150
x1 = 2*cos(w*t)*cos(d*t) + rnorm(num)
x2 = cos(w*t) + rnorm(num)
x = c(x1, x2)
spec.ic(x, order=13) # the chosen estimate (not displayed)
mvspec(x) # all action < .1 (not displayed)
autoSpec(x, max.freq=.1)
#-- graphics
spec.ic(x1, gg=TRUE, col=5, xlim=c(0,.1))
segments(x0=.04-1/150, y0=-10, y1=10, col=2)
segments(x0=.04+1/150, y0=-10, y1=10, col=2)
spec.ic(x2, gg=TRUE, col=5, xlim=c(0,.1))
segments(x0=.04, y0=-10, y1 = 5, col=2)
mvspec(x[1:1004], taper=.5, kernel=bart(1), col=5, main='AutoSpec - Segment 1', gg=TRUE, las=0, xlim=c(0,.1))
segments(x0=.04-1/150, y0=-10, y1=10, col=2)
segments(x0=.04+1/150, y0=-10, y1=10, col=2)
mvspec(x[1005:2000], taper=.5, kernel=bart(1), col=5, main='AutoSpec - Segment 2', gg=TRUE, las=0, xlim=c(0,.1))
segments(x0=.04, y0=-10, y1=10, col=2)
Example 4.33
autoParm(detrend(MEI, lowess=TRUE)) # no breaks found
autoSpec(detrend(MEI, lowess=TRUE), max.freq=1/12) # one break, mid-1979
x1 = window(detrend(MEI, lowess=TRUE), end=1979.4)
x2 = window(detrend(MEI, lowess=TRUE), start=1979.4) # June 1979
#-- graphic
trend(MEI, lowess=TRUE)
mvspec(x1/sd(x1), taper=.2, kernel=bart(2), col=5, lwd=2, main=NA, xlim=c(0,2))
u = mvspec(x2/sd(x2), taper=.2, kernel=bart(2), col=6, plot=FALSE)
lines(u$freq, u$spec, col=6, lwd=2 )
rect(1/7,-1, 1/2,1.5, density=NA, border=NA, col=gray(.6,.2))
abline(v=c(1/1.5,1/2, 1/7, 1/3), lty=5, col=8)
legend('topright', legend=c('1950 - 1979 ', '1979 - 2018 '), lty=1, bg='transparent', bty='n', col=5:6, cex=.9)
mtext('7', side=1, line=-.2, at=1/7, cex=.75, font=2, col=3)
mtext('3', side=1, line=-.2, at=1/3, cex=.75, font=2, col=3)
mtext('1.5',side=1, line=-.2, at=2/3, cex=.75, font=2, col=3)
mtext('2', side=1, line=-.2, at=.5, cex=.75, font=2, col=3)
Classic long memory (of the way we were 🎶)
acf1(log(varve), 100)
acf1(cumsum(rnorm(500)), 100)
Example 5.1
summary(varve.fd <- arfima(log(varve)))
innov = resid(varve.fd)[[1]]
sarima(innov, 0,0,0, no.constant=TRUE, col=4) # residual analysis
# plot pi wgts
p = c(1)
for (k in 1:30){ p[k+1] = (k-coef(varve.fd)[1])*p[k]/(k+1) }
tsplot(p[-1], ylab=bquote(pi[j](d)), xlab="Index (j)", type="h", lwd=4, col=2:7, nxm=5)
Example 5.2
summary(varve1.fd <- arfima(log(varve), order=c(0,0,1)))
Example 5.3
per = mvspec(log(varve), fast=FALSE, demean=TRUE, plot=FALSE)$spec
n.per = length(per)
m = floor((n.per)/2 - 1)
d0 = .1
g = 4*(sin(pi*((1:m)/n.per))^2)
whit.like = function(d){
g.d = g^d
sig2 = (sum(g.d*per[1:m])/m)
log.like = m*log(sig2) + d*sum(log(g)) + m
est = optim(d0, whit.like, gr=NULL, method="L-BFGS-B", hessian=TRUE, lower=0, upper=.5)
c(dhat <- est$par, se.dhat <- 1/sqrt(est$hessian), sig2 <- sum(g^dhat*per[1:m])/m)
u = spec.ic(log(varve), plot=FALSE) # produces AR(8)
g = 4*(sin(pi*((1:200)/2000))^2)
fhat = sig2*g^{-dhat} # LM spectrum
tsplot(1:200/2000, fhat, log='y', ylim=c(.3,50), ylab="spectrum", xlab="frequency", col=5)
lines(u[[2]][1:100,1], u[[2]][1:100,2], lty=5, col=6) # AR(8) spectrum
dog = mvspec(log(varve), fast=FALSE, demean=TRUE, plot=FALSE)
n = length(varve); lper = log(dog$spec); freq = dog$freq
z = -2*log(2*sin(pi*freq)); m = floor(n^.8)
summary(lm(lper[1:m]~ z[1:m]))
Example 5.4
adf.test(log(varve), k=0) # DF test
adf.test(log(varve)) # ADF test
pp.test(log(varve)) # PP test
Example 5.5
tsplot(diff(log(GNP)), col=4) # data
acf2(diff(log(GNP)), col=4, main=NA) # p/acf
library(fGarch) # fit ARCH model
summary(gnp.g <- garchFit(~arma(2,0)+garch(1,0), data=diff(log(GNP)), cond.dist='std'))
plot(gnp.g) # for various graphics
Example 5.6
library(TSA); library(xts) # download and install if necessary
dENSO = detrend(ENSO, lowess=TRUE)
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
test.linear(dENSO, main='ENSO')
test.linear(djiar, main='DJIA Returns')
Example 5.7
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
acf2(djiar, col=3) # minimal autocorrelation
acf2(djiar^2, col=4) # oozes autocorrelation
summary(djia.g <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+garch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist='std'))
plot(djia.g) # to see all plot options
Example 5.8
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
summary(djia.ap <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+aparch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist='std'))
plot(djia.ap) # to see all plot options (none shown)
Example 5.9
# Plot data with months as points
tsplot(flu, type='c')
points(flu, pch=Months, cex=1, col=2:5, font=2)
# Start analysis
dflu = diff(flu)
lag1.plot(dflu, corr=FALSE) # scatterplot with lowess fit
thrsh = .05 # threshold
Z = ts.intersect(dflu, lag(dflu,-1), lag(dflu,-2), lag(dflu,-3), lag(dflu,-4))
ind1 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, 1, NA) # indicator < thrsh
ind2 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, NA, 1) # indicator >= thrsh
X1 = Z[,1]*ind1
X2 = Z[,1]*ind2
summary(fit1 <- lm(X1~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 1
summary(fit2 <- lm(X2~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 2
# Predictions
D = cbind(rep(1, nrow(Z)), Z[,2:5]) # design matrix
p1 = D %*% coef(fit1)
p2 = D %*% coef(fit2)
prd = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, p1, p2)
tsplot(dflu, type='p', ylim=c(-.5,.5), pch=3, col=6, nym=2)
lines(prd, col=4, lwd=2)
prde1 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit1)^2)/df.residual(fit1))
prde2 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit2)^2)/df.residual(fit2))
prde = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, prde1, prde2)
x = time(dflu)[-(1:4)]
xx = c(x, rev(x))
yy = c(prd - 2*prde, rev(prd + 2*prde))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.2))
sarima(dflu-prd, 0,0,0) # residual analysis (not shown)
library(NTS) # load package - install it first
flutar = uTAR(diff(flu), p1=4, p2=4)
sarima(resid(flutar), 0,0,0) # residual analysis (not shown)
Example 5.10 & 5.11
x = cbind(cmort, tempr, part)
summary( VAR(x, p=1, type='both') ) # 'both' fits constant + trend
VARselect(x, lag.max=10, type="both")
fit <- VAR(x, p=2, type="both")
round(Bcoef(fit), 2) # display all regression estimates
summary(fit) # partial output
acfm(resid(fit), 52)
serial.test(fit, lags.pt=12, type="PT.adjusted")
( acfm(resid(fit), 0, plot=FALSE) )
(fit.pr = predict(fit, n.ahead = 24, ci = 0.95)) # 4 weeks ahead
fanchart(fit.pr) # plot prediction + error bounds
Example 5.12
model = define.model(kvar=3, ar=c(1,2), ma=c(1))
arp = model$ar.pattern; map = model$ma.pattern
resid(detr <- lm(cmort~time(cmort), na.action=NULL))
xdata = matrix(cbind(cmort.d, tempr, part), ncol=3) # strip ts attributes
fit = marima(xdata, ar.pattern=arp, ma.pattern=map, means=c(0,1,1), penalty=1)
# resid analysis (not displayed)
innov = t(resid(fit)); plot.ts(innov); acfm(innov, na.action=na.pass)
# fitted values for cmort
pred = ts(t(fitted(fit))[,1], start=start(cmort), freq=frequency(cmort))+detr$coef[1]+detr$coef[2]*time(cmort)
tsplot(cmort, type='p', col=8, ylab="Cardiovascular Mortality")
lines(pred, col=4)
# print estimates and corresponding t^2-statistic
short.form(fit$ar.estimates, leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ar.fvalues, leading=FALSE)
# short.form(fit$ar.pvalues, leading=FALSE) # p-values
short.form(fit$ma.estimates, leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ma.fvalues, leading=FALSE)
# short.form(fit$ma.pvalues, leading=FALSE) # p-values
fit$resid.cov # estimate of noise cov matrix
Example 6.1
tsplot(blood, type='o', col=c(4,6,3), pch=19, cex=1)
Example 6.2
tsplot(cbind(gtemp_land, gtemp_both), col=astsa.col(c(4,6),.7), lwd=2, ylab='Temperature Deviations', spaghetti=TRUE, addLegend=TRUE, location='topleft', legend=c('Land Surface', 'Sea Surface'))
Example 6.5
# generate data
num = 50
w = rnorm(num+1)
v = rnorm(num)
mu = cumsum(w) # states: mu[0], mu[1], . . ., mu[50]
y = mu[-1] + v # obs: y[1], . . ., y[50]
# filter and smooth (Ksmooth does both)
ks = Ksmooth(y, A=1, mu0=0, Sigma0=1, Phi=1, sQ=1, sR=1)
tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=bquote(mu[~t]), main="Prediction", ylim=c(-3,8), gg=TRUE)
lines(ks$Xp, col=5, lwd=2)
xx = c(1:50,50:1)
yy = c(ks$Xp-2*sqrt(ks$Pp), rev(ks$Xp+2*sqrt(ks$Pp)))
polygon(xx, yy, col=gray(.6,.2), border=NA)
lines(y, col=6, lty=5)
tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=bquote(mu[~t]), main="Filter", ylim=c(-3,8), gg=TRUE)
lines(ks$Xf, col=5, lwd=2)
xx = c(1:50,50:1)
yy = c(ks$Xf-2*sqrt(ks$Pf), rev(ks$Xf+2*sqrt(ks$Pf)))
polygon(xx, yy, col=gray(.6,.2), border=NA)
lines(y, col=6, lty=5)
tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=bquote(mu[~t]), main="Smoother", ylim=c(-3,8), gg=TRUE)
lines(ks$Xs, col=5, lwd=2)
xx = c(1:50,50:1)
yy = c(ks$Xs-2*sqrt(ks$Ps), rev(ks$Xs+2*sqrt(ks$Ps)))
polygon(xx, yy, col=gray(.6,.2), border=NA)
lines(y, col=6, lty=5)
Example 6.6
# Generate Data
set.seed(90210); num = 100
x = sarima.sim(n = num+1, ar = .8)
y = ts( x[-1] + rnorm(num) )
# Initial Estimates
u = ts.intersect(y, lag(y,-1), lag(y,-2))
varu = var(u); coru = cor(u)
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2]
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi; r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2)
(init.par = c(phi, sqrt(q), sqrt(r)))
# Function to evaluate the likelihood
Linn = function(para){
phi = para[1]; sigw = para[2]; sigv = para[3]
Sigma0 = (sigw^2)/(1-phi^2); Sigma0[Sigma0<0]=0
kf = Kfilter(y, A=1, mu0=0, Sigma0, phi, sigw, sigv)
return(kf$like) }
# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, gr=NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
round(cbind(estimate=c(phi=est$par[1],sigw=est$par[2],sigv=est$par[3]),SE), 3)
Example 6.7
sl = sd(window(gtemp_land, start=1991, end=2020))
sb = sd(window(gtemp_both, start=1991, end=2020))
y = cbind(gtemp_land/sl, gtemp_both/sb)
input = rep(1, nrow(y))
A = matrix(c(1,1), nrow=2)
mu0 = -.35; Sigma0 = 1; Phi = 1
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
sQ = para[1] # sigma_w
sR1 = para[2] # 11 element of sR
sR2 = para[3] # 22 element of sR
sR21 = para[4] # 21 element of sR
sR = matrix(c(sR1,sR21,0,sR2), 2) # put the matrix together
drift = para[5]
kf = Kfilter(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR,Ups=drift,Gam=NULL,input)
# Estimation
init.par = c(.1, 1, 1, 0, .05) # initial values of parameters
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# Summary of estimation
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u)=c("sigw","sR11", "sR22", "sR21", "drift"); u
# Smooth (first set parameters to their final estimates)
sQ = est$par[1]
sR1 = est$par[2]
sR2 = est$par[3]
sR21 = est$par[4]
sR = matrix(c(sR1,sR21,0,sR2), 2)
(R = sR%*%t(sR)) # to view the estimated R matrix
drift = est$par[5]
ks = Ksmooth(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR,Ups=drift,Gam=NULL,input)
# Plot
tsplot(y, spag=TRUE, type='o', pch=2:3, col=4:3, ylab='Temperature Deviations')
xsm = ts(as.vector(ks$Xs), start=1850)
rmse = ts(sqrt(as.vector(ks$Ps)), start=1850)
lines(xsm, lwd=2, col=6)
xx = c(time(xsm), rev(time(xsm)))
yy = c(xsm-2*rmse, rev(xsm+2*rmse))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.6, alpha=.25))
Example 6.8
library(nlme) # loads package nlme (comes with R)
# Generate data (same as Example 6.6)
set.seed(999); num = 100; N = num+1
x = sarima.sim(ar=.8, n=N)
y = ts(x[-1] + rnorm(num))
# Initial Estimates
u = ts.intersect(y,lag(y,-1),lag(y,-2))
varu = var(u); coru = cor(u)
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2]
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi
r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2)
mu0 = 0; Sigma0 = 2.8
# run EM - note: input the variances q and r
( em = EM(y, A=1, mu0, Sigma0, phi, q, r) )
# Standard Errors (this uses nlme)
phi = em$Phi; sq = sqrt(em$Q); sr = sqrt(em$R)
mu0 = em$mu0; Sigma0 = em$Sigma0
para = c(phi, sq, sr)
# evaluate likelihood at estimates
kf = Kfilter(y, A=1, mu0, Sigma0, para[1], para[2], para[3])
emhess = fdHess(para, function(para) Linn(para))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(emhess$Hessian)))
# Display summary of estimation
estimate = c(para, em$mu0, em$Sigma0); SE = c(SE,NA,NA)
u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u) = c("phi","sigw","sigv","mu0","Sigma0"); u
Example 6.9
num = 100
phi1 = 1.5; phi2 =-.75 # the AR parameters
# simulate the AR(2) states [var(w[t]) = 1 by default]
x = sarima.sim(ar = c(phi1, phi2), n=num)
# the observations
y = 50 + x + rnorm(num, 0, sqrt(.1)) # [var(v[t]) = .1]
# initial conditions (stationary values)
mux = rbind(0, 0)
Sigmax = matrix(c(8.6,7.4,7.4,8.6), 2, 2)
# for estimation, we use these not so great starting values
Phi = diag(0, 2); Phi[2,1] = 1; Phi[1,1] = .1; Phi[1,2] = .1
Q = diag(0, 2); Q[1,1] = .1
R = .1; Gam = mean(y)
# run EM one at a time, then re-constrain the parameters
A = cbind(1, 0)
input = rep(1, num)
for (i in 1:75){
em = EM(y, A, mu0=mux, Sigma0=Sigmax, Phi, Q, R, Ups=NULL, Gam, input, max.iter=1)
Phi = diag(0,2); Phi[2,1] = 1
Phi[1,1] = em$Phi[1,1]; Phi[1,2] = em$Phi[1,2]
Q = diag(0, 2); Q[1,1] = em$Q[1,1];
R = em$R; Gam = em$Gam
Phi[1,1:2] # (actual 1.5 and -.75)
Q[1,1] # (actual 1)
R # (actual .1)
Gam # (actual 50)
Example 6.10
y = blood # missing values are NA
num = nrow(y)
A = array(diag(1,3), dim=c(3,3,num)) # measurement matrices
for (k in 1:num) if (is.na(y[k,1])) A[,,k] = diag(0,3)
# Initial values
mu0 = matrix(0,3,1)
Sigma0 = diag(c(.1,.1,1) ,3)
Phi = diag(1, 3)
Q = diag(c(.01,.01,1), 3)
R = diag(c(.01,.01,1), 3)
# Run EM
(em = EM(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, Q, R))
# Run smoother at the estimates
sQ = em$Q %^% .5 # for matrices, can use square root
sR = sqrt(em$R)
ks = Ksmooth(y, A, em$mu0, em$Sigma0, em$Phi, sQ, sR)
# Pull out the values
y1s = ks$Xs[1,,]
y2s = ks$Xs[2,,]
y3s = ks$Xs[3,,]
p1 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,])
p2 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,])
p3 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[3,3,])
# plots
miss = ifelse(is.na(y), 1 ,0)[,1] # for ticks at missing days
tsplot(WBC, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(1,5), col=6, lwd=2, cex=1)
xx = c(time(WBC), rev(time(WBC))) # same for all
yy = c(y1s-p1, rev(y1s+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
lines(miss, type='h', lwd=2)
tsplot(PLT, type='p', ylim=c(3,6), pch=19, col=4, lwd=2, cex=1)
yy = c(y2s-p2, rev(y2s+p2))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
lines(3*miss, type='h', lwd=2)
tsplot(HCT, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(20,40), col=2, lwd=2, cex=1)
yy = c(y3s-p3, rev(y3s+p3))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
lines(20*miss, type='h', lwd=2)
Example 6.11
A = cbind(1,1,0,0) # measurement matrix
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = para[1]
Phi[2,]=c(0,-1,-1,-1); Phi[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
sQ1 = para[2]; sQ2 = para[3] # sqrt q11 and sqrt q22
sQ = diag(0,4); sQ[1,1]=sQ1; sQ[2,2]=sQ2
sR = para[4] # sqrt r11
kf = Kfilter(jj, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR)
# Initial Parameters
mu0 = c(.7,0,0,0)
Sigma0 = diag(.04, 4)
init.par = c(1.03, .1, .1, .5) # Phi[1,1], the 2 sQs and sR
# Estimation
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimate=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c("Phi11","sigw1","sigw2","sigv"); u
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = est$par[1]; Phi[2,] = c(0,-1,-1,-1)
Phi[3,] = c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,] = c(0,0,1,0)
sQ = diag(0,4)
sQ[1,1] = est$par[2]
sQ[2,2] = est$par[3]
sR = est$par[4]
ks = Ksmooth(jj, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR)
# Plots
Tsm = ts(ks$Xs[1,,], start=1960, freq=4)
Ssm = ts(ks$Xs[2,,], start=1960, freq=4)
p1 = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,]); p2 = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,])
tsplot(Tsm, main='Trend Component', ylab='', col=4)
xx = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)))
yy = c(Tsm-p1, rev(Tsm+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha=.3))
tsplot(Ssm, main='Seasonal Component', ylab='', col=4)
xx = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)) )
yy = c(Ssm-p2, rev(Ssm+p2))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha=.3))
# Forecasts
n.ahead = 12
num = length(jj)
Xp = ks$Xf[,,num]
Pp = as.matrix(ks$Pf[,,num])
y = c(jj[num])
rmspe = c(0)
for (m in 1:n.ahead){
kf = Kfilter(y[m], A, mu0=Xp, Sigma0=Pp, Phi, sQ, sR)
Xp = kf$Xp[,,1]
Pp = as.matrix(kf$Pp[,,1])
sig = A%*%Pp%*%t(A) + sR^2
y[m] = A%*%Xp
rmspe[m] = sqrt(sig)
y = ts(append(jj, y), start=1960, freq=4)
# plot
tsplot(window(y, start=1975), type='o', main='', ylab='J&J QE/Share', col=4, ylim=c(5,26))
lines(window(y, start=1981), type='o', col=6)
upp = window(y, start=1981)+3*rmspe
low = window(y, start=1981)-3*rmspe
xx = c(time(low), rev(time(upp)))
yy = c(low, rev(upp))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.6, alpha = .2))
Example 6.13
# Preliminary analysis
fit1 = sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=time(cmort))
acf(cbind(dmort <- resid(fit1$fit), tempr, part))
lag2.plot(tempr, dmort, 8)
lag2.plot(part, dmort, 8)
# easy prelim method: detrend cmort then do the regression
dcmort = detrend(cmort)
ded = ts.intersect(dM=dcmort, dM1=lag(dcmort,-1), dM2=lag(dcmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4 = lag(part,-4), dframe=TRUE)
sarima(ded$dM, 0,0,0, xreg=ded[,2:6])
##-- full run using Kfilter --##
trend = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort)) # center time
const = time(cmort)/time(cmort) # a ts of 1s
ded = ts.intersect(M=cmort, T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4), trend, const)
y = ded[,1]; input =ded[,2:6]
A = matrix(c(1,0), 1,2)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
phi1 = para[1]; phi2=para[2]; sR=para[3]; b1=para[4];
b2 = para[5]; b3=para[6]; b4=para[7]; alf=para[8]
mu0 = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1); Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
Phi = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
sQ = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)*sR
S = 1
Ups = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
Gam = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5);
kf = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR, Ups, Gam, input, S, version=2)
return(kf$like) }
# Estimation
init.par = c(phi1=.3, phi2=.3, cR=5, b1=-.2, b2=.1, b3=.05, b4=-1.6, alf=mean(cmort))
L = c(.1, .1, 2, -.5, 0, 0, -2, 70) # lower bound on parameters
U = c(.5, .5, 8, 0, .4, .2, 0, 90) # upper bound - used in optim
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=L, upper=U, hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1,factr=10^8))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# Results
u = cbind(estimate=est$par, SE)
# Residual Analysis (not shown)
phi1 = est$par[1]; phi2 = est$par[2]
sR = est$par[3]; b1 = est$par[4]
b2 = est$par[5]; b3 = est$par[6]
b4 = est$par[7]; alf = est$par[8]
mu0 = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1)
Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
Phi = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
S = 1
Ups = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
Gam = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5)
sQ = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)*sR
kf = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR, Ups, Gam, input, S, version=2)
res = ts(drop(kf$innov), start=start(cmort), freq=frequency(cmort))
sarima(res, 0,0,0, no.constant=TRUE) # gives a full residual analysis
# complete ARMAX approach
ded = ts.intersect(M=cmort, M1=lag(cmort,-1), M2=lag(cmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4), trend=time(cmort), dframe=TRUE)
sarima(ded$M, 0,0,0, xreg=ded[,2:7])
Example 6.14
# data plot
tsplot(cbind(qinfl, qintr), ylab='Rate (%)', col=c(4,6), spag=TRUE, type='o', pch=2:3, addLegend=TRUE, location="topleft", legend=c("Inflation","Interest"))
# set up
y = window(qinfl, c(1953,1), c(1965,2)) # quarterly inflation
z = window(qintr, c(1953,1), c(1965,2)) # interest
num = length(y)
A = array(z, dim=c(1,1,num))
input = matrix(1,num,1)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para, y.data){ # pass data also
phi = para[1]; alpha = para[2]
b = para[3]; Ups = (1-phi)*b
sQ = para[4]; sR = para[5]
kf = Kfilter(y.data, A, mu0, Sigma0, phi, sQ, sR, Ups, Gam=alpha, input)
mu0 = 1
Sigma0 = .01
init.par = c(phi=.84, alpha=-.77, b=.85, sQ=.12, sR=1.1) # initial values
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, y.data=y, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE,
control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1, reltol=.0001))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# results
phi = est$par[1]; alpha = est$par[2]
b = est$par[3]; Ups = (1-phi)*b
sQ = est$par[4]; sR = est$par[5]
round(cbind(estimate=est$par, SE), 3)
tol = .0001 # determines convergence of optimizer
nboot = 500 # number of bootstrap replicates
# Run the filter at the estimates
kf = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, phi, sQ, sR, Ups, Gam=alpha, input)
# Pull out necessary values from the filter and initialize
xp = kf$Xp
Pp = kf$Pp
innov = kf$innov
sig = kf$sig
e = innov/sqrt(sig)
e.star = e # initialize values
y.star = y
xp.star = xp
k = 4:50 # hold first 3 observations fixed
para.star = matrix(0, nboot, 5) # to store estimates
init.par = c(.84, -.77, .85, .12, 1.1)
pb = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=nboot, initial=0, style=3) # progress bar
for (i in 1:nboot){
e.star[k] = sample(e[k], replace=TRUE)
for (j in k){
K = (phi*Pp[j-1]*z[j-1])/sig[j-1]
xp.star[j] = phi*xp.star[j-1] + Ups + K*sqrt(sig[j-1])*e.star[j-1]
y.star[k] = z[k]*xp.star[k] + alpha + sqrt(sig[k])*e.star[k]
est.star = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, y.data=y.star, method='BFGS',control=list(reltol=tol))
para.star[i,] = cbind(est.star$par[1], est.star$par[2], est.star$par[3], abs(est.star$par[4]), abs(est.star$par[5]))
# SEs from the bootstrap (compare these to the SEs above)
rmse = rep(NA,5)
for(i in 1:5){
cat(names(est$par[i]), "\t", rmse[i], "\n")
# Plot phi v sigw
phi = para.star[,1]
sigw = abs(para.star[,4])
phi = ifelse(phi<0, NA, phi) # any phi < 0 not plotted
scatter.hist(sigw, phi, ylab=bquote(phi), xlab=bquote(sigma[~w]), hist.col=astsa.col(5,.3), pt.col=astsa.col(5,.7), pt.size=1.2)
quantile(phi, na.rm=TRUE, c(.025, .5, .975))
Example 6.15
num = 50
w = rnorm(num,0,.1)
x = cumsum(cumsum(w)) # states
y = x + rnorm(num,0,1) # observations
tsplot(cbind(x,y), ylab="", type='o', pch=c(NA,20), lwd=2:1, col=c(1,4), spag=TRUE, gg=TRUE)
# state space
Phi = matrix(c(2,1,-1,0),2)
A = matrix(c(1,0),1)
mu0 = matrix(0,2)
Sigma0 = diag(1,2)
Linn = function(para){
sigw = para[1]; sigv = para[2]
sQ = diag(c(sigw,0))
kf = Kfilter(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sigv)
# estimation
init.par=c(.1, 1)
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u)=c("sigw","sigv"); u
# smooth
sigw = est$par[1]
sQ = diag(c(sigw,0))
sigv = est$par[2]
ks = Ksmooth(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sigv)
xsmoo = ts(ks$Xs[1,1,])
psmoo = ts(ks$Ps[1,1,])
upp = xsmoo + 2*sqrt(psmoo)
low = xsmoo - 2*sqrt(psmoo)
lines(xsmoo, col=6, lty=5, lwd=2)
xx = c(time(xsmoo), rev(time(xsmoo)))
yy = c(low, rev(upp))
polygon(xx, yy, col=gray(.6,.2), border=NA)
lines(smooth.spline(y), lty=1, col=7)
legend("topleft", c("Observations","State"), pch=c(20,NA), lty=1, lwd=c(1,2), col=c(4,1), bty='n')
legend("bottomright", c("Smoother", "GCV Spline"), lty=c(5,1), lwd=c(2,1), col=c(6,7), bty='n')
Example 6.17
model <- depmix(EQcount ~1, nstates=2, data=data.frame(EQcount), family=poisson())
fm <- fit(model) # estimation
#-- get parameters --#
# make sure state 1 is min lambda
u = as.vector(getpars(fm))
if (u[7] <= u[8]) { para.mle = c(u[3:6], exp(u[7]), exp(u[8]))
} else { para.mle = c(u[6:3], exp(u[8]), exp(u[7]))
( mtrans = matrix(para.mle[1:4], byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) )
( lams = para.mle[5:6] )
( SE = standardError(fm)$se[7:8]*lams ) # see footnote
c( pi1 <- mtrans[2,1]/(2 - mtrans[1,1] - mtrans[2,2]), pi2 <- 1 - pi1 )
##-- Graphics --##
layout(matrix(c(1,2,1,3), 2))
tsplot(EQcount, type='c', ylim=c(4,42), col=8)
states = ts(fm@posterior, start=1900)
text(EQcount, col=6*states[,1]-2, labels=states[,1], cex=.9)
# prob of state 2
tsplot(states[,2], ylab=bquote(hat(pi)[~2]*' (t | n)'), col=4)
abline(h=.5, col=6, lty=2)
# histogram
hist(EQcount, breaks=30, prob=TRUE, main=NA, col='lightblue')
xvals = seq(1,45)
u1 = pi1*dpois(xvals, lams[1])
u2 = pi2*dpois(xvals, lams[2])
lines(xvals, u1, col=4, lwd=2)
lines(xvals, u2, col=2, lwd=2)
Example 6.18
y = ts(sp500w, start=2003, freq=52) # makes data useable for depmix
mod3 <- depmix(y~1, nstates=3, data=data.frame(y))
# output (not displayed)
summary(fm3 <- fit(mod3)) # transition matrix and normal estimates
( SE = standardError(fm3) ) # corresponding SEs
# graphics
para.mle = as.vector(getpars(fm3)[-(1:3)])
# for display (states 1 and 3 names switched)
permu = matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0), 3,3)
(mtrans.mle = permu%*%round(t(matrix(para.mle[1:9],3,3)),3)%*%permu)
(norms.mle = round(matrix(para.mle[10:15],2,3),3)%*%permu)
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), 2), heights=c(1,.75))
tsplot(y, main=NA, ylab='S&P500 Weekly Returns', col=8, ylim=c(-.15,.11))
culer = fm3@posterior[,1]
text(y, col=culer, labels=4-fm3@posterior[,1], cex=1.1)
acf1(ts(y^2), 20, col=4, xlab='LAG', main=NA, ylim=c(-.1,.3))
hist(y, 25, prob=TRUE, main="", xlab='S&P500 Weekly Returns', ylim=c(0,22), col=gray(.7,.2))
culer=c(3,2,4); pi.hat = table(fm3@posterior[,1])/length(y)
for (i in 1:3) { mu=norms.mle[1,i]; sig = norms.mle[2,i]
x = seq(-.15,.12, by=.001)
lines(x, pi.hat[4-i]*dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=sig), lwd=2, col=culer[i]) }
Example 6.19
dflu = diff(flu)
model = lm(dflu~ 1)
mod = msmFit(model, k=2, p=2, sw=rep(TRUE,4)) # 2 regimes, AR(2)s
plotProb(mod, which=3) # or which=2
Example 6.22
y = as.matrix(flu)
num = length(y)
nstate = 4
M1 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,1,0)) # normal
M2 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,1,1)) # epi
prob = matrix(0,num,1) # to store pi2(t|t-1)
yp = y # to store y(t|t-1)
xfilter = array(0, dim=c(nstate,1,num)) # to store x(t|t)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
alpha1= para[1]; alpha2= para[2]; beta= para[3]
sQ1= para[4]; sQ2= para[5]; sQ3= para[6]
sR = para[7]; like= 0
xf = matrix(0, nstate, 1) # x filter
xp = matrix(0, nstate, 1) # x predict
Pf = diag(.1, nstate) # filter covar
Pp = diag(.1, nstate) # predict covar
pi11 <- .75 -> pi22; pi12 <- .25 -> pi21; pif1 <- .5 -> pif2
phi = diag(0, nstate)
phi[1,1]= alpha1; phi[1,2]= alpha2; phi[2,1]= 1; phi[3,3]= 1
Ups = matrix(c(0,0,0,beta), nstate, 1)
Q = diag(0, nstate)
Q[1,1]= sQ1^2; Q[3,3]= sQ2^2; Q[4,4]= sQ3^2; R= sR^2
# begin filtering
for(i in 1:num){
xp = phi%*%xf + Ups; Pp = phi%*%Pf%*%t(phi) + Q
sig1 = as.numeric(M1%*%Pp%*%t(M1) + R)
sig2 = as.numeric(M2%*%Pp%*%t(M2) + R)
k1 = Pp%*%t(M1)/sig1; k2 = Pp%*%t(M2)/sig2
e1 = y[i]-M1%*%xp; e2 = y[i]-M2%*%xp
pip1 = pif1*pi11 + pif2*pi21
pip2 = pif1*pi12 + pif2*pi22;
den1 = (1/sqrt(sig1))*exp(-.5*e1^2/sig1);
den2 = (1/sqrt(sig2))*exp(-.5*e2^2/sig2);
denom = pip1*den1 + pip2*den2;
pif1 = pip1*den1/denom; pif2 = pip2*den2/denom;
pif1 = as.numeric(pif1); pif2 = as.numeric(pif2)
e1 = as.numeric(e1); e2 = as.numeric(e2)
xf = xp + pif1*k1*e1 + pif2*k2*e2
eye = diag(1, nstate)
Pf = pif1*(eye-k1%*%M1)%*%Pp + pif2*(eye-k2%*%M2)%*%Pp
like = like - log(pip1*den1 + pip2*den2)
prob[i]<<-pip2; xfilter[,,i]<<-xf; innov.sig<<-c(sig1,sig2)
yp[i]<<-ifelse(pip1 > pip2, M1%*%xp, M2%*%xp)
# Estimation
alpha1=1.4; alpha2=-.5; beta=.3; sQ1=.1; sQ2=.1; sQ3=.1; sR=.1
init.par = c( alpha1, alpha2, beta, sQ1, sQ2, sQ3, sR)
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimate=est$par, SE)
rownames(u) = c("alpha1","alpha2","beta","sQ1","sQ2","sQ3",'sR')
round(u, 3)
# Graphics
predepi = ifelse(prob<.5,1,2)
k = 6:length(y)
Time = time(flu)[k]
regime = predepi[k]
culer = ifelse(regime==1,4,2)
par(mfrow=2:1 )
tsplot(Time, y[k], col=8)
text(Time, y[k], col=culer, labels=regime, cex=1.1)
tsplot(Time, xfilter[1,,k], ylim=c(-.1,.4), ylab="", col=4)
lines(Time, xfilter[3,,k], col=3);
lines(Time, xfilter[4,,k], col=2)
Example 6.24
# generate states and obs
sQ = 1; sR = 3; n = 100
mu0 = 0; Sigma0 = 10; x0 = rnorm(1, mu0, Sigma0)
w = rnorm(n); v = rnorm(n)
x = c(x0 + sQ*w[1]) # initialize states
y = c(x[1] + sR*v[1]) # initialize obs
for (t in 2:n){
x[t] = x[t-1] + sQ*w[t]
y[t] = x[t] + sR*v[t] }
# set up the Gibbs sampler
burn = 50; n.iter = 1000
niter = burn + n.iter
draws = c()
# priors for R (a,b) and Q (c,d) IG distributions
a = 2; b = 2; c = 2; d = 1
# (1) initialize - sample sR and sQ
sR = sqrt(1/rgamma(1,a,b)); sQ = sqrt(1/rgamma(1,c,d))
# progress bar
pb = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=niter, initial=0, style=3)
# run it
for (iter in 1:niter){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, iter)
# sample the states
run = ffbs(y, A=1, mu0=0, Sigma0=10, Phi=1, sQ, sR)
# sample the parameters
xs = as.matrix(run$Xs)
R = 1/rgamma(1, a+n/2, b+sum((y-xs)^2)/2)
sR = sqrt(R)
Q = 1/rgamma(1, c+(n-1)/2, d+sum(diff(xs)^2)/2)
sQ = sqrt(Q)
# store everything
draws = rbind(draws, c(sQ,sR,xs)) }
# pull out the results for plotting
draws = draws[(burn+1):(niter),]
q025 = function(x){quantile(x, 0.025)}
q975 = function(x){quantile(x, 0.975)}
xs = draws[, 3:(n+2)]
lx = apply(xs, 2, q025)
mx = apply(xs, 2, mean)
ux = apply(xs, 2, q975)
# plot states, data, and smoother distn
tsplot(cbind(x,y,mx), spag=TRUE, lwd=c(1,1,2), ylab='', col=c(7,5,6), type='o', pch=c(NA,20,NA), gg=TRUE)
a = bquote(X[~t]); b = bquote(Y[~t]); c = bquote(X[~t]^n)
legend('topleft', legend=c(a,b,c), lty=1, lwd=c(1,1,2), col=c(7,5,6), bty="n", pch=c(NA,20,NA))
xx=c(1:100, 100:1)
yy=c(lx, rev(ux))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.7,.2))
# plot parameters
scatter.hist(draws[,1],draws[,2], xlab=bquote(sigma[w]), ylab=bquote(sigma[v]), reset.par = FALSE, pt.col=5, hist.col=5)
abline(v=mean(draws[,1]), col=3, lwd=2)
abline(h=mean(draws[,2]), col=3, lwd=2)
Example 6.25
set.seed(90013) # Skid Row
x = sarima.sim(ar=c(1,-.9)) + 50 # phi0 = 50(1-1+.9) = 45
ar.mcmc(x, 2)
Example 6.26
n = length(jj)
A = matrix(c(1,1,0,0), 1, 4)
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = 1.03
Phi[2,] = c(0,-1,-1,-1); Phi[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
mu0 = rbind(.7,0,0,0)
Sigma0 = diag(.04, 4)
sR = 1 # observation noise standard deviation
sQ = diag(c(.1,.1,0,0)) # state noise standard deviations on the diagonal
# initializing and hyperparameters
burn = 50
n.iter = 1000
niter = burn + n.iter
draws = NULL
a = 2; b = 2; c = 2; d = 1 # hypers (c and d for both Qs)
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = niter, initial = 0, style=3) # progress bar
# start Gibbs
for (iter in 1:niter){
# draw states
run = ffbs(jj,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR) # initial values are given above
xs = run$Xs
# obs variance
R = 1/rgamma(1,a+n/2,b+sum((as.vector(jj)-as.vector(A%*%xs[,,]))^2))
sR = sqrt(R)
# beta where phi = 1+beta
Y = diff(xs[1,,])
D = as.vector(lag(xs[1,,],-1))[-1]
regu = lm(Y~0+D) # est beta = phi-1
phies = as.vector(coef(summary(regu)))[1:2] + c(1,0) # phi estimate and SE
dft = df.residual(regu)
Phi[1,1] = phies[1] + rt(1,dft)*phies[2] # use a t to sample phi
# state variances
u = xs[,,2:n] - Phi%*%xs[,,1:(n-1)]
uu = u%*%t(u)/(n-2)
Q1 = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+uu[1,1]/2)
sQ1 = sqrt(Q1)
Q2 = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+uu[2,2]/2)
sQ2 = sqrt(Q2)
sQ = diag(c(sQ1, sQ2, 0,0))
# store results
trend = xs[1,,]
season= xs[2,,]
draws = rbind(draws,c(Phi[1,1],sQ1,sQ2,sR,trend,season))
##-- graphics --##
u = draws[(burn+1):(niter),]
parms = u[,1:4]
q025 = function(x){quantile(x,0.025)}
q975 = function(x){quantile(x,0.975)}
# plot parameters
names= c(bquote(phi), bquote(sigma[w1]), bquote(sigma[w2]), bquote(sigma[v]))
for (i in 1:4){
hist(parms[,i], col=astsa.col(5,.4), main=names[i], xlab='')
u1 = apply(parms,2,q025); u2 = apply(parms,2,mean); u3 = apply(parms,2,q975);
abline(v=c(u1[i], u2[i], u3[i]), lwd=2, col=c(3,6,3))
# plot states
tr = ts(u[,5:(n+4)], start=1960, frequency=4)
ltr = ts(apply(tr,2,q025), start=1960, frequency=4)
mtr = ts(apply(tr,2,mean), start=1960, frequency=4)
utr = ts(apply(tr,2,q975), start=1960, frequency=4)
tsplot(mtr, ylab='', col=4, main='trend', cex.main=1)
xx = c(time(mtr), rev(time(mtr)))
yy = c(ltr, rev(utr))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1))
# season
sea = ts(u[,(n+5):(2*n)], start=1960, frequency=4)
lsea = ts(apply(sea,2,q025), start=1960, frequency=4)
msea = ts(apply(sea,2,mean), start=1960, frequency=4)
usea = ts(apply(sea,2,q975), start=1960, frequency=4)
tsplot(msea, ylab='', col=4, main='season', cex.main=1)
xx = c(time(msea), rev(time(msea)))
yy = c(lsea, rev(usea))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1))
Example 6.31
x1 = rnorm(500) # independent sampling
x2 = sarima.sim(ar=.5) # good sampling
x3 = sarima.sim(ar=.99) # not so good sampling
round( apply(cbind(x1,x2,x3), 2, ESS) )
Example 6.32
spfit = SV.mcmc(sp500w)
str(spfit) # use ?SV.mcmc for option descriptions
Example 6.33
SV.mle(BCJ[,'boa']) # also produces the graphics
Example 6.34
SV.mle(BCJ[,"boa"], rho=0, feedback=TRUE)
SV.mle(BCJ[,"boa"], feedback=TRUE)
Code in Introduction
x = matrix(0, 128, 6)
for (i in 1:6) x[,i] = rowMeans(fmri[[i]])
colnames(x) = rep(c("Brush", "Heat", "Shock"), 2)
tsplot(x, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE, col=4:2, main=NA, ylim=c(-.6,.6))
mtext("Awake", side=3, line=-1, adj=.25, cex=1, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Sedated", side=3, line=-1, adj=.78, cex=1, outer=TRUE)
P = 1:1024; S = P+1024
x = eqexp[ , c(5:6,5:6+8,17)]
tsplot(cbind(x[P,], x[S,]), ncol=2, byrow=FALSE, col=2:6)
mtext("P waves", side=3, line=-1, adj=.25, cex=.9, outer=TRUE)
mtext("S waves", side=3, line=-1, adj=.78, cex=.9, outer=TRUE)
Example 7.1
tsplot(climhyd, ncol=2, col=2:7) # Figure 7.3
Y = climhyd # Y to hold the transformed series
Y[,6] = log(Y[,6]) # log inflow
Y[,5] = sqrt(Y[,5]) # sqrt precipitation
L = 25; M = 100; alpha = .001; fdr = .001
nq = 2 # number of inputs (Temp and Precip)
# Spectral Matrix
Yspec = mvspec(Y, spans=L, kernel="daniell", taper=.1, plot=FALSE)
n = Yspec$n.used # effective sample size
Fr = Yspec$freq # fundamental freqs
n.freq = length(Fr) # number of frequencies
Yspec$bandwidth # = 0.05
# Coherencies
Fq = qf(1-alpha, 2, L-2)
cn = Fq/(L-1+Fq)
# The coherencies are listed as 1,2,..., 15=choose(6,2)
for (i in 11:15){
tsplot(Fr,Yspec$coh[,i], col=4, ylab="Coherence", xlab="Frequency", ylim=c(0,1), main=c("Inflow with", names(climhyd[i-10])), topper=1.5)
abline(h = cn); text(.45,.98, plt.name[i-10], cex=1.2) }
# Multiple Coherency
coh.15 = stoch.reg(Y, cols.full = c(1,5), cols.red = NULL, alpha, L, M, plot.which = "NULL")
tsplot(Fr,coh.15$coh, col=4, ylab="Coherence", xlab="Frequency", ylim=c(0,1), topper=1.5)
abline(h = cn); text(.45,.98, plt.name[6], cex=1.2)
title(main = c("Inflow with", "Temp and Precip"))
# Partial F (called eF; avoid use of F alone)
numer.df = 2*nq
denom.df = Yspec$df-2*nq
out.15 = stoch.reg(Y, cols.full=c(1,5), cols.red=5, alpha, L, M, plot.which = "F.stat")
layout(matrix(c(1,2,1,3), 2))
tsplot(Fr, out.15$eF, col=4, ylab="F", xlab="Frequency", main = "Partial F Statistic")
eF = out.15$eF
pvals = pf(eF, numer.df, denom.df, lower.tail = FALSE)
pID = FDR(pvals, fdr); abline(h=c(eF[pID]), lty=2)
abline(h=qf(.001, numer.df, denom.df, lower.tail = FALSE) )
# Regression Coefficients
S = seq(from = -M/2+1, to = M/2 - 1, length = M-1)
tsplot(S, coh.15$Betahat[,1], type="h", xlab="Index", xlim=c(-20,20), main=names(climhyd[1]), ylim=c(-.03, .06), col=4, lwd=2, ylab="Impulse Response")
tsplot(S, coh.15$Betahat[,2], type="h", xlab="Index", xlim=c(-20,20), main=names(climhyd[5]), ylim=c(-.03, .06), col=4, lwd=2, ylab="Impulse Response")
Example 7.2
attach(beamd) # see warning in ?attach
tau = rep(0,3)
u = ccf(sensor1, sensor2, plot=FALSE)
tau[1] = u$lag[which.max(u$acf)] # 17
u = ccf(sensor3, sensor2, plot=FALSE)
tau[3] = u$lag[which.max(u$acf)] # -22
Y = ts.union(lag(sensor1,tau[1]), lag(sensor2, tau[2]), lag(sensor3, tau[3]))
Y = ts.union(Y, rowMeans(Y))
colnames(Y) = c(names(beamd), 'beamd')
tsplot(Y, col=4, main="Infrasonic Signals and Beam")
detach(beamd) # Redemption
Example 7.4
L = 9; fdr = .001; N = 3
Y = cbind(beamd, beam=rowMeans(beamd) )
n = nextn(nrow(Y))
Y.fft = mvfft(as.ts(Y))/sqrt(n)
Df = Y.fft[,1:3] # fft of the data
Bf = Y.fft[,4] # beam fft
ssr = N*Re(Bf*Conj(Bf)) # raw signal spectrum
sse = Re(rowSums(Df*Conj(Df))) - ssr # raw error spectrum
# Smooth
SSE = filter(sse, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
SSR = filter(ssr, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
Fr = 1:(n-1)/n
nFr = 1:200 # number of freqs to plot
tsplot(Fr[nFr], log(SST[nFr]), ylab="log Power", col=5, xlab="", main="Sum of Squares")
lines(Fr[nFr], log(SSE[nFr]), col=6, lty=5)
eF = (N-1)*SSR/SSE
df1 = 2*L
df2 = 2*L*(N-1)
# Compute F-value for false discovery probability of fdr
p = pf(eF, df1, df2, lower=FALSE)
pID = FDR(p,fdr)
Fq = qf(1-fdr, df1, df2)
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr], col=5, ylab="F-statistic", xlab="Frequency", main="F Statistic", cex.main=1)
abline(h=c(Fq, eF[pID]), lty=c(1,5), col=8)
Example 7.6
n = 128 # length of series
n.freq = 1 + n/2 # number of frequencies
Fr = (0:(n.freq-1))/n # the frequencies
N = c(5,4,5,3,5,4) # number of series for each cell
n.subject = sum(N) # number of subjects (26)
n.trt = 6 # number of treatments
L = 3 # for smoothing
num.df = 2*L*(n.trt-1) # df for F test
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-n.trt)
# Design Matrix (Z):
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,1,0,0,0,0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(1,0,1,0,0,0))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(1,0,0,1,0,0))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(1,0,0,0,1,0))
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(1,0,0,0,0,1))
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1))
Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z
SSEF <- rep(NA, n) -> SSER
HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))
HatR = Z[,1]%*%t(Z[,1])/ZZ[1,1]
par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(3.5,4,0,0), oma=c(0,0,2,2), mgp = c(1.6,.6,0))
loc.name = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate","Thalamus 1","Thalamus 2","Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2")
for(Loc in 1:9) {
i = n.trt*(Loc-1)
Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])
Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n)
Y = t(Y) # Y is now 26 x 128 FFTs
# Calculation of Error Spectra
for (k in 1:n) {
SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
SSEF[k] = SSY - SSReg
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatR%*%Y[,k])
SSER[k] = SSY - SSReg }
# Smooth
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSER = filter(SSER, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
eF = (den.df/num.df)*(sSSER-sSSEF)/sSSEF
tsplot(Fr, eF[1:n.freq], col=5, xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,7))
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2)
text(.25, 6.5, loc.name[Loc], cex=1.2)
Example 7.7
n = 128 # length of series
n.freq = 1 + n/2 # number of frequencies
Fr = (0:(n.freq-1))/n # the frequencies
N = c(5,4,5,3,5,4) # number of series for each cell
n.subject = sum(N) # number of subjects (26)
n.trt = 6 # number of treatments
L = 3 # for smoothing
num.df = 2*L*(n.trt-1) # dfs for F test
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-n.trt)
# Design Matrix (Z):
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,1,0,0,0,0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(1,0,1,0,0,0))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(1,0,0,1,0,0))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(1,0,0,0,1,0))
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(1,0,0,0,0,1))
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1))
Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z
SSEF <- rep(NA, n) -> SSER
HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))
HatR = Z[,1]%*%t(Z[,1])/ZZ[1,1]
loc.name = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate","Thalamus 1",
"Thalamus 2", "Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2")
for(Loc in 1:9) {
i = n.trt*(Loc-1)
Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])
Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n)
Y = t(Y) # Y is now 26 x 128 FFTs
# Calculation of Error Spectra
for (k in 1:n) {
SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
SSEF[k] = SSY - SSReg
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatR%*%Y[,k])
SSER[k] = SSY - SSReg
# Smooth
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSER = filter(SSER, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
eF =(den.df/num.df)*(sSSER-sSSEF)/sSSEF
tsplot(Fr, eF[1:n.freq], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,7), main=loc.name[Loc])
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2)
Example 7.7
n = 128
n.freq = 1 + n/2
Fr = (0:(n.freq-1))/n
nFr = 1:(n.freq/2)
N = c(5,4,5,3,5,4) # number of subjects per cell
n.subject = sum(N)
n.para = 6 # number of parameters
L = 3 # for smoothing
df.stm = 2*L*(3-1) # stimulus (3 levels: Brush, Heat, Shock)
df.con = 2*L*(2-1) # conscious (2 levels: Awake, Sedated)
df.int = 2*L*(3-1)*(2-1) # interaction
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-n.para) # df for full model
# Design Matrix: mu a1 a2 b g1 g2
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0))
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(1, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1))
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1))
Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z
c() -> SSEF-> SSE.stm -> SSE.con -> SSE.int
HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ,t(Z))
Hat.stm = Z[,-(2:3)]%*%solve(ZZ[-(2:3),-(2:3)], t(Z[,-(2:3)]))
Hat.con = Z[,-4]%*%solve(ZZ[-4,-4], t(Z[,-4]))
Hat.int = Z[,-(5:6)]%*%solve(ZZ[-(5:6),-(5:6)], t(Z[,-(5:6)]))
loc.name = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate", "Thalamus 1","Thalamus 2","Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2")
for(Loc in c(1:4,9)) { # only Loc 1 to 4 and 9 used
i = 6*(Loc-1)
Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])
Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n); Y = t(Y)
for (k in 1:n) {
SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
SSEF[k] = SSY - SSReg
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Hat.stm%*%Y[,k])
SSE.stm[k] = SSY-SSReg
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Hat.con%*%Y[,k])
SSE.con[k] = SSY-SSReg
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Hat.int%*%Y[,k])
SSE.int[k] = SSY-SSReg }
# Smooth
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSE.stm = filter(SSE.stm, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSE.con = filter(SSE.con, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSE.int = filter(SSE.int, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
eF.stm = (den.df/df.stm)*(sSSE.stm-sSSEF)/sSSEF
eF.con = (den.df/df.con)*(sSSE.con-sSSEF)/sSSEF
eF.int = (den.df/df.int)*(sSSE.int-sSSEF)/sSSEF
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF.stm[nFr], col=5, xlab="Frequency", ylab='F-Statistic', ylim=c(0,12), topper=.2, margins=c(0,1.75,0,0))
abline(h=qf(.999, df.stm, den.df),lty=5, col=8)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Stimulus", side=3, line=0, cex=.9)
mtext(loc.name[Loc], side=2, line=3, cex=.9)
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF.con[nFr], col=5, xlab="Frequency", ylab='F-Statistic', ylim=c(0,12), topper=.2, margins=c(0,1,0,0))
abline(h=qf(.999, df.con, den.df),lty=5, col=8)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Consciousness", side=3, line=0, cex=.9)
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF.int[nFr], col=5, xlab="Frequency", ylab='F-Statistic', ylim=c(0,12), topper=.2, margins=c(0,1,0,.2))
abline(h=qf(.999, df.int, den.df), lty=5, col=8)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Interaction", side=3, line=0, cex=.9)
Example 7.8
n = 128; n.freq = 1 + n/2
Fr = (0:(n.freq-1))/n; nFr = 1:(n.freq/2)
N = c(5,4,5,3,5,4); n.subject = sum(N); L = 3
# Design Matrix
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,0,0,0,0,0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(0,1,0,0,0,0))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(0,0,1,0,0,0))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(0,0,0,1,0,0))
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(0,0,0,0,1,0))
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(0,0,0,0,0,1))
Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6); ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z
# Contrasts: 6 by 3
A = rbind(diag(1,3), diag(1,3))
nq = nrow(A); num.df = 2*L*nq; den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-nq)
HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z)) # full model
rep(NA, n) -> SSEF -> SSER; eF = matrix(0,n,3)
loc.name = c("Cortex 1", "Cortex 2", "Cortex 3", "Cortex 4", "Caudate", "Thalamus 1", "Thalamus 2", "Cerebellum 1", "Cerebellum 2")
cond.name = c("Brush", "Heat", "Shock")
for(Loc in c(1:4,9)) {
i = 6*(Loc-1)
Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])
Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n); Y = t(Y)
for (cond in 1:3){
Q = t(A[,cond])%*%solve(ZZ, A[,cond])
HR = A[,cond]%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))
for (k in 1:n){
SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
SSEF[k] = (SSY-SSReg)*Q
SSReg = HR%*%Y[,k]
SSER[k] = Re(SSReg*Conj(SSReg)) }
# Smooth
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSER = filter(SSER, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
eF[,cond] = (den.df/num.df)*(sSSER/sSSEF) }
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,1], col=5, xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), topper=.2, margins=c(0,1.75,0,0))
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=5, col=8)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Brush", side=3, line=0, cex=.9)
mtext(loc.name[Loc], side=2, line=3, cex=.9)
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,2], col=5, xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), topper=.2, margins=c(0,1,0,0))
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=5, col=8)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Heat", side=3, line=0, cex=.9)
tsplot(Fr[nFr],eF[nFr,3], col=5,, xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), topper=.2, margins=c(0,1,0,.2))
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=5, col=8)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Shock", side=3, line=0, cex=.9)
Example 7.9
P = 1:1024; S = P+1024; N = 8; n = 1024; p.dim = 2; m = 10; L = 2*m+1
eq.P = as.ts(eqexp[P,1:8]); eq.S = as.ts(eqexp[S,1:8])
eq.m = cbind(rowMeans(eq.P), rowMeans(eq.S))
ex.P = as.ts(eqexp[P,9:16]); ex.S = as.ts(eqexp[S,9:16])
ex.m = cbind(rowMeans(ex.P), rowMeans(ex.S))
m.diff = mvfft(eq.m - ex.m)/sqrt(n)
eq.Pf = mvfft(eq.P-eq.m[,1])/sqrt(n)
eq.Sf = mvfft(eq.S-eq.m[,2])/sqrt(n)
ex.Pf = mvfft(ex.P-ex.m[,1])/sqrt(n)
ex.Sf = mvfft(ex.S-ex.m[,2])/sqrt(n)
fv11 = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Pf))+rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Pf))/(2*(N-1))
fv12 = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Sf))+rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(2*(N-1))
fv22 = rowSums(eq.Sf*Conj(eq.Sf))+rowSums(ex.Sf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(2*(N-1))
fv21 = Conj(fv12)
# Equal Means
T2 = rep(NA, 512)
for (k in 1:512){
fvk = matrix(c(fv11[k], fv21[k], fv12[k], fv22[k]), 2, 2)
dk = as.matrix(m.diff[k,])
T2[k] = Re((N/2)*Conj(t(dk))%*%solve(fvk,dk)) }
eF = T2*(2*p.dim*(N-1))/(2*N-p.dim-1)
freq = 40*(0:511)/n # Hz
tsplot(freq, eF, col=5, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic", main="Equal Means")
abline(h = qf(.999, 2*p.dim, 2*(2*N-p.dim-1)), col=8)
# Equal P
kd = kernel("daniell",m);
u = Re(rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Pf))/(N-1))
feq.P = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u = Re(rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Pf))/(N-1))
fex.P = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
tsplot(freq, feq.P[1:512]/fex.P[1:512], col=5, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic", main="Equal P-Spectra")
abline(h=qf(.999, 2*L*(N-1), 2*L*(N-1)), col=8)
# Equal S
u = Re(rowSums(eq.Sf*Conj(eq.Sf))/(N-1))
feq.S = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u = Re(rowSums(ex.Sf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(N-1))
fex.S = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
tsplot(freq, feq.S[1:512]/fex.S[1:512], col=5, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic", main="Equal S-Spectra")
abline(h=qf(.999, 2*L*(N-1), 2*L*(N-1)), col=8)
# Equal Spectra
u = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Sf))/(N-1)
feq.PS = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u = rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Sf)/(N-1))
fex.PS = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv11 = kernapply(fv11, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv22 = kernapply(fv22, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv12 = kernapply(fv12, kd, circular=TRUE)
Mi = L*(N-1); M = 2*Mi
TS = rep(NA,512)
for (k in 1:512){
det.feq.k = Re(feq.P[k]*feq.S[k] - feq.PS[k]*Conj(feq.PS[k]))
det.fex.k = Re(fex.P[k]*fex.S[k] - fex.PS[k]*Conj(fex.PS[k]))
det.fv.k = Re(fv11[k]*fv22[k] - fv12[k]*Conj(fv12[k]))
log.n1 = log(M)*(M*p.dim); log.d1 = log(Mi)*(2*Mi*p.dim)
log.n2 = log(Mi)*2 +log(det.feq.k)*Mi + log(det.fex.k)*Mi
log.d2 = (log(M)+log(det.fv.k))*M
r = 1 - ((p.dim+1)*(p.dim-1)/6*p.dim*(2-1))*(2/Mi - 1/M)
TS[k] = -2*r*(log.n1+log.n2-log.d1-log.d2) }
tsplot(freq, TS, col=5, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="Chi-Sq Statistic", main="Equal Spectral Matrices")
abline(h = qchisq(.9999, p.dim^2)) # too small to be on plot
Example 7.10
P = 1:1024; S = P+1024
mag.P = log10(apply(eqexp[P,], 2, max) - apply(eqexp[P,], 2, min))
mag.S = log10(apply(eqexp[S,], 2, max) - apply(eqexp[S,], 2, min))
eq.P = mag.P[1:8]; eq.S = mag.S[1:8]
ex.P = mag.P[9:16]; ex.S = mag.S[9:16]
NZ.P = mag.P[17]; NZ.S = mag.S[17]
# Compute linear discriminant function
cov.eq = var(cbind(eq.P, eq.S))
cov.ex = var(cbind(ex.P, ex.S))
cov.pooled = (cov.ex + cov.eq)/2
means.eq = colMeans(cbind(eq.P, eq.S))
means.ex = colMeans(cbind(ex.P, ex.S))
slopes.eq = solve(cov.pooled, means.eq)
inter.eq = -sum(slopes.eq*means.eq)/2
slopes.ex = solve(cov.pooled, means.ex)
inter.ex = -sum(slopes.ex*means.ex)/2
d.slopes = slopes.eq - slopes.ex
d.inter = inter.eq - inter.ex
# Classify new observation
new.data = cbind(NZ.P, NZ.S)
d = sum(d.slopes*new.data) + d.inter
post.eq = exp(d)/(1+exp(d))
# Print (disc function, posteriors) and plot results
cat(d.slopes[1], "mag.P +" , d.slopes[2], "mag.S +" , d.inter,"\n")
cat("P(EQ|data) =", post.eq, " P(EX|data) =", 1-post.eq, "\n" )
tsplot(eq.P, eq.S, xlim = c(0,1.5), ylim = c(.75,1.25), type='p', xlab = "log mag(P)", ylab = "log mag(S)", pch = 8, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=4, main="Classification Based on Magnitude Features")
points(ex.P, ex.S, pch = 6, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=6)
points(new.data, pch = 3, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=3) #rgb(0,.6,.2))
abline(a = -d.inter/d.slopes[2], b = -d.slopes[1]/d.slopes[2])
text(eq.P-.07,eq.S+.005, label=names(eqexp[1:8]), cex=.8)
text(ex.P+.07,ex.S+.003, label=names(eqexp[9:16]), cex=.8)
text(NZ.P+.05,NZ.S+.003, label=names(eqexp[17]), cex=.8)
legend("topright", legend=c("EQ", "EX", "NZ"), pch=c(8,6,3), pt.lwd=2, cex=1.1, bg='white', col=c(4,6,3))
# Cross-validation
all.data = rbind(cbind(eq.P, eq.S), cbind(ex.P, ex.S))
post.eq <- rep(NA, 8) -> post.ex
for(j in 1:16) {
if (j <= 8){samp.eq = all.data[-c(j, 9:16),]
samp.ex = all.data[9:16,]}
if (j > 8){samp.eq = all.data[1:8,]
samp.ex = all.data[-c(j, 1:8),] }
df.eq = nrow(samp.eq)-1; df.ex = nrow(samp.ex)-1
mean.eq = colMeans(samp.eq); mean.ex = colMeans(samp.ex)
cov.eq = var(samp.eq); cov.ex = var(samp.ex)
cov.pooled = (df.eq*cov.eq + df.ex*cov.ex)/(df.eq + df.ex)
slopes.eq = solve(cov.pooled, mean.eq)
inter.eq = -sum(slopes.eq*mean.eq)/2
slopes.ex = solve(cov.pooled, mean.ex)
inter.ex = -sum(slopes.ex*mean.ex)/2
d.slopes = slopes.eq - slopes.ex
d.inter = inter.eq - inter.ex
d = sum(d.slopes*all.data[j,]) + d.inter
if (j <= 8) post.eq[j] = exp(d)/(1+exp(d))
if (j > 8) post.ex[j-8] = 1/(1+exp(d)) }
Posterior = cbind(1:8, post.eq, 1:8, post.ex)
colnames(Posterior) = c("EQ","P(EQ|data)","EX","P(EX|data)")
round(Posterior,3) # Results from Cross-validation
Example 7.11
P = 1:1024; S = P+1024; p.dim = 2; n =1024
eq = as.ts(eqexp[, 1:8])
ex = as.ts(eqexp[, 9:16])
nz = as.ts(eqexp[, 17])
f.eq <- array(dim=c(8, 2, 2, 512)) -> f.ex
f.NZ = array(dim=c(2, 2, 512))
# below calculates determinant for 2x2 Hermitian matrix
det.c <- function(mat){return(Re(mat[1,1]*mat[2,2]-mat[1,2]*mat[2,1]))}
L = c(15,13,5) # for smoothing
for (i in 1:8){ # compute spectral matrices
f.eq[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(eq[P,i], eq[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
f.ex[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(ex[P,i], ex[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
u = mvspec(cbind(nz[P], nz[S]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)
f.NZ = u$fxx
bndwidth = u$bandwidth*40 # about .75 Hz
fhat.eq = apply(f.eq, 2:4, mean) # average spectra
fhat.ex = apply(f.ex, 2:4, mean)
# plot the average spectra
Fr = 40*(1:512)/n
tsplot(Fr,Re(fhat.eq[1,1,]),col=5,xlab="Frequency (Hz)",ylab="",main="Average P-spectra")
tsplot(Fr,Re(fhat.eq[2,2,]),col=5,xlab="Frequency (Hz)",ylab="",main="Average S-spectra")
tsplot(Fr,Re(fhat.ex[1,1,]),col=5,xlab="Frequency (Hz)",ylab="")
tsplot(Fr,Re(fhat.ex[2,2,]),col=5,xlab="Frequency (Hz)",ylab="")
mtext("Earthquakes", side=2, line=-1, adj=.8, font=2, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Explosions", side=2, line=-1, adj=.2, font=2, outer=TRUE)
par(fig = c(.75, 1, .75, .98), new = TRUE)
ker = kernel("modified.daniell", L)$coef; ker = c(rev(ker),ker[-1])
plot((-33:33)/40, ker, type="l", ylab="", xlab="", cex.axis=.7, yaxp=c(0,.04,2))
# Choose alpha
Balpha = rep(0,19)
for (i in 1:19){ alf=i/20
for (k in 1:256) {
Balpha[i]= Balpha[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*fhat.ex[,,k] + (1-alf)*fhat.eq[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])) - alf*log(det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])))} }
alf = which.max(Balpha)/20 # alpha = .4
# Calculate Information Criteria
rep(0,17) -> KLDiff -> BDiff -> KLeq -> KLex -> Beq -> Bex
for (i in 1:17){
if (i <= 8) f0 = f.eq[i,,,]
if (i > 8 & i <= 16) f0 = f.ex[i-8,,,]
if (i == 17) f0 = f.NZ
for (k in 1:256) { # only use freqs out to .25
tr = Re(sum(diag(solve(fhat.eq[,,k],f0[,,k]))))
KLeq[i] = KLeq[i] + tr + log(det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])) - log(det.c(f0[,,k]))
Beq[i] = Beq[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*f0[,,k]+(1-alf)*fhat.eq[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])) - alf*log(det.c(f0[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])))
tr = Re(sum(diag(solve(fhat.ex[,,k],f0[,,k]))))
KLex[i] = KLex[i] + tr + log(det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])) - log(det.c(f0[,,k]))
Bex[i] = Bex[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*f0[,,k]+(1-alf)*fhat.ex[,,k])/det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])) - alf*log(det.c(f0[,,k])/det.c(fhat.ex[,,k]))) }
KLDiff[i] = (KLeq[i] - KLex[i])/n
BDiff[i] = (Beq[i] - Bex[i])/(2*n) }
x.b = max(KLDiff)+.1; x.a = min(KLDiff)-.1
y.b = max(BDiff)+.01; y.a = min(BDiff)-.01
tsplot(KLDiff, BDiff, type="n", xlim=c(x.a,x.b), ylim=c(y.a,y.b), cex=1.1,lwd=2, xlab="Kullback-Leibler Difference",ylab="Chernoff Difference", main="Classification Based on Chernoff and K-L Distances")
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=5, col=8)
points(KLDiff[1:8], BDiff[1:8], pch=8, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=4)
points(KLDiff[9:16], BDiff[9:16], pch=6, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=6)
points(KLDiff[17], BDiff[17], pch=3, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=3)
legend("topleft", legend=c("EQ","EX", "NZ"), pch=c(8,6,3), pt.lwd=2, col=c(4,6,3))
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col=8)
text(KLDiff[-c(1,2,3,7,14)]-.075, BDiff[-c(1,2,3,7,14)], label=names(eqexp[-c(1,2,3,7,14)]), cex=.7)
text(KLDiff[c(1,2,3,7,14)]+.075, BDiff[c(1,2,3,7,14)], label=names(eqexp[c(1,2,3,7,14)]), cex=.7)
Example 7.12
n=1024; P=1:n; S=P+n; p.dim=2
eq = as.ts(eqexp[, 1:8])
ex = as.ts(eqexp[, 9:16])
nz = as.ts(eqexp[, 17])
f = array(dim=c(17, 2, 2, 512))
L = c(15, 15) # for smoothing
for (i in 1:8){ # compute spectral matrices
f[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(eq[P,i], eq[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
f[i+8,,,] = mvspec(cbind(ex[P,i], ex[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx }
f[17,,,] = mvspec(cbind(nz[P], nz[S]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
JD = matrix(0, 17, 17)
# Calculate Symmetric Information Criteria
for (i in 1:16){
for (j in (i+1):17){
for (k in 1:256) { # only use freqs out to .25
tr1 = Re(sum(diag(solve(f[i,,,k], f[j,,,k]))))
tr2 = Re(sum(diag(solve(f[j,,,k], f[i,,,k]))))
JD[i,j] = JD[i,j] + (tr1 + tr2 - 2*p.dim)}}}
JD = (JD + t(JD))/n
colnames(JD) = c(colnames(eq), colnames(ex), "NZ")
rownames(JD) = colnames(JD)
cluster.2 = pam(JD, k = 2, diss = TRUE)
summary(cluster.2) # print results (not shown)
par(mar=c(2,2,1,.5)+.5, mgp = c(1.4,.6,0), cex=3/4, cex.lab=4/3, cex.main=4/3)
clusplot(JD, cluster.2$cluster, col.clus=gray(.5), labels=3, lines=0, main="Clustering Results for Explosions and Earthquakes", col.p=c(rep(4,8),rep(6,8), 3))
text(-4.5,-.8, "Group I", cex=1.1, font=2)
text( 3.5, 5, "Group II", cex=1.1, font=2)
Example 7.13
Per = mvspec(fmri1[,-1], plot=FALSE)$spec
for (i in 1:8){
tsplot(ts(Per[1:21,i]), xaxt='n', nx=NA, ny=NULL, minor=FALSE, col=5, ylim=c(0,8), main=colnames(fmri1)[i+1], xlab="Cycles", ylab="Periodogram" )
axis(1, at=seq(0,20,by=4))
abline(v=seq(0,20,by=4), col=gray(.9), lty=1) }
fxx = mvspec(fmri1[,-1], kernel=bart(2), taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
l.val = c()
for (k in 1:64) {
u = eigen(fxx[,,k], symmetric=TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
l.val[k] = u$values[1]} # largest e-value
tsplot(l.val, col=5, type='l', nx=NA, ny=NULL, minor=FALSE, xaxt='n', xlab="Cycles (Frequency x 128)", ylab="First Principal Component")
axis(1, seq(4,60,by=8));
abline(v=seq(4,60,by=8), col=gray(.9) )
# At freq 4/128
u = eigen(fxx[,,4], symmetric=TRUE)
lam=u$values; evec=u$vectors
lam[1]/sum(lam) # % of variance explained
sig.e1 = matrix(0,8,8)
for (l in 2:5){ # last 3 evs are 0
sig.e1 = sig.e1 + lam[l]*evec[,l]%*%Conj(t(evec[,l]))/(lam[1]-lam[l])^2}
sig.e1 = Re(sig.e1)*lam[1]*sum(bart(2)$coef^2)
p.val = round(pchisq(2*abs(evec[,1])^2/diag(sig.e1), 2, lower.tail=FALSE), 3)
cbind(colnames(fmri1)[-1], abs(evec[,1]), p.val) # table values
Example 7.14
bhat = sqrt(lam[1])*evec[,1]
(Dhat = Re(diag(fxx[,,4] - bhat%*%Conj(t(bhat)))))
(res = Mod(fxx[,,4] - Dhat - bhat%*%Conj(t(bhat))))
Example 7.15
gr = diff(log(ts(econ5, start=1948, frequency=4))) # growth rate
tsplot(gr, ncol=2, col=2:6)
# scale each series to have variance 1
gr.s= scale(gr, center = FALSE, scale = apply(gr, 2, sd))
gr.spec = mvspec(gr.s, spans=c(7,7), taper=.25, lwd=2, col=2:6, lty=(1:6)[-3], main=NA)
legend("topright", abbreviate(colnames(econ5), min=3), lty=(1:6)[-3], col=2:6, lwd=2, ncol=2, bg=gray(1,.7))
plot.spec.coherency(gr.spec, ci=NA, col=5, lwd=2, main=NA) # works but ugly
# the following will not work unless astsa version 2.2+ or higher is used
# it is actually the graphic in the text (but with adding `addLegend=FALSE`)
mvspec(gr.s, spans=c(7,7), taper=.25, lwd=2, col=5, plot.type='coh', main=NA, ci=NA, scale=1.3, minor=FALSE)
# PCs
n.freq = length(gr.spec$freq)
lam = matrix(0,n.freq,5)
for (k in 1:n.freq) lam[k,] = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,k], symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
tsplot(gr.spec$freq, lam[,1], col=5, ylab="", xlab="Frequency (\u00D7 4)", main="First Eigenvalue")
abline(v=.25, lty=5, col=8)
tsplot(gr.spec$freq, lam[,2], col=5, ylab="", xlab="Frequency (\u00D7 4)", main="Second Eigenvalue")
abline(v=.125, lty=5, col=8)
e.vec1 = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,10], symmetric=TRUE)$vectors[,1]
e.vec2 = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,5], symmetric=TRUE)$vectors[,2]
round(Mod(e.vec1), 2); round(Mod(e.vec2), 3)
Sleep pretty baby do not cry
x = sleep1[[1]][,2]
tsplot(x, type='s', col=4, yaxt='n', ylab='', margins=c(0,.75,0,0)+.25)
states = c('NR4', 'NR3', 'NR2', 'NR1', 'REM', 'AWAKE')
axis(side=2, 1:6, labels=states, las=1)
mtext('Sleep State', side=2, line=2.5, cex=1)
x = x[!is.na(x)]
mvspec(x, col=5, main=NA)
abline(v=1/60, col=8, lty=5)
mtext('1/60', side=1, adj=.04, cex=.75)
Example 7.17
xdata = dna2vector(bnrf1ebv)
u = specenv(xdata, spans=c(7,7), col=5) # print u for details
id = c("(a)", "(b)", "(c)", "(d)")
for (j in 1:4){
L = 1 + (j-1)*1000
U = min(j*1000, length(bnrf1ebv))
specenv(xdata, spans=c(7,7), section=L:U, col=5, ylim=c(0,1.28))
text(.475, 1.25, id[j])
Example 7.18
x = astsa::nyse # many packages have an 'nyse' data set
xdata = cbind(x, abs(x), x^2)
u = specenv(xdata, real=TRUE, col=5, spans=c(3,3))
# peak at freq = .001
beta = u[2, 3:5] # scalings
( b = beta/beta[2] ) # makes abs(x) coef=1
gopt = function(x) { b[1]*x + b[2]*abs(x) + b[3]*x^2 }
x = seq(-.2, .2, by=.001)
tsplot(x, gopt(x), col=4, xlab='x', ylab='g(x)')
lines(x, abs(x), col=6)
legend('bottomright', lty=1, col=c(4,6), legend=c('optimal', 'absolute value'), bg='white')