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Module: NodeEvolution

Niema Moshiri edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 37 revisions

The NodeEvolution module evolves the phylogenetic trees of the viruses within a specified node until a specified time. See the source code to see what is defined by the abstract class.

List of Implementations

  • NodeEvolution_BirthDeath
    • Evolves viral phylogenetic trees based on a Birth-Death process using DendroPy's birth_death_tree function
    • Requirements:
    • Config Parameters:
      • bd_birth: The birth rate
      • bd_birth_sd: The standard deviation of the normally-distributed mutation added to the birth rate as it is inherited by daughter nodes
        • If 0, birth rate does not evolve on the tree
      • bd_death: The death rate
      • bd_death_sd: The standard deviation of the normally-distributed mutation added to the death rate as it is inherited by daughter nodes
        • If 0, death rate does not evolve on the tree
  • NodeEvolution_DualBirth
    • Evolves viral phylogenetic trees based on the Dual-Birth model
    • Requirements:
    • Config Parameters:
      • dualbirth_path: The path to your dualbirth executable (or simply "dualbirth" if it is in your PATH variable)
      • rate_A: The Dual-Birth activation rate, λa
      • rate_B: The Dual-Birth birth rate, λb
  • NodeEvolution_None
    • No speciations or deaths (the root simply propagates through time)
      • The result is a phylogenetic tree containing a single leaf
    • Requirements:
      • None
    • Config Parameters:
      • None
  • NodeEvolution_PANGEA
  • NodeEvolution_VirusTreeSimulator
    • Evolves viral phylogenetic trees under a coalescent model with various effective population growth models:
      • Constant effective population growth (i.e., viral populations remain constant over time)
      • Exponential effective population growth (i.e., viral populations experience exponential growth after infection)
      • Logistic effective population growth (i.e., viral populations experience logistic growth after infection)
    • Requirements:
    • Config Parameters:
      • java_path : The path to your java executable (or simply "java" if it is in your PATH variable)
      • vts_model: The desired viral population growth model to use
        • Options are constant, exponential, and logistic
      • vts_n0: The desired effective population size at time zero (used in all models)
        • It makes sense to use a value of 1 for viruses if you assume a single viral family was transmitted
      • vts_growthRate: The desired effective population size growth rate (used in exponential and logistic models)
      • vts_t50: The time point, relative to the time of infection in backwards time, at which the population is equal to half its final asymptotic value, in the logistic model
  • NodeEvolution_Yule
    • Evolves viral phylogenetic trees based on the Yule model
    • Requirements:
    • Config Parameters:
      • dualbirth_path: The path to your dualbirth executable (or simply "dualbirth" if it is in your PATH variable)
      • yule_rate: The Yule rate, λ