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F# scripting and interactive services in Far Manager




How to install and update FarNet and modules

As a result, you get the complete F# scripting portable with Far Manager.
Use it with Far Manager by FSharpFar or without Far Manager by fsx.exe.


Use [F11] \ FSharpFar to open the module menu:

  • Interactive

    Opens the default session interactive.

  • Sessions...

    Shows the list of opened sessions. Keys:

    • [Enter]

      Opens the session interactive.

    • [Del]

      Closes the session and interactives.

    • [F4]

      Edits the session configuration file.

  • Load

    Evaluates the script opened in editor (#load).

  • Tips

    Shows help tips for the symbol at the caret.

  • Check

    Checks the current F# file for errors.

  • Errors

    Shows the errors of the last check.

  • Uses in file

    Shows uses of the symbol in the file as a go to menu.

  • Uses in project

    Shows uses of the symbol in the project in a new editor.

  • Enable|Disable auto tips

    Toggles auto tips on mouse moves over symbols.

  • Enable|Disable auto checks

    Toggles auto checks for errors on changes in the editor.


The common command prefix is fs:. Commands fs:<space>... run F# code. Commands fs:<command> ... run commands with parameters, key=value pairs separated by semicolons (connection string format). Commands fs:@<file> run commands read from files.


This command evaluates F# expressions and directives with the default session. A space is required between fs: and code.

fs: <code>

F# expressions:

fs: System.Math.PI / 3.
fs: FarNet.Far.Api.Message "Hello"

F# directives:

fs: #load @"C:\Scripts\FSharp\Script1.fsx"
fs: #time "on"
fs: #help


This command opens the interactive editor, console like REPL.

fs:open <parameters>


  • with=<path> (optional)

    The configuration file or directory.

    Default: *.fs.ini in the active panel or main.

Sample file association:

A file mask or several file masks:
Description of the association:
F# interactive
[x] Execute command (used for Enter):
    fs:open with="!\!.!"


This command invokes the specified script or F# code.

fs:exec <parameters> [;; <code>]


  • with=<path> (optional)

    The configuration file or directory.

    Default: *.fs.ini in the script folder or the active panel or main.

  • file=<path> (optional)

    F# script file to be invoked.

  • ;; <code> (optional)

    F# code to be invoked in addition or instead of the script.


fs:exec file = Script1.fsx
fs:exec file = Module1.fs ;; Module1.test "answer" 42
fs:exec with = %TryPanelFSharp%\TryPanelFSharp.fs.ini ;; ()

The first two commands invoke the specified files each call. The last command loads files specified by the configuration once, then it just invokes the code after ;;.

Sample file association:

A file mask or several file masks:
Description of the association:
F# script
[x] Execute command (used for Enter):
    fs:exec file="!\!.!"
[x] Execute command (used for Ctrl+PgDn):
    fs: #load @"!\!.!"


This command compiles a library (dll) from F# sources.

fs:compile <parameters>


  • with=<path> (optional)

    The configuration file or directory.

    Default: *.fs.ini in the active panel.

The command is used for compiling FarNet script or module assemblies. But it may be used to compile any .NET libraries, not just FarNet.

Configuration notes:

  • At least one F# source file should be specified.
  • [out] may specify {-o|--out}:<file.dll> but if it is omitted then the FarNet script is assumed with its name inferred from configuration file name or its folder.


This command generates and opens F# projects.

fs:project <parameters>


  • with=<path> (optional)

    The configuration file or directory.

    Default: *.fs.ini in the active panel.

  • open=VS|VSCode (optional)

    Tells to open by: VS ~ Visual Studio, VSCode ~ Visual Studio Code.

    Default: VS

  • type=Normal|Script (optional)

    Specifies the project type: Normal for the default output or specified by [out], Script for %FARHOME%\FarNet\Scripts\<name>\<name>.dll

    Default: Normal

See also: Projects


Each F# session is associated with its configuration file path. If it is not specified then the default is used. The default is first *.fs.ini in the active panel, in alphabetical order. If there is none then the main configuration may be used: %FARPROFILE%\FarNet\FSharpFar\main.fs.ini.

Source file services use configuration files in source directories. If they are not found then the main configuration is used.

If you change configurations in Far Manager editors then affected sessions are closed automatically, to be reloaded after changes. If you change them externally then you may need to reset affected sessions manually.

The configuration file format is similar to INI, with sections and options. Empty lines and lines staring with ; are ignored.

[fsc] section

This is the main section. It defines F# Compiler Options and source files. This section is often enough. Other sections may add extra or override defined options.

The specified paths may be absolute and relative with environment %VARIABLE% expanded. Important: relative paths for -r|--reference must start with dot(s) (".\" or "..\"), otherwise they are treated as known assembly names like -r:System.ComponentModel.Composition.

; Main section

[out] section

This section defines sources and options for fs:compile, and fs:project.

The output target {-o|--out}:<file.dll> is respected by fs:compile and fs:project type=Normal. If it is omitted then the FarNet script target location is assumed with the script name derived from the configuration file or its directory.

Example: TryPanelFSharp - how to make FarNet modules from sources.

; Build FarNet module TryPanelFSharp

Options -a and --target are ignored, --target:library is always used.

[use] section

This section tells to include other configuration files, one per line, using relative or absolute paths. Thus, the current session may be easily composed from existing "projects" with some additional settings and files.

; Use the main configuration in this configuration

[fsi] section

This section defines F# Interactive Options and source files used for interactive sessions and evaluating scripts.

--use files are particularly useful for interactive commands. They normally open frequently used namespaces and modules and define some helper functions and variables.

; My predefined stuff for interactive

[etc] section

This section defines options for "Editor Tips and Checks", hence the name. It is useful in some cases, e.g. --define:DEBUG is used in [etc] for tips and checks in #if DEBUG code blocks.


The specified paths are processed as follows:

  • Environment variables specified as %VARIABLE% are expanded to their values.
  • The variable %$Version% is replaced with common language runtime version.
  • __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ is replaced with the configuration file directory.
  • Not rooted paths are treated as relative to the configuration directory.


Predefined F# compiler settings:

  • --lib : %FARHOME%
  • --reference : FarNet.dll, FarNet.FSharp.dll, FSharpFar.dll

The compiler symbol FARNET is defined for FSharpFar runner and not defined in other cases (fsx, fsi). Use #if FARNET or #if !FARNET for conditional compilation:

// code for FSharpFar
// code for fsx or fsi


Mistakes in configurations cause session loading errors, often without much useful information. Check your configuration files:

  • All the specified paths should be resolved to existing targets.
  • Relative -r|--reference paths must start with .\ or ..\.
  • Interactive options are specified in [fsi], not in [fsc].
  • Output options are specified in [out], not in [fsc].

F# scripts and configurations

  • Scripts, i.e. *.fsx files, should not be added to configurations, except --use in [fsi].
  • Scripts may use #I, #r, #load directives in addition to configurations.
  • Configurations understand environment variables, script directives do not.
  • Configurations may specify compiler options, scripts cannot.

Session source and use-files

Source and use-files (--use) are used in order to load the session for checks and interactive work.

Use-files are invoked in the session as if they are typed interactively. The goal is to prepare the session for interactive work and reduce typing, i.e. open modules and namespaces, define some functions and values, etc.

Sample use-file:

// reference assemblies
#r "MyLib.dll"

// namespaces and modules
open FarNet
open System

// definitions for interactive
let show text = far.Message text


With a configuration file *.fs.ini, use the following command in order to generate *.fsproj with the source files and open it by Visual Studio or VSCode:

fs:project open=VS|VSCode; type=Normal|Script; with=<config>

VSCode should have installed the F# extension.

If type=Normal and the configuration specifies the output section, the generated project is configured accordingly. This may be used for building, running, and debugging FarNet modules from sources.

Example: TryPanelFSharp - how to make FarNet modules from sources.

If type=Script the output is %FARHOME%\FarNet\Scripts\<name>\<name>.dll where <name> is inferred from the configuration or its folder.

Without the configured output generated projects are still useful for working with sources in a more powerful IDE. You may build to make sure everything is correct but normally code checkers show errors quite well without building. Edit sources, save, switch to Far Manager (no restart needed), and invoke.

Generated projects include:

  • References to FarNet and FSharpFar assemblies.
  • References to assemblies in [fsc].
  • *.fs files in [fsc] and [out].
  • *.fs files in the configuration folder.
  • *.fsx scripts in the configuration folder.

Generated projects are %TEMP%\_Project_X\Y.fsproj where X and Y are based on the configuration file and its parent directory names.

Associate .fsproj with Visual Studio 2022

On problems with associating .fsproj files with Visual Studio 2022, use this registry tweak:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" "%1"


Direct script debugging is not supported (starting with FSharp.Compiler.Service 38.0).

For debugging, use temporary FarNet scripts or modules, see Projects.

Consider developing complex code as FarNet scripts and debug when needed. Then reference script assemblies and call their methods from F# scripts.


F# interactive is the editor session for evaluating one or more lines of code. Use [ShiftEnter] for evaluating and [Tab] for code completion. The output of evaluated code is appended to the end with the text markers (*( and )*).

The structure of interactive text in the editor:

< old F# code, use [ShiftEnter] to add it to new >

<standard output and error text from code, i.e. from printf, eprintf>
<output text from evaluator, i.e. loading info, types, and values>
<error stream text from evaluator>
<errors and warnings>

< new F# code, use [ShiftEnter] to evaluate >

< end of file, next (*( output )*) >

Use [F5] to show the interactive history. The history list keys:

  • [Enter] - append code to the interactive.
  • [Del], [CtrlR] - tidy up the history.
  • Other keys are for incremental filtering.

Sessions are closed automatically when you edit configuration and source files in the same Far Manager or projects opened by fs:project from the same Far Manager. On editing files externally you may need to reset affected sessions manually.

Editor services

Editor services are automatically available for F# files opened in editors. If files are not self-contained then use the configuration file *.fs.ini in the same directory. Specify source files and references, normally in [fsc].

Code completion

Use [Tab] in order to complete code. Source completion is based on the current file content and the configuration. Interactive completion is based on the current session and its configuration.

Code evaluation

Use [F5] or [F11] \ FSharpFar \ Load in order to evaluate the file. The file is automatically saved before loading. The output is shown in a new editor.

Type info tips

Use [F11] \ FSharpFar \ Tips in order to get type tips for the symbol at the caret.

Use [F11] \ FSharpFar \ Enable|Disable auto tips in order to toggle auto tips on mouse hovering.

Code issues

Use [F11] \ FSharpFar \ Check in order to check the file for syntax and type errors.

Use [F11] \ FSharpFar \ Errors in order to show the menu with the last check errors.

Use [F11] \ FSharpFar \ Enable|Disable auto checks in order to toggle auto checks on typing.

Found errors and warnings are highlighted in the editor and kept until the editor text changes. Error messages are automatically shown when the mouse hovers over highlighted error areas.

To change highlighting colors, edit module settings: [F11] \ FarNet \ Settings \ FSharpFar\Settings.

Symbol uses

Use [F11] \ FSharpFar \ Uses in file and Uses in project in order to get definitions and references of the symbol at the caret. Same file uses are shown as a go to menu. Project uses are shown in a new editor.

Using F# scripts

(See /samples for some example scripts.)

How to run F# scripts in Far Manager?

Running as commands

fs:exec file = <script> [; with = <config>] [;; F# code]

Commands in Far Manager may be invoked is several ways:

  • Typed in the panels command line.
  • Typed in the "Invoke" input box.
  • Stored in user menus.
  • Stored in file associations.
  • Invoked by macros bound to keys.

The first two option are available right away. In panels type commands in the command line. In other areas use the menu F11 \ FarNet \ Invoke to open the command input box.

Other ways need some work for defining and storing commands. But then commands are invoked without typing.

F# scripts in user menus

fs: commands are easily added, edited, and called from the user menus. By design, the user menu is available just in panels and opened by [F2].

NOTE: The main or custom user menus can be opened in other areas by macros using mf.usermenu. For the details about macros see Far Manager manuals.

F# scripts in file associations

Associate commands running F# scripts with their file extensions or more complex masks. Use F9 \ Commands \ File associations, for example:

A file mask or several file masks:
Description of the association:
F# Far script
[x] Execute command (used for Enter):
    fs:exec file="!\!.!"
[x] Execute command (used for Ctrl+PgDn):
    fs: #load @"!\!.!"

F# scripts assigned to keys

F# scripts may be assigned to keys using Far Manager macros. Example:

Macro {
  area="Common"; key="CtrlShiftF9"; description="F# MyScript";
    Plugin.Call("10435532-9BB3-487B-A045-B0E6ECAAB6BC", [[fs:exec file=C:\Scripts\Far\MyScript.fsx]])

Using fsx.exe tool

The included fsx.exe is used for running scripts or interactive sessions without Far Manager running.

fsx.exe does not depend on FarNet and FSharpFar. It just uses F# services installed with FSharpFar.

Comparing to the official F# interactive, fsx.exe supports *.fs.ini configurations and includes minor interactive improvements.


fsx.exe [*.ini] [options] [script [arguments]]

If the first argument is like *.ini then it is treated as the configuration file for F# compiler options, references, and sources from the [fsc] section. Other arguments are F# Interactive Options.

If the configuration is omitted then fsx.exe looks for *.fs.ini in the last specified source file directory, or the current directory for a command without sources.

Script environment and arguments

The environment variable %FARHOME% is set appropriately based on fsx.exe location. This variable may be used in configuration files for items "portable with Far Manager".

Script arguments specified in the command line are available as the array fsi.CommandLineArgs. The first item is the script name, others are script arguments.

Note that if a script is invoked in FSharpFar then arguments are not used. fsi.CommandLineArgs is available but it contains just a dummy string.

Use #if FARNET or #if !FARNET directives for separating FarNet code from designed for fsx or fsi.

See /samples/fsx-sample.

FSharpFar packages

These packages are libraries for F# scripting using FSharpFar and fsx. They are installed similar to FarNet modules but in the different folder %FARHOME%\FarNet\Lib instead of %FARHOME%\FarNet\Modules.

Once installed, the content of such packages is portable with Far Manager. Each package has its *.ini file for use in other F# configuration files.