This workflow is triggered either by webhook or a calendar event:
Payload shoud be a list of strings.
curl -d '["Alice,Vob","Bob","Chris","Giovanni Giorgio"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://<url>/greet-and-count
Every 37 minutes calendar emits an event and sensor transforms the event metadata with lua script, generating a random json list of strings.
Example of the random input-payload list:
The workflow:
- creates text files for each elements of the input payload with
hello <name>
content and puts the output file to s3 bucket - uses the file from previous step and replaces
- counts the number of hellos and goodbyes in each file
- summarize all the hellos and goodbyes and writes the result to a mysql database
This is a diagram for a workflow triggered by a webhook:
- All WorkflowTemplates stored in the /workflows folder
- All EventSources and Sensors stored in the /events folder
- Example configmaps and secrets stored in the /generators and some additional folders
The actual environment configuration stored in nikita-akuity/demo-workflow-delivery//apps/single-workflow