October 7, 2015
- Merged in all of the changes from TripIt Slate including search and responsive design
- Added new Title Page Directives and Title Page Display
- Added an automatic publish date that is taken from the time of the build
- Added ability to specify that Code Samples should be inline rather than in a separate panel
- Added an ability to specify which elements should be used for ToC via a directive
- Enhanced search such that it displays the number of results and allows the user to step through previous and next matches
- Made Table of Contents disappear when Search was activated
- Changed Table of Contents to remain open
- Enabled strikethrough in Markdown
- Updated manual to describe how to use the tool
- Changed styling to make it lighter and more modern
- Changed Language Tabs to be buttons rather than tabs
- Changed name to be consistently dpSlate for this Forked version
December, 2013
- Forked from TripIt Slate
- Changed Styling
- Created a User Manual