.NET 6 C# SDK for the OpenSea marketplace API.
The API docs can be found here: https://docs.opensea.io/reference/api-overview
Demo API swagger: https://ninja-opensea.azurewebsites.net/swagger/index.html
PM> Install-Package OpenSeaClient -Version 1.0.7
builder.Services.AddHttpClient<IOpenSeaClient, OpenSeaHttpClient>(config =>
config.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Api-Key", "<your_api_key_here>");
var client = new OpenSeaHttpClient(apiKey: "<your_api_key_here>");
var queryParams = new GetAssetsQueryParams
CollectionSlug = collectionSlug,
var count = 0;
var limit = 50;
var it = 0;
var assetsList = new List<Asset>();
queryParams.Offset = limit * it;
queryParams.Limit = limit;
var assets = await client.GetAssetsAsync(queryParams);
if (assets != null)
if (assets.Count > 0)
await Task.Delay(1000);
while (count == 50);
Note that the listing price of an asset is equal to the currentPrice of the lowest valid sell order on the asset. Users can lower their listing price without invalidating previous sell orders, so all get shipped down until they're canceled, or one is fulfilled.
var client = new OpenSeaHttpClient(apiKey: "<your_api_key_here>");
var orders = await client.GetOrdersAsync(new GetOrdersQueryParams
AssetContractAddress = contractAddress,
TokenId = tokenId,
Side = 1,
SaleKind = 0,
if (orders?.Any() == true)
var order = orders.Where(x => x.Cancelled == false).OrderBy(x => x.CurrentPriceEth).FirstOrDefault();
if (order != null)
Console.WriteLine($"Token {tokenId} has a sell order of {order.CurrentPriceEth} ETH");