1.4.3 (2022-10-29)
- make algolia chunks smaller (526d75e)
1.4.2 (2022-10-29)
- remove google verification tag and revert mermaid code (7381cf2)
1.4.1 (2022-10-29)
- add google verification tag (4e54f23)
1.4.0 (2022-10-28)
- fix code block for old posts, and add might like section (011df9b)
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:nirgn975/portfolio (ddc7412)
1.3.2 (2022-10-27)
- cleanup (493e0c8)
1.3.1 (2022-10-27)
- add new blog post for Oct, change terminal style, fix toc (a391928)
1.3.0 (2022-10-26)
- bump package.json version and add giscus comments (c0cc4b2)
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:nirgn975/portfolio (12b9c16)
1.2.4 (2022-10-26)
- deploy back to github pages with the contact form (d8f8d0f)
1.2.3 (2022-10-25)
- add a step to build the website before deployment (4c33cae)
1.2.2 (2022-10-25)
- use new github action (9833109)
1.2.1 (2022-10-25)
- netlify build command (1e8bf88)
1.2.0 (2022-10-25)
- try to deploy to netlify using github action, with a new contact form (33770ee)
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:nirgn975/portfolio (9a948f2)
1.1.1 (2022-10-25)
- try netlify form (a41a3fc)
1.1.0 (2022-10-25)
- add new desgin-system post and fix algolia indexing (aa509be)
1.0.11 (2022-10-09)
- add ObjectId to algolia objects (ab6258a)
1.0.10 (2022-10-08)
- build index script (718979f)
1.0.9 (2022-10-08)
- install dependencies in index step (60e13be)
1.0.8 (2022-10-08)
- build index after deploying site (e4a2e81)
1.0.7 (2022-10-08)
- index posts script (ff82ffd)
1.0.6 (2022-10-08)
- index posts script (7913f18)
1.0.5 (2022-10-08)
- ci commands (023741b)
1.0.4 (2022-10-08)
- log path and files in action (609f934)
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:nirgn975/portfolio (79d3cc1)
1.0.3 (2022-10-08)
- index markdown posts and upload to algolia (358059d)
1.0.2 (2022-10-06)
- project image file (f9f01f3)
1.0.1 (2022-10-06)
- add new project to about/projects section (add0d5d)
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:nirgn975/portfolio (b9f52df)
- a typo in releasing-software-is-hard post (86a417f)
- asset url path (d28803d)
- CD: Build hugo before deploy (bf93dcf)
- CD: Fix deployment workflow (d2cc922)
- CD: Fix deployment workflow (c9b6940)
- cleanup (7701bb7)
- create a new category for posts (34e0142)
- fix releasing-software-is-hard headline (95b495d)
- github action ci/cd (2555081)
- post publishing (922f971)
- publish release to github (9a7eefc)
- style: Finish website styling (#80) (2a839de), closes #80
- talks images path (3119ed0)
- undraft latest post (e2a2f38)
- update README file and turnon CD workflow (2785f92)
- url base path (12079eb)
- change action permissions (6e0b7ea)
- change more permissions (360876a)
- make the release step seperate in the github actions workflow (17adc88)
- Update issue templates (cd1cf79)
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (#115) (9737cbf), closes #115
- more draft content (df27df6)
- cleanup (52cbec3)
- Add git 3 chapter (#101) (ffcea4b), closes #101
- Finish the post (#107) (df7d8c0), closes #107
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:nirgn975/stories-of-a-lifelong-student (bce5da6)
- unpublish posts (1ba0144)
- Create FUNDING.yml (ccb8c3d)
- learn git series (#100) (cf5dc41), closes #100
- Add plausible analytics section (d37c126)
- Add a manual option to publish (9e32987)
- Like A Spy With Hak5 Toys (#99) (39686a0), closes #99
- (fix) Revert assets directory (a5425a3)
- Edit firebase json file (038d7e5)
- Update posts publish time (96710cd)
- Reslove conflicts (a4bafd9)
- Update LoveIt theme to version 2.10 (923fd30)
- Fix GitHub action CD schedule (fff844c)
- Using cronjob to auto deploy (5af9bf2)
- Start writing (60fb08e)
- Undo Data Pipeline publish (5ae2256)
- Remove keybase and publish Simple Twitter - Chapter 2: Planning (9c5a086)
- [fix] algolia deploy (e8215ff)
- [publish] 2020/open-source-intelligence (a8c9aff)
- (fix) algolia CI (30dbd84)
- (fix) algolia CI (6323529)
- (fix) algolia CI (7a80a55)
- (fix) algolia search (9bfecb4)
- (update) LovIt theme (605f5ce)
- (publish) chapter-1-simple-twitter (df4f1f5)
- [HotFix] Fix posts dates (fb7c683)
- Finish twitter chapter 1 (#82) (1bf3edf), closes #82
- Move to hugo (#78) (1b8a871), closes #78
- Update website (#76) (e77ea6c), closes #76
- Add half finished posts (#70) (425f673), closes #70
- Add old posts (#63) (298309b), closes #63
- git diff --staged צריך להוסיף מינוס לפקודה (#74) (e4329a8), closes #74
- Merge branch 'eapcochran-post-reading-time' (3898bb6)
- Add reading time below the date, and add it also in the index file (16a78b9)
- Added reading time to post layout. Fixing #72. (ed15ff2), closes #72
- Added style for readtime block (5466e9a)
- Fix all badges (#71) (e4004df), closes #71
- Add medium posts (#68) (6064a1c), closes #68
- Update PayPal badge (#65) (a9c2a74), closes #65
- Localize post dates (#62) (15869ab), closes #62
- Move old posts from Blogger. (#48) (bdef9ef), closes #48
- Reorder CS posts (#61) (2d5ae78), closes #61
- Best Practices (#59) (0bf50f0), closes #59
- Add yarn (#57) (c11906e), closes #57
- Migrate to Jekyll Starter Kit generator (#55) (f2a9421), closes #55
- Add Paypal donate button (#53) (4181e27), closes #53
- 2012 posts. (#46) (6831316), closes #46
- Tests (#45) (39699b6), closes #45
- Change post header to be linked. (#44) (21f348b), closes #44
- Updates. (#43) (06d4c9f), closes #43
- Edit 2013 posts (#38) (9d0b030), closes #38
- Edit 2014 posts (#37) (e630330), closes #37
- Edit 2015 posts (#30) (bd14f1b), closes #30
- Logo and pages (#34) (903ca77), closes #34
- Style the pages, and the footer. (#32) (f4bc7b8), closes #32
- Change blog style. (36997be)
- Move title, change read more link to button, and fix card summary area. (#29) (2988fbb), closes #29
- Cleanup. (#23) (5c90b01), closes #23
- Fix the navbar. (#21) (6d2e06b), closes #21
- Style post on card, fix image and description on index, and add posts summary and hero-image. (#20) (e110cb5), closes #20
- Move to Materialize. (#17) (8b89a9b), closes #17
- Build the header. (#16) (408b349), closes #16
- Delete about page and add about link instead. (#15) (39fcb38), closes #15
- Change semantic js and css to CDN. (#14) (263c69b), closes #14
- Add logo image. (#6) (a2e44c8), closes #6
- Merge master and solve conflicts. (5e1913a)
- Add Semantic UI (#8) (a96f0e7), closes #8
- Cleanup and general fixing (#4) (06addd9), closes #4
- Merge pull request #2 (2b306fc), closes #2
- Add disqus script. (424ad2b)
- init (5c81d8b)
- cleanup (d80621e)
- feat: Remove Google analytics and add plausible instead (d8af3df)
- fix: Cleanup (29c7ca4)
- fix: Deploy new version (ab84fbd)
- fix: Deployment css bug (c601c78)
- fix: Don't publish unfinished posts (530e537)
- fix: Fix css overrid (5bd23b1)
- fix: Fix header css (860caa8)
- fix: lightgallery cdn (31c8693)
- post: Books Recommendations for 2021 (#95) (7374cdc), closes #95
- post: chapter 3 of simple-twitter (#87) (a18f1f6), closes #87
- post: Crack passwords (#104) (d3f4feb), closes #104
- post: Data Pipeline (#90) (0ba167f), closes #90
- post: Moving house and getting to know my neighbors (#103) (94a1a44), closes #103
- posts: Finish chapter 3 of simple-twitter (#84) (60f842f), closes #84