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eb9b542 · Jun 17, 2016


This branch is 563 commits behind fedora-infra/mirrormanager2:master.


New in v1.2.10: rsyncFilter

The rsyncFilter web interface takes a comma-separated list of
Categories to request, a timestamp (seconds since the epoch) of your
previous rsync run, and the leading directories to remove from the
answer.  It returns an rsync filter rule, which includes only the
directories which have changed since the timestamp.

Categories should be listed with their full name, and spaces URL-escaped.

Mirrors should use this interface to determine which files and
directories have changed recently, and to then only download those
which have changed.

In this example, we check for directories which have changed in the
last 24 hours, and sync only those.  The rsync command line options
are not complete in this example, you must adjust them for your own

timestampNow=$(date --utc +%s)
yesterday=$((timestampNow - (60 * 60 * 24)))
tmpfile=$(mktemp rsync.XXXXXXXX)
curl \
"${yesterday}&stripprefix=pub/fedora" \
> ${tmpfile}

rsync -vvaHP --numeric-ids --exclude-from=${tmpfile} \
    --delay-updates --delete --delete-after --ignore-errors \
    ${RSYNC_SERVER}::fedora-enchilada/ ${DESTDIR}

[ $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 23 -o $? -eq 24 ] && report_mirror
rm ${tmpfile}


report_mirror should be run after each successful rsync completes.