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320 lines (261 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

320 lines (261 loc) · 11.4 KB

Changelog - marknotes



+ Add support for the Markdown Extra syntax (
+ Add parsedown-checkbox library for better rendering of checkboxes (
+ Add 'Copy' button in the dataTable : now, it'll be possible to copy a HTML table directly in the clipboard
+ Plugin Todos : from the markdown content, this plugin will add todo number and will create a summary table at the end of the document
+ Plugin Table of content (TOC) : generate a table of content in your html document; just add %TOC_3% f.i. in your note, where the TOC should appears
+ Plugin anchor for displaying an anchor icon after each headings
+ Plugin Treeview - Hide so it's possible to hide the treeview and give more spaces to the content
+ Plugin Optimize for HTML rendering optimization
+ Plugin Include so you can write a "master" note and "include" subnotes in it
+ Improve logging (debug)
+ convert.vbs - Script for windows to convert .docx and .odt files into .md ones
+ Add support for YAML heading in .md notes



+ Update of third parties libraries
+ Plugin List Of Files - new markdown plugin that will scan a folder and retrieve the list of files in it
+ Plugin Carrousel - Also for html rendering (and Reveal too)
+ Add support for the dynamic page 'index.html'
+ Migrate the clear cache button from core to a plugin
+ Migrate the remaining js script for the search functionnality to the search plugin
+ Plugin search improved
    + The highlight process when the note is displayed support now more than one keyword
    - Update the jquery-flexdatalist library, this solve an issue by removing keywords
    - Solve by searching in files with accentuated characters in their name
+ The authentication plugin won't fired if the settings doens't contains a login/passord i.e. it's possible to immediatly edit notes without need to make a login (f.i. on a localhost)
+ Rewrite share plugin to use the same way to display functionnalities i.e. thanks to jquery-toolbar (need to first click on the "share" button and then choose a sharing feature)
+ Plugin gTranslate - Add a parameter in settings.json to be able to not load the plugin on localhost
+ Plugin ganalytics - Add a parameter in settings.json to be able to not load the plugin on localhost
+ The treeview options button won't appear anymore if all treeview plugins are disabled
+ Add an entry "Edit note" in the treeview contextual menu
+ Add the ACLs plugin : allow to defined one or more folder that will be hidden to unauthorized people
- Solve issue when creating, from the interface, folders/files with accentuated characters in their name
- Solve bug in settings.json override when the change was for a plugin (into a array like plugin->content->html). Now, json only contains key and no more arrays.
- The `folder` setting was incorrectly read; solved.
- localStorage :
    - solve an issue when the list was empty; in that case localStorage is bypass and the server is querying for that list.
    - invalidate store.js when adding / renaming / removing a note / folder



+ Add content plugins : Google Analytics, Google Translate, JoliTypo (coded now as a plugin), Share on social networks and SEO
+ The "language" attribute in templates is now derived from the settings.json file (and no more "en" by default)
+ Add stylisation for tables in the html View
+ Autoclose the login popup after submitting and simulate click on the login button when pressing the Enter key on the password field
- Remove a bug with dompdf when rendering pdf layout



+ Add Expand All / Collapse All options in the treeview menu
+ Add support of Pandoc on Windows system and allow to convert to .docx and .pdf with this converter
+ Add a login screen before being able to add, delete or edit notes, when the settings.json doesn't provide a login / password, no login will then be asked (usefull on a localhost system)
+ Improve performance by using the session object on the server side (and no more only localStorage on the client site)
+ Add deckTape support (on Windows server) (
+ Add custom settings for a given note or its parent folder (
+ Add the support of reveal.js and no more only remark.js
+ Code review (refactoring, new classes, reduce number of PHPMD warnings, ...)
+ Add a timeline task (?task=timeline) (based on []( (
+ Add a dynamic sitemap (
+ Add the support of jquery-toolbar (
+ Routeur add support to /a-note.pdf i.e. support the extension
+ Add new settings in settings.json.dist for the animation part
+ Add a menu toolbar in the treeview side and move there application's actions like clearing the cache
+ Add a button for the sitemap
+ Update libraries (folder libs)



+ Add a router
   + accessing to http://localhost/notes/docs/Development/atom/Plugins.html will display the html rendering of the docs/Development/atom/ page even if the .html file doesn't exists) (?format=html is the default format)
   + ?format=slides will display a slideshow version
   + ?format=pdf will download a PDF version
+ Add JolyTypo library ( - Web Microtypography fixer
+ Files and folders starting with a dot (like .images) won't be listed anymore in the treeview
+ Add a new template : pdf. This way it's possible to customize the look&feel of the pdf version and, also, remove unneeded calls like the javascript files (unneeded for a PDF)
- Remove fatal error "Call to undefined function AeSecure\mcrypt_get_iv_size()", mcrypt_get_iv_size is a global function loaded by php and not part of the AeSecure namespace.
- Remove bug of not refreshing the Treeview after a folder/note creation (right-click on the treeview); use localStorage bypass.
- Remove a js warning when the tag contains special characters (use RegExp.quote)



+ Add right clic on the treeview : allow to create new folder/note, remove folder/note or rename them
+ Refactoring of classes/markdown.php
+ Exporting task's logic into classes/tasks/ files
+ Refactoring of assets/markdown.js
+ Exporting jstree's logic into assets/js/jstree.js
+ Exporting fullscreen's logic into assets/js/fullscreen.js
+ store.js ( - Store informations in the client's navigator cache to speed up page display
+ Improve the search engine by using jsTree - Search plugin

## 1.0.4

### 2017-02-09

+ Dompdf - Use Dompdf for PDF generation
- Remove jsPDF



+ jsTree - Open folder on the single click
+ Read version number and github link from package.json



+ Add Gulp support to allow easier testing before submitting to git



+ Include php-error ( when the development is enabled (in settings.json)
+ Add additionnals error handling in javascript


+ Add a fullscreen button (on/off)
+ Add a copy the note's content in the clipboard, with formatting
+ Add a refresh button to reload the note more easily
+ Change the current "Copy note's link" icon to an anchor
- Remove a bug while searching in a note with encrypted data, simplify the function


+ Implement composer for updating dependencies
+ Add the current version number in the bottom left of the screen with a link to the GitHub repository



+ Code reorganization
+ The edit form show unencrypted infos to let the user to update them
+ add jsPDF for Javascript pdf exportation
+ finalization version 1.0


+ Add Encrypt button in the editor


+ Edit mode
+ Sanitize filename
+ Add .htaccess security, no script execution in /docs


+ Add settings->list->opened
+ First initialize the program by reading settings.json.dist file
+ Replace highlight.js by Prism (for language syntax highlighting)
- Remove tagging in the .html file, do it only "on-the-fly"


+ Keep jsTree as compact as possible : after a search, close all nodes and show only ones with selected node


+ Add "table" class to tables
+ Add jsTree
+ Add DataTables plugin
- Don't rewrite the .md file anymore for adding tags; do it only on-the-fly


+ Add aeSecureJSON class for better JSON handling (error handling)
+ If translated string isn't in settings.json, use the one of settings.json.dist
+ Add images lazyload (see settings.json -> plugins -> lazyload


+ Add Debug and Development entries in settings.json
+ Replace editor by a boolean in settings.json
+ Auto tagging regex improved


+ Add automatically known tags in markdown existing files


+ Javascript improvements
+ CSS improvements
+ Add a Slideshow button to display the note like a slideshow
+ libs folder reorganization
+ add linkify.js to convert plain text email, urls, ... into clickable ones
+ search : add a auto keyword i.e. a filtering that is immediatly done when showing the application screen
- remove highlite and replace by jquery.highlight.js


+ Tags : maintain automatically the tags.json file. Just need to put §Some_Tag in a document (une § and not #)
+ Tags : detect tags in JS and allow to click on it for filtering
+ Wallpaper image : only visible for large screen


+ Search : allow to specify more than one term (boolean operator is AND)
+ Add highlight.js for syntax color


+ Add Flexdatalist jquery
- Remove selective.js


+ Add support of links toward another notes
+ Add the copy the link in the clipboard feature


+ Move assets from inline to /assets folder
+ Move classes into /classes folder
+ Move HTML inline to /templates folder
+ Add support for custom template (property template in settings.json)


+ Add custom.js to allow the end user to add his own script
+ Add a IMG_MAX_WIDTH constant to be sure that images will be correctly resized if too big
+ Add selectize.js


+ Add Print preview feature (thanks to
+ Remove icons (images) and use font-awesome instead


+ Improve add icons (based on jQuery and no more pure css)
+ Add filtering on folder name : just click on a folder name and the list will be limited to that folder
+ Start editing code
+ Remove leading / ending spaces before searching
+ Add Google font support (node "page::google_font" in the settings.json file)


+ Search supports encrypted data now


+ Add search functionality, add comments, add custom.css,
+ Add change a few css to try to make things clearer, force links (<a href="">) to be opened in a new tab


+ Add support for encryption (tag <encrypt>)


+ First version