The changelog is autogenerated by github at the release notes by inspecting labels at PRs.
To have a proper changelog, make sure the PRs are labeled as expected so they appear at proper the proper section. According to [1] these are the labels:
- Skip release notes:
- ignore-for-release
- Breaking Changes 🛠
- Semver-Major
- kind/breaking-change
- Exciting New Features 🎉
- Semver-Minor
- kind/enhancement
- Bug Fix 🐛
- Semver-Patch
- kind/bug
- Other changes
- Everything that has no labels at all
- Tag new release in git.
# Make sure your local git repo is sync with upstream.
# The whole version string should log like `v0.1.0`.
# For the commit message use the following format: `nmpolicy 0.1.0 release`.
git tag --sign v<version>
git push upstream --tags
- In case there is a need to remove a tag:
# Remove local tag
git tag -d <tag_name>
# Remove upstream tag
git push --delete upstream <tag_name>
The release is fully automated and appear after pushing a proper semVer tag.