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Direct quantization with sharktank
Stella Laurenzo
June 30, 2024

Direct Quantization with SHARK Tank

As a toolkit for building and adapting PyTorch based models for deployment, SHARK Tank provides rich quantization support. By targeting the IREE compiler for optimizations, we can strike a balance with our quantization setup that:

  • Is completely eager friendly for development, debugging, and light use.
  • Optimizes directly using the advanced fusion and code generation capabilities native to the IREE compiler.
  • Is configured via calibration parameters from a variety of quantization simulators.
  • Is implemented in PyTorch in terms of the underlying quantization math without using opaque approaches like QDQ, fakequant, or black box quantization op sets.
  • Can be extended with fine-grained scheme/target specific kernel fusions at need while relying on the compiler to get it right for most things without additional fuss.

While not a completely novel concept (there are several full or partial priors), this approach does deviate from what has become the classical norm of the last ten years which were born primarily out of mobile scenarios and from a position of quantization being something that some minor subset of use cases call for. As such, these prior indirect approaches focused on being able to be bolted on, through layers of infrastructure, to model development practices that were not considering them. It should be noted that the IREE ecosystem (primarily built on top of torch-mlir and its ONNX support) supports these indirect schemes -- effectively using compiler transformations under the covers to do opaque model transformations that mirror a subset of what is exposed directly to the user in the rest of this document.

As an alternative, when developing SHARK Tank and bringing up the initial models, we wanted something more flexible, easier to debug/extend, and less laden with needing to lowest common denominator something for everyone in order to fit into fixed-function op sets that are very expensive to change. We call the result Direct Quantization since it is formulated directly in terms of the math that underlies the layers of infrastructure that exists in the classical approaches.

This is not a principled, all or nothing, approach. It is simply that after many years of staring at opaque walls of slightly different numbers from layers of infrastructure, we preferred to write new implementations in a way that was more inspectable and open to evolution.

API Levels

The direct quantization features are exposed through a few different levels of Python API, extending from the user/nn.Module level down through types/ops. It is expected that for model-adaptation scenarios, users may choose to just do the traditional thing and replace key nn.Modules; whereas in custom model development, it may be beneficial to reach deeper. It is all just a small amount of Python code implementing direct math and packing schemes.

  1. nn.Module: Provides nn.Module subclasses for common quantized sequences. While requiring a bit of external configuration data, these should be drop-in replacements for subsets of the functionality available in stock PyTorch modules like Linear and Conv2D.
  2. Types/Ops: The nn.Module implementations we provide are built in terms of SHARK Tank custom InferenceTensor and polymorphic functional ops library.
  3. Op specializations for optimized subsets of op type signatures and features (for example, an optimized affine quantized linear specialization for supported combinations of TensorScaledLayout arguments).

(TODO: good place for a diagram)

nn.Module Implementations

Available modules that support direct quantization (TODO: refactor to use torch "Module" terminology and naming schemes consistently):

Note that most sharktank modules extend ThetaLayer, which calls for a bit of explanation. Traditional PyTorch Modules directly instantiate their backing parameters in their constructor. For dataset-heavy and polymorphic implementations like we commonly see in quantization and distribution, however, it can be beneficial to separate these concerns.

The ThetaLayer simply takes a Theta object, which is a tree-structured bag of native torch.Tensor or InferenceTensor instances, and it adopts the tensors in the bag as its own vs creating them. For those familiar with the concept, this is a form of dependency-injection for tensors that allows us to easily separate the question of how you prepare the data to operate on ("Theta") from the computation ("Module"), allowing us to build tooling specifically geared towards data transformation based on Theta trees. Theta objects support lossless round-trip to disk of all of their metadata and custom types, making them ideal for use in data transformation pipelines. The on-disk form can also be directly mmap'd by the IREE runtime for compiled deployment with or without Python.

If replacing a native PyTorch module with a sharktank module, one would simply take the original parareters, put them in a Theta object and pass it to the new Module. Tooling will eventually be provided to automate this.

For models that were coded directly in sharktank, we usually start from a root Theta loaded from disk (or transformed on-the-fly from something like a GGUF file) and then construct each model layer by mapping a node in the Theta tree to a specific Module instance.


We've already met the Theta object above, which holds a tree of something called an InferenceTensor. Now we describe what this is. Note that presently, InferenceTensor is not a torch.Tensor but its own ABC type that:

  • Is a composite of named, global torch.Tensor sub-parts.
  • Has a shape
  • Can be named
  • Supports serialization/deserialization to IREE parameter archives and metadata structs.

The composition is key since by having a 1:N mapping of logical tensors to physical tensors with enough structure to faithfully persist/round-trip in a way that an eventual inference engine can mount directly, we leave open direct type-mappings of many forms of algebra that show up in modern ML models (i.e. quantization, sharding/replication, sparsity, statistics/simulation, etc).

Note that these logical tensors are power-user features: unless if specifically instructed, they do not escape the more user-oriented nn.Modules, but they are used heavily to implement those modules and manage data transformation pipelines.

InferenceTensor subtypes

There is a growing list of InferenceTensor sub-types, many of which are related to quantization:

  • PrimitiveTensor: A simple composition of a single torch.Tensor. This is often used interchangeably with a torch.Tensor but is present for completeness of the type hierarchy and to be able to type select on.

  • QuantizedTensor: Abstract base class of all quantized tensors, providing two primary operations:

    • unpack: Accesses the backing QuantizedLayout of the tensor, which is used for all concrete manipulation of the contents.
    • to_planar: Converts any QuantizedTensor to a canonical "planar form" (i.e. if the specific type was implemented in terms of a compressed/packed layout, this explodes it into a canonical representation of individual tensors which can be algebraically implemented individually/generically).
  • PlanarQuantizedTensor: Concrete implementation for all non-packed quantized tensors that can be losslessly represented by a layout based on individual tensor components. All QuantizedTensor instances can be converted to a PlanarQuantizedTensor.

  • QuantizerTensor: (note the "r" in the name) An abstract InferenceTensor that exposes a quantize(torch.Tensor | InferenceTensor) -> QuantizedTensor operation used to transform an arbitrary tensor to a quantized form. There are a handful of implementations:

    • StaticScaledQuantizer: Performs per-axis or per-tensor affine quantization to a specified dtype using scale/offset tensors. Produces a PlanarQuantizedTensor with a TensorScaledLayout.
    • DynamicScaledQuantizer: Similar to StaticScaledQuantizer but derives its scale dynamically based on the contents of the tensor passed to quantize.


Previously we saw that the QuantizedTensor and QuantizerTensor types manipulate tensor contents via QuantizedLayout, but we haven't yet defined that. The *Tensor types are structural and exist to give identity, but the QuantizedLayout is where the "magic happens".

QuantizedLayout is an ABC, supporting:

  • Serialization/interop with parameter archives.
  • Arbitrary static metadata.
  • References a number of named plane tensors that fully represent the contained contents, using some form of packing/compression/composition-algebra.
  • Defines a def dequant(dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None) -> torch.Tensor abstract method to produce a fully linearized dequantization of the contents.
  • Optionally defines a dequant_blocked() method which dequantizes, preserving any latent blocking structure in the layout.

There are a number of implementations, as every quantization scheme typically needs at least one concrete QuantizedLayout. Simple schemes like affine quantization can be fully defined in terms of a single TensorScaledLayout. Whereas packed schemes like we find in inference engines like GGML and XNNPACK optimally require both a packed layout and a planar layout.

In such cases, the packed layout typically depends on custom kernel implementations that operate in a fixed function way on a very specifically formatted representation in memory (often optimized for a specific architecture like a small family of CPU SKUs). The planar layout is chosen to represent the underlying packed data in a way that can be algebraically manipulated or repacked as needed. The planar layout can stand-in for "generic" implementations that will work on any device using (typically) just the standard features of the compiler to implement.

At the time of writing, sharktank has custom quantized layouts for a handful of formats found in the wild:

  • BlockScaledI4Layout: Simple planar I4 layout supporting block structure and a per-block scale.
  • SuperBlockOffsetScaled_4_6_Layout: Planar form of the GGUF "Q4_K" format (which is actually a mixed 4/6 bit format where the quantized values are represented in a two layer blocking structure with both super-block FP scales and 6-bit sub-block scales/offsets).

There is also interop support for mmap'ing from GGUF files and interpreting/transforming using their natively defined forms.

Functional Ops

Previously, we found a rich type system defining all manner of layouts and quantization schemes, but what can be done with it? That is where the sharktank functional op library comes in. These logical ops provide the building blocks to implement built-in and custom nn.Module implementations operating on InferenceTensor (and torch.Tensor) types.

The ops are all implemented in a pluggable way that can be specialized by registering new type signatures or filter lambdas. This allows us to define them generically in whatever way is needed to produce an optimal implementation at any needed level of granularity:

  • Generic/default implementation that "unboxes" to torch.Tensor to perform the operation with Torch-native ops (including on-the-fly dequant).
  • Layout aware default implementations which understand specific block structures and preserve it when computing (when combined with a fusing compiler, this alone provides decent fallback implementations for a variety of "weight compression" oriented techniques). See some examples.
  • Pure-Torch decompositions for algebraic techniques like affine quantization (when combined with a fusing compiler, this alone is sufficient for optimization). See qlinear and qconv implementations of actual affine quantized decompositions.
  • Completely custom packed/optimized implementation. These can be written to activate on any level of detail of the type hierarchy. The implementation can be anything from a torch-level decomposition to custom-linalg-based template expansion, to a custom machine-oriented kernel defined in something like Triton, TK, C++, etc.

We generally presume that we are deploying through a fusing compiler and prefer implementations higher up the list because they are more general/portable (and for certain common classes of problems are actually optimal). But complete customization is possible/encouraged by plugging in specializations that use any kind of hand coded kernel.

In all cases, there is no difference between what runs eagerly and what compiles, with the exception that when running eagerly, there is no fusion, so performance will be degraded. This characteristic is critical for implementation quantization schemes as it eliminates the layers of interpolation and supposition that usually has to line up to ensure good numeric results in classical implementations. Here, you just run the Python and use whatever tools you normally do to print/check/debug. Then you compile it. If you used completely custom kernels, they will be inlined/scheduled into your overall program or launched individually during eager execution.

Custom Kernels

Underlying everything is IREE's custom kernel system. This language agnostic scheme lets us program IREE's internal IR directly in implementations of normal PyTorch ops. This can be literally anything that IREE supports (which is everything). We're just starting to exploit some of this as the PyTorch level. Some examples:

Since all of these types of custom kernels are just defined with simple Python tooling, they are really fast to iterate on. The linalg based kernels specifically tend to be highly portable, and we don't hesitate to write one of those when we need something specific that PyTorch doesn't provide out of the box (i.e. proper mixed-precision integer conv (template)).

Dataset transformation

All of the above is well and good, but for most quantization users, the key question becomes "where do I get the parameters"? While we hope that in the future, quantization simulators will directly use our APIs to emit datasets that can be directly consumed by sharktank, there will always be cases where you have to adapt from some parameter format or another.

We take a practical approach to this, writing implementation specific converters where needed, and taking advantage of industry-standard consolidation points where available (like GGUF) in order to cover a wider surface area.

Behind both is the notion of a Dataset, which combines some set of hyper-parameters with a root Theta object (typically representing the layer-tree of frozen tensors). Datasets can be losslessly persisted to IREE IRPA files, which can then be loaded by either sharktank Python code or the native IREE runtime for standalone or PyTorch integrated deployment.

We also provide support for creating a Dataset object from GGUF files, which is a defacto rally point for LLM development these days. Once represented as a Dataset object, generic tools can be used to translate, serialize, transform, shard, etc.

See some examples:

Through a long history of quantizing models, we have learned that such practical, data oriented conversion tools are the foundation of getting work done. While the APIs exist and can be eventually adopted to have more direct and seamless interop, the ability to roll a data converter with good transformation-oriented APIs in a few minutes is a lifesaver in this fragmented space, and it ensures that with just a bit of Python code, you can typically port from any source if needed.