Releases: node-3d/image-raub
Release 4.1.0
Updated the module dependencies. Added Linux AARCH64 binaries.
Fix AT dependency
Prevent errors caused by the missing napi module.
Update dependencies
Updated dependencies and added the loadAsync
Update Build System
Switched to GitHub Actions.
Rebuilt with GitHub Actions.
Updated dependencies.
Update dependencies
Rebuilt with new AT dependency.
Resolved vulnerability issue.
Allow Dependency Patches
- Allow patch releases for dependencies in package.json
Update AT dependency
Fixes a vulnerability
Update segfault dependency
Makes logging segfaults to file optional.
Unicode and BGR improvements
Added support for unicode characters in file names when using
Improved BGR correction approach for data consistency. Now images are always stored as is, yet _data
property holds a corrected buffer. Also fromPixels
is still expecting RGBA order, which is then processed with a special flag.
The Advent of N-API
Designed to work with Addon Tools 5. Moved GYP build step to subfolder.
Installation flow was changed.
- Before: download sources, compile, remove unnecessary intermediates.
- Now: download N-API binary from a Github/other release.