client |
A client requests services and information from the server. Typically, a client is a computer application, such as a web browser. |
dependencies |
Dependencies are external code modules that are required to run your project. |
endpoint |
The part of the URL which comes after / . For example: /chocolate is the "chocolate" endpoint. |
express.static() |
The built-in Express middleware function that makes it possible to serve static assets. |
get() |
The Express method used to set up a handler function in Express. Takes two parameters: the endpoint, and the handler function. |
handler function |
A function that receives requests and tells the server how to respond to them. |
method |
Method is another name for a function. |
middleware |
A function (or functions) that are invoked by Express before your final request handler is executed. Middleware sits between a raw request and its final intended route. |
module |
A module is a bit of reusable code, written by you or someone else, that can be imported into a Node.js project using require. |
npm |
npm is a "package manager" for Node.js, meaning it allows you to easily install external modules (or chunks of code) published by others and use them in your project. |
npm install [package-name] |
The terminal command used to install a package from npm. |
package.json |
A package.json is the file used to store information about a Node.js project, such as its name and its dependencies. Read more here. |
port |
A port is a number that serves as an endpoint, determining where you can access your web application. |
request |
A request is the message sent via HTTP from the client to the server, asking for information. |
require() |
Require is used in Node.js to import functionality from another file or an external module. |
response |
A response is the data sent back to the client from the server after an HTTP request is made. |
routing |
The definition of application endpoints and how they respond to client requests. |
--save |
When added to the end of an npm install command, --save adds that npm package to the package.json file. |
send() |
The Express method used to send information back to the client from the server. Updates the response object. |
server |
A web server is a software application which handles HTTP requests sent by the client, like web browsers, and returns web pages and information in response. |
static assets |
Files such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript documents or images that you want to appear in the browser. |
use() |
The method that tells Express to use a certain piece of middleware. |