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Releases: node-webrtc/node-webrtc


19 Mar 06:56
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New Features

Programmatic Audio

This release of node-webrtc adds non-standard, programmatic audio APIs in the form of RTCAudioSource and RTCAudioSink. These APIs are similar to the previously added RTCVideoSource and RTCVideoSink APIs. With these APIs, you can

  • Pass audio samples to RTCAudioSource via the onData method. Then use the RTCAudioSource's createTrack method to create a local audio MediaStreamTrack.
  • Construct an RTCAudioSink from a local or remote audio MediaStreamTrack. The RTCAudioSink will emit a "data" event every time audio samples are received. When you're finished, stop the RTCAudioSink by calling stop.

Because these APIs are non-standard, they are exposed via a nonstandard property on node-webrtc's exports object. For example,

const { RTCAudioSource, RTCAudioSink } = require('wrtc').nonstandard;

const source = new RTCAudioSource();
const track = source.createTrack();
const sink = new RTCAudioSink(track);

const sampleRate = 8000;
const samples = new Int16Array(sampleRate / 100);  // 10 ms of 16-bit mono audio

const data = {

const interval = setInterval(() => {
  // Update audioData in some way before sending.

sink.ondata = data => {
  // Do something with the received audio samples.

setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);


interface RTCAudioSource {
  MediaStreamTrack createTrack();
  void onData(RTCAudioData data);

dictionary RTCAudioData {
  required Int16Array samples;
  required unsigned short sampleRate;
  octet bitsPerSample = 16;
  octet channelCount = 1;
  unsigned short numberOfFrames;
  • Calling createTrack will return a local audio MediaStreamTrack whose source is the RTCAudioSource.
  • Calling onData with RTCAudioData pushes a new audio samples to every non-stopped local audio MediaStreamTrack created with createTrack.
  • RTCAudioData should represent 10 ms worth of 16-bit audio samples.


[constructor(MediaStreamTrack track)]
interface RTCAudioSink {
  void stop();
  readonly attribute boolean stopped;
  attribute EventHandler ondata;
  • RTCAudioSink's constructor accepts a local or remote audio MediaStreamTrack.
  • As long as neither the RTCAudioSink nor the RTCAudioSink's MediaStreamTrack are stopped, the RTCAudioSink will raise a "data" event any time RTCAudioData is received.
  • The "data" event has all the properties of RTCAudioData.
  • RTCAudioSink must be stopped by calling stop.

RTCVideoFrame rotation

The RTCVideoFrame raised in RTCVideoSink's "frame" event now includes a property, rotation, which indicates rotation of the RTCVideoFrame. Possible values are 0, 90, 180, and 270.

EventListener handleEvent

EventListener instances now support handleEvent.


22 Jan 05:29
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New Features

Programmatic Video

This release of node-webrtc adds non-standard, programmatic video APIs in the form of RTCVideoSource and RTCVideoSink. With these APIs, you can

  • Pass I420 frames to RTCVideoSource via the onFrame method. Then use RTCVideoSource's createTrack method to create a local video MediaStreamTrack.
  • Construct an RTCVideoSink from a local or remote video MediaStreamTrack. The RTCVideoSink will emit a "frame" event every time an I420 frame is received. When you're finished, stop the RTCVideoSink by calling stop.

Because these APIs are non-standard, they are exposed via a nonstandard property on node-webrtc's exports object. For example,

const { RTCVideoSource, RTCVideoSink } = require('wrtc').nonstandard;

const source = new RTCVideoSource();
const track = source.createTrack();
const sink = new RTCVideoSink(track);

const width = 320;
const height = 240;
const data = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height * 1.5);
const frame = { width, height, data };

const interval = setInterval(() => {
  // Update the frame in some way before sending.

sink.onframe = ({ frame }) => {
  // Do something with the received frame.

setTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);

This release also adds bindings to some libyuv functions for handling I420 frames. These can be useful when converting to and from RGBA.


[constructor(optional RTCVideoSourceInit init)]
interface RTCVideoSource {
  readonly attribute boolean isScreencast;
  readonly attribute boolean? needsDenoising;
  MediaStreamTrack createTrack();
  void onFrame(RTCVideoFrame frame);

dictionary RTCVideoSourceInit {
  boolean isScreencast = false;
  boolean needsDenoising;

dictionary RTCVideoFrame {
  required unsigned long width;
  required unsigned long height;
  required Uint8ClampedArray data;
  • Calling createTrack will return a local video MediaStreamTrack whose source is the RTCVideoSource.
  • Calling onFrame with an RTCVideoFrame pushes a new video frame to every non-stopped local video MediaStreamTrack created with createTrack.
  • An RTCVideoFrame represents an I420 frame.


[constructor(MediaStreamTrack track)]
interface RTCVideoSink {
  void stop();
  readonly attribute boolean stopped;
  attribute EventHandler onframe;
  • RTCVideoSink's constructor accepts a local or remote video MediaStreamTrack.
  • As long as neither the RTCVideoSink nor the RTCVideoSink's MediaStreamTrack are stopped, the RTCVideoSink will raise a "frame" event any time an RTCVideoFrame is received.
  • The "frame" event has a property, frame, of type RTCVideoFrame.
  • RTCVideoSink must be stopped by calling stop.

i420ToRgba and rgbaToI420

These two functions are bindings to libyuv that provide conversions between I420 and RGBA frames. WebRTC expects I420, whereas APIs like the Canvas API expect RGBA, so these functions are useful for converting between. For example,

const { i420ToRgba, rgbaToI420 } = require('wrtc').nonstandard;

const width = 640;
const height = 480;
const i420Data = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height * 1.5);
const rgbaData = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height * 4);
const i420Frame = { width, height, data: i420Data };
const rgbaFrame = { width, height, data: rgbaData };

i420ToRgba(i420Frame, rgbaFrame);
rgbaToI420(rgbaFrame, i420Frame);


  • Added support for setting MediaStreamTrack's enabled property (#475).


06 Jan 15:20
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New Features

  • Updated to WebRTC M71.
  • Relay remote audio MediaStreamTracks on Windows (0.1.5 initially introduced this feature for Linux and macOS; now, Windows supports it, too).
  • Added support for pkg (#404).

Bug Fixes

  • Calling certain methods, like addTrack, removeTrack, etc., with objects that were not instances of MediaStreamTrack, RTCRtpSender, etc., could lead to segfaults. This was because we did not properly validate objects before attempting to unwrap them. (#448)


16 Dec 01:14
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New Features

  • Experimental support for armv7l and arm64. Binaries built for these architectures have been tested with QEMU but not on real devices. Please test them out. If you install node-webrtc directly on an ARM device, node-pre-gyp should pull the correct binaries automatically. Otherwise, you may need to set the TARGET_ARCH environment variable to "arm" (armv7l) or "arm64". For example,

    TARGET_ARCH=arm64 npm install
  • Set DEBUG=true to install debug binaries (Linux- and macOS-only). For example,

    DEBUG=true npm install


09 Nov 23:18
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New Features

  • Support for Node 11 on Windows.


09 Nov 01:09
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This release adds a number of new features and brings us closer to spec compliance, thanks to the tests at web-platform-tests/wpt.

New Features


This release adds limited getUserMedia support. You can create audio and video MediaStreamTracks; however, the resulting MediaStreamTracks do not capture any media. You can add these MediaStreamTracks to an RTCPeerConnection; however, no media will be transmitted. You can confirm by checking bytesSent and bytesReceived in getStats.

const { getUserMedia } = require('wrtc');

  audio: true,
  video: true
}).then(stream => {
  stream.getTracks().forEach(track => stop());

Although we will parse and validate some members of the MediaStreamConstraints and related dictionaries, we do not use their values at this time.


This release adds limited standards-compliant getStats support. Previous node-webrtc releases exposed the legacy, callback-based getStats API. This release preserves that API but adds the Promise-based API. Neither the MediaStreamTrack selector argument nor the RTCRtpSender- and RTCRtpReceiver-level getStats APIs are implemented at this time.

// Legacy API
  response => { /* ... */ },

// Standards-compliant API
  report => { /* ... */ },

Unified Plan and sdpSemantics

This release adds support for RTCRtpTransceivers and Unified Plan SDP via

  • A non-standard RTCConfiguration option, sdpSemantics, and
  • An environment variable, SDP_SEMANTICS.

Construct an RTCPeerConnection with sdpSemantics set to "unified-plan" or launch your application with SDP_SEMANTICS=unified-plan to enable RTCRtpTransceiver support; otherwise, "plan-b" is the default.

const { RTCPeerConnection } = require('wrtc');

const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({
  sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan'  // default is "plan-b"
SDP_SEMANTICS=unified-plan node app.js


You can use RTCRtpTransceivers and related APIs when Unified Plan is enabled. This includes the following RTCPeerConnection methods

  • addTransceiver
  • getTransceivers

and the following RTCTrackEvent properties

  • transceiver

The following RTCRtpTransceiver methods are supported

  • stop

as well as the following RTCRtpTransceiver properties

  • mid
  • sender
  • receiver
  • stopped
  • direction
  • currentDirection

setCodecPreferences is not yet implemented. When calling addTransceiver, only the following RTCRtpTransceiverInit dictionary members are supported

  • direction
  • streams
const assert = require('assert');
const { MediaStream, RTCPeerConnection, RTCRtpTransceiver } = require('wrtc');

const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({
  sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan'

const t1 = pc.addTransceiver('audio', {
  direction: 'recvonly'

const t2 = pc.addTransceiver(t1.receiver.track, {
  direction: 'sendonly',
  streams: [new MediaStream()]


Added limited support for the muted property (it always returns false).


  • APIs that should throw DOMExceptions, such as addTrack, will use domexception to construct those DOMExceptions, if installed.

Bug Fixes

  • Calling addTrack twice with the same MediaStreamTrack should throw an InvalidAccessError (#442).
  • MediaStream's getTrackById did not work for video MediaStreamTracks.
  • MediaStream's clone method did not clone MediaStreamTracks.
  • MediaStreamTrack's readyState was not updated when stop was called.


02 Nov 17:29
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New Features

  • Support for Node 11. Binaries are available for Linux and macOS. Windows binaries will become available in a subsequent release once AppVeyor gains support for Node 11.
  • Updated to WebRTC M70. This release no longer uses mayeut/libwebrtc; instead, WebRTC is built from source.

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped support for Node 9
  • Minimum CMake version bumped to 3.12
  • Minimum GCC version bumped to 5.4
  • Minimum Microsoft Visual Studio version bumped to 2017

Bug Fixes

  • Updating to WebRTC M70 fixes an RTCDataChannel-related interop bug with recent Firefox releases (#444).


24 Sep 20:13
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an AudioDeviceModule memory and thread leak (#429).
  • Fixed an issue where closing an RTCPeerConnection would raise "open" events on any RTCDataChannels whose readyState was "connecting" (#436).


31 Aug 20:17
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Breaking Changes

  • Dropped support for Node 4, 5 and 7 (#408).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a race when closing an RTCDataChannel (#358).
  • Fixed memory leaks in createOffer, createAnswer, addIceCandidate, and getStats (#425).


28 Jun 17:23
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with receiving multiple ArrayBuffers over an RTCDataChannel that could cause invalid memory accesses (#406).