- Github issue: #213
- Meeting Video: https://youtu.be/UFBMF9ndBDo
- Next meeting: 05 June 2017
- Previous meetings: #201
- Michael Dawson (@mhdawson)
- Myles Borins (@MylesBorins)
- Jeremiah Senkpiel (@fishrock123)
- Sam Roberts (@sam-github)
- Gibson Fahnestock (@gibfahn)
- meta: updated messaging regarding dates #141
- Clarify what happens with odd-numbered releases in April #128
- meta: charter the LTS Working Group nodejs/CTC#122
- Potential Semver Minor Backports #177
meta: updated messaging regarding dates #141
All: No objections
Clarify what happens with odd-numbered releases in April #128
- Myles: I’m not sure we need to declare a support statement at all, we definitely don’t want to call it maintenance, that conflates it with LTS maintenance mode, which is different.
- Sam: if we describe odd-numbered as stable then do we need maintenance?
- Myles: we shouldn’t call odd-numbered releases stable, they are current because they don’t have a support process.
- Myles: We could say: “After the next Current release line comes out, there will be no more scheduled releases. Further releases will be agreed on a case-by-case basis.”
- Michael: how about: "An odd-numbered major release will cease to be actively updated when the subsequent even-numbered major release is cut."
- All: agreed
- Myles: I think the bigger issue is that we are inconsistent about how stable current is, and whether it’s recommended for more general use.
- Myles to raise CTC issue
meta: charter the LTS Working Group nodejs/CTC#122
- Myles: I think the release team should include the LTS team, and a team of people who do releases.
- Myles: Also the current Release WG should have meetings, even infrequent ones, that would help us stay on top of our release process.
- Michael: I think it’s still good to have a
team under the proposed Release WG that actually handles the release process, so that we can have a wider Release team that aren’t required to all have release access. - Jeremiah: Yeah, there probably will be a lot of overlap between what the current Release and LTS teams talk about.
- Jeremiah: If we do this, then the Release team might not all need to have the responsibility to do releases.
- Myles: So maybe the rule should be that to add someone to the releasers team requires signoff from the CTC.
- Michael: We need to make sure the other Release team members are on board.
- Michael to write up a first draft of the proposal, Myles can review before the issue is created.