This role installs and configures goTTY, a tool to access a server terminal as a web application.
See meta/main.yml
- hosts:
- nodiscc.xsrv.common # (optional) base server setup, hardening, firewall, bruteforce prevention
- nodiscc.xsrv.monitoring # (optional) server monitoring, log aggregation
- nodiscc.xsrv.apache # (required in the standard configuration) webserver/reverse proxy, SSL certificates
- nodiscc.xsrv.gotty
# required variables:
# host_vars/
gotty_fqdn: ""
# ansible-vault edit host_vars/
gotty_auth_username: "CHANGEME"
gotty_auth_password: "CHANGEME"
gotty_run_username: "CHANGEME"
See defaults/main.yml for all configuration variables.
Access gotty from a web browser at https://$gotty_fqdn
and login using credentials configured in gotty_auth_username/password
gotty - setup gotty web terminal