This role will install Mumble server, a voice chat (VoIP) server. It is primarily designed for use by gamers and can replace commercial programs such as TeamSpeak or Ventrilo.
It also configures:
- (optional) login bruteforce prevention using fail2ban
- (optional) aggregation of mumble server logs to syslog
See meta/main.yml
# playbook.yml
- hosts:
- nodiscc.xsrv.common # (optional) base server setup, hardening, firewall, bruteforce prevention
- nodiscc.xsrv.monitoring # (optional) server monitoring and log aggregation
- nodiscc.xsrv.backup # (optional) automatic backups of mumble server database
- nodiscc.xsrv.mumble
# required variables:
# ansible-vault edit host_vars/
mumble_password: "CHANGEME"
mumble_superuser_password: "CHANGEME20"
See defaults/main.yml for all configuration variables
Mumble clients are available many computer/mobile operating systems (Windows/OSX/Linux/iOS/Android)
See the included rsnapshot configuration for the backup role.
To restore backups, deploy the role and restore the /var/lib/mumble-server/
sudo rsync -avP /var/backups/rsnapshot/daily.0/localhost/var/lib/mumble-server /var/lib/
sudo systemctl stop mumble-server
sudo apt purge mumble-server
sudo firewall-cmd --zone public --remove-service mumble --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone internal --remove-service mumble --permanent
sudo rm -rf /etc/mumble-server.ini /var/lib/mumble-server /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/mumble.conf /etc/rsnapshot.d/mumble-server.conf /etc/rsyslog.d/mumble.conf /etc/netdata/health.d/systemdunits.conf.d/mumble.conf /etc/firewalld/services/mumble.xml /etc/ansible/facts.d/mumble.fact
sudo systemctl reload fail2ban
sudo systemctl restart rsyslog firewalld
mumble - setup mumble voip server