This role will install Tiny Tiny RSS, a web-based News feed reader and aggregator.
A feed reader allows subscribing to many blogs/websites updates (using the RSS/ATOM standard), and access all articles in a single, unified application. It comes with extensive fiiltering/sorting/searching/presentation options, and plugins to improve integration of content from subscribed pages.
See meta/main.yml
# playbook.yml
- hosts:
- nodiscc.xsrv.common # (optional) base server setup, hardening, bruteforce prevention
- nodiscc.xsrv.monitoring # (optional) system monitoring and application health checks
- nodiscc.xsrv.backup # (optional) automatic backups
- nodiscc.xsrv.apache # (required in the standard configuration) webserver, PHP interpreter and SSL certificates
- nodiscc.xsrv.postgresql # (required in the standard configuration) database engine
- nodiscc.xsrv.tt_rss
# required variables:
# host_vars/
tt_rss_fqdn: ""
# ansible-vault edit host_vars/
tt_rss_user: "CHANGEME"
tt_rss_password: "CHANGEME"
tt_rss_db_password: "CHANGEME"
tt_rss_password_salt: "CHANGEME"
See defaults/main.yml for all configuration variables
Tiny Tiny RSS can be accessed through:
- a web browser
- TTRSS-Reader (Android)
- Liferea (Linux)
- Awesome RSS Firefox extension
See the included rsnapshot configuration for the backup role.
To restore backups:
# copy the last dump somewhere readable by the postgres user
sudo cp /var/backups/rsnapshot/daily.0/localhost/var/backups/postgresql/ttrss.sql /tmp/
# create a plaintext sql dump from the custom-formatted dump
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --clean --create /tmp/ttrss.sql -f /tmp/ttrss.txt.sql
# restore the plaintext sql dump
sudo -u postgres psql --echo-errors --file /tmp/ttrss.txt.sql
# remove temporary files
sudo rm /tmp/ttrss.sql /tmp/ttrss.txt.sql
Re-apply the role on a regular basis to ensure the application stays up to date.
Note: due to TT-RSS "rolling" release model (always install the latest master
branch), the role may upgrade the application without warning. Pin tt_rss_version
to a specific commit hash from if you need to prevent this (but remember to update it manually/periodically).
tt_rss - setup tt-rss feed reader