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CS732 examples - Context example one

This project contains a demo of how we can use React.createContext() and useContext() to provide global state.

  1. In auth-context.js, we're creating the Context object itself - AuthContext. We're importing it whenever we need it.

  2. In App.jsx, we're establishing an <AuthContext.Provider>, which will make its value available to all descendants. In this case, the value is a user, which will either be undefined (when not authenticated), or an object with a username property (when authenticated).

  3. In UserInfoPage.jsx, we're accessing the value stored in AuthContext.Provider, by using the useContext() hook. This value will be the user that was added in App.jsx, if any.

  4. Back in App.jsx, when we modify the user state, the updated user will cause the Provider, and thus its descendents, to re-render. Upon re-rendering, UserInfoPage will obtain the updated user via useContext() to display the appropriate message.