0.3.0 (2019-08-17)
- yamllint: include for this repo and apply rules throughout (e9c195f)
0.2.1 (2019-07-31)
- archlinux: no python rados package; fix requisite (2212491)
- jinja: json filter & use upstream makefile (76ce0fc)
0.2.0 (2019-07-08)
- deps: ensure make is installed (969f2b1)
- deps: skip python-boto package on Cent/Suse (06158d3)
- example: fix pillar.example version (486f07d)
- gemfile: use latest net-ssh gem (07f4a75)
- jinja: pass dict as yaml to jinja renderer (8464691)
- makefile: fix makefile cut+paste issue (2676182)
- map: need osfingermap for debian (c86f76a)
- map: update os mappings for centos/fedora (5bd353b)
- packages: corrected dependency packages & user:group (20b6c31)
- python: avoid downgrade to python2 (d3e9f03)
- redhat: correct python rados package; update kitchen (905d85b)
- source: fixes for building from source (5f7ba72)
- travis: use newer image and ruby (6786612)
- jinja: tidyup indention on jinja rendering (86211e0)
- contribs: update contributing.rst (d005fb0)
- readme: add FreeBSD to readme (96e275a)
- readme: note basic post-formula integration (b4bb933)