GA10 requires a configuration file and optionally keys for the https certs. We've supplied a temporary key in the dist folder...don't use these unless you're crazy. We also like triggering github to give us private key warnings because we've stored them there. Browsers will complain unless your certs a signed by a suitable authority, eg: LetsTrust.
An example configuration file with explanation is given below. Store this in the same place as the ga10
binary and call it config,yaml
Generate some keys and store these in the same directory as the ga10
binary too.
openssl genrsa 2048 > temporary.key
chmod 400 temporary.key
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -key ga10https.key -out ga10https.crt
To start ga10
run and point the config option to where the config file is
./ga10 -config=config.yaml
You should see something similar to the following. If a config file is not found it will exit immediately. If Mosquitto or Mongo are not available then it will eventually time out. Finally if you are using https for the webui service, if the keys are not found it will exit with an error. The name of the database, location of config file and session identifier will all be different of course.
generating private, public key pair for claim signing - just for this session so no chance to verify later. THese keys MUST be external
GA10: Configuration file location: /home/ian/config.yaml
GA10: initialising database MONGO connection
GA10: Database infrastructure MONGO is running
GA10: Initialising message infrastructure MQTT connection
GA10: Message infrastructure MQTT is running
GA10: MQTT connected
| GA10 version
| + linux O/S on amd64
| + version v1.0rc1, build not set
| + runing with name ASVR_GO_1_TEST
| + session identifier is 5eddb86d-ce05-4319-91aa-d4815d61b008
X3270 service listening on port 3270
⇨ http server started on [::]:8520
⇨ http server started on [::]:8540
If that works, point your browser at the machine where this is running and port 8540.
Running TA10 is simple, just use
| TA10 version - Starting
| + linux O/S on amd64
| + version v0.1, build not set
| + session identifier is 19a14951-76c3-4641-b9ac-fa65683e5c36
| + unsafe mode? false
⇨ http server started on [::]:8530
If you are running on Linux and need access to files such as the UEFI log file then you will need to run ta10 as sudo.
TA10 requires access to the TPM device, eg /dev/tpm0
on Linux (Windows handles this internally), and so whichever user ta10 is running as needs access to that device.
sudo ./ta10
Read the section on advanced TA10 usage.
Note the lines with "CHANGE ME" - review these for your system.
- The name of the system can set to anything you want.
- The MQTT client ID must be unique if you indend running more than one instance
- The MQTT port probably doesn't need chaning
- The MOTT server must allow anonymous connections, read the Mosquitto documentation for this
- Address of the monogoDB server must be set
- Choose any name you want for your attestation database
- crt and key files should have the full path to the keys generated earlier
- usehttp -- set this to true if you want less#CHANGE ME security
- X3270 -- don't worry about this, but if you have an X3270 terminal, the TUI might be useful (when we finish it)
- Logging goes to a default place in /var/log or somewhere suitable on Windows
The lines with "DEFAULT VALUE" most likely do not need to change, but review for your system just in case.
Read the sections on security and keys
#Some general naming
#MongoDB Configuration
connection: mongodb:// #CHANGE ME
name: attestationDatabase #CHANGE ME
#MQTT Configuration
broker: #CHANGE ME
port: 1883 #DEFAULT VALUE
clientid: attestationMQTTclient #CHANGE ME
#REST Interface Configuration
port: 8520 #DEFAULT VALUE
crt: temporary.crt #CHANGE ME
key: temporary.key #CHANGE ME
usehttp: false #DEFAULT VALUE
#Web Interface Configuration
port: 8540 #DEFAULT VALUE
crt: temporary.crt #CHANGE ME
key: temporary.key #CHANGE ME
usehttp: false #DEFAULT VALUE
port: 3270 #DEFAULT VALUE
#Log file
logfilelocation: /var/log/ga10.log #DEFAULT VALUE
sessionupdatelogging: false #DEFAULT VALUE
GA10 supports calling Keylime to validate a Measured Boot log. For this currently it requires a special version found here:
The simplest way using it is to build a local Keylime Docker container:
git clone
cd keylime
git checkout standalone-validation
cd docker/release
After this GA10 can be used with the included docker-compose.yml file.
To include Keylime access add the following section to the config.yaml
apiurl: #CHANGE ME
TA10 CURRENTLY starts all the services, ie: it will happily offer TPM, IMA, UEFI services etc, even if these are not available. In a later version these will have be switched on specifically, but don't worry about this.
TA10 can read UEFI and IMA logs in non-standard places, but in order to do this, the element description in the GA10's database would have to refer to those specifically. TA10 by default operates in a safe mode where it will only use the standard locations in Linux's securityfs. You can turn off this mode:
sudo ./ta10 -unsafe=true
which responds with
$ sudo ./ta10 -unsafe=true
| TA10 version - Starting
| + linux O/S on amd64
| + version v0.1, build not set
| + session identifier is 4e85a08d-7d1c-450d-9a7a-659f29ab8380
| + unsafe mode? true
TA10 is running in UNSAFE file access mode. Unsafe is set to true
Requests for log files, eg: UEFI, IMA, that supply a non default location will happily read that file
This is a HUGE security issue. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
⇨ http server started on [::]:8530
Really, don't do've now given everyone with access to port 8530 (and it is all over http) root access to every file on your system.