Welcome to our comprehensive collection of learning resources for Prometheus! Here, you'll discover a curated list of the best learning materials we've assembled just for you.
Take a moment to explore these valuable resources, handpicked to enhance your understanding of Prometheus. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and informative content available.
- Community
- Configuration management
- Developer documentation
- Open source projects
- Commercial integrations
- Community OSS projects
- Clients
- Video tutorials
- Other
- Tutorial Search and Index
- Community articles by tag
- Questions
- Projects
- Meetups
- DigitalOcean Lovers - A LinkedIn group for users and lovers of DigitalOcean.
- Using Ansible with DigitalOcean
- Ansible Cloud Modules - DigitalOcean
- Terraform - DigitalOcean Provider
- DigitalOcean in Action! - Example repo for using DigitalOcean with Terraform and Ansible.
- Use DigitalOcean as Dynamic DNS
- Spaces API
- OAuth
- Droplet Metadata
- Official DO Release Notes - Notes tracking incremental improvements and major releases for the DigitalOcean cloud platform.
- DigitalOcean API Slugs
- Open Source @ DigitalOcean
- Netbox
- Doctl - Official command-line interface for the DigitalOcean API.
- go-libvirt
- go-qemu
- Bill.do - Free DigitalOcean billing monitoring and insights tool
- HostLaunch - Launch a hosting company based on DigitalOcean and ServerPilot.
- SimpleBackups - Tool for scheduling DigitalOcean backups (files & databases) on auto-pilot.
- SnapShooter - Tool for taking Daily to Hourly backups of Droplets and Volumes
- Weap.io - Hourly to Daily DigitalOcean backups. Tool for scheduling more frequent DigitalOcean backups
- do-sshuttle - Transparent Proxying via sshuttle to DigitalOcean Droplet.
- drophosts - Update
with peer droplets. - droplan - Manage iptable rules for the private interface on DigitalOcean droplets.
- foreman-digitalocean - Plugin to enable management of DigitalOcean droplets in Foreman.
- ghost-digitalocean - A DigitalOcean Storage adapter for Ghost.
- lita-digitalocean - Lita handler for managing DigitalOcean services.
- hostpool - Worker pool manager for DigitalOcean hosts.
- DDNS - Personal DDNS client with DigitalOcean Networking DNS as backend.
- Less Confusing Menus - A Chrome extension that makes account menus less confusing.
- DigitalOcean Droplet creator - A dialog-based shell script to quickly create a single DigitalOcean Droplet.
- do-upgrade-plans - A script to upgrade your DigitalOcean Droplets to better plans with the same cost.
- doctl - Command-line tool for DigitalOcean services.
- digitalocean-indicator - Debian Gnome panel client.
- domanager - Linux and Windows System Tray Client.
- OceanBar - macOS menu bar client.
- Tugboat - Ruby command-line tool for DigitalOcean services, focusing on a more guided UX.
- Reddit community
on freenode- Engineering Code of Conduct
- User Scripts - User data scripts to help provision apps on a Droplet.
- Hacktoberfest - Month-long celebration of open source software in partnership with GitHub.
If you have any additional resources or links that you believe would benefit others, please feel free to contribute. Our goal is to create a repository of the best learning materials, ensuring everyone has access to top-notch content.
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Thank you once again, and happy learning!