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File metadata and controls

869 lines (715 loc) · 46.5 KB

Data Format

“NeoDateFix” is an application to create and manage video conference meetings in the Element messenger. Technically, it supports the following core features:

  1. Schedule video conference meetings as new Matrix rooms.
  2. Create meeting rooms for recurring meetings.
  3. Be able to share a public link to the room to invite other participants.
  4. Enabled selected widgets that should be used in the meeting rooms (ex: whiteboard, polls, notepad, …).
  5. Create breakout sessions rooms to split the participants of a meeting into subrooms.
  6. Provide an API to external applications to create meetings e.g. from a Groupware application.

The application consists of different components:

  1. A bot that uses the Matrix Bot SDK to create and manage meeting rooms.
  2. A widget that uses the Matrix Widget API to interact with the bot and to read the meeting information from the Matrix rooms.
  3. (optional) An application service that prunes meeting rooms from the Homeserver if they are no longer used.
                ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐                ┌─────────────┐
                │                                      │ Matrix Bot SDK │             │
                │          Matrix Homeserver           ├───────────────►│ Room Reaper │
                │                                      │ ◄──────────────┤             │
                └───┬────────────────────────────────┬─┘                └─────────────┘
                  ▲ │  xxxxxx<send commands>xxxxx  ▲ │
Client-Server API │ │  x                        x  │ │ Matrix Bot SDK
                  │ │  x                        x  │ │
                  │ ▼  xxxxxxx                  v  │ ▼
           ┌──────┴────────┐ x             ┌───────┴────────┐
           │               │ x             │                │
           │ Matrix Client │ x             │ NeoDateFix Bot │
           │               │ x             │                │
           └────────┬──────┘ x             └────────────────┘
                  ▲ │ xxxxxxxx                     ▲ ▲
Matrix Widget API │ │ x                            │ │
                  │ │ x                   HTTP API │ │ HTTP API
                  │ ▼ ^                            │ │
         ┌────────┴──────────┐                     │ │
         │                   │                     │ │
         │ NeoDateFix Widget │◄────────────────────┘ │
         │                   │    <read config>      │ <send commands>
         └───────────────────┘                       │
                                           │                      │
                                           │ External Application │
                                           │                      │

Data Flow

This section describes how data is flowing thru the different components of the application.

NeoDateFix Widget <-> Matrix Client

This flow that happens internally in the user's browser -> in-memory communication.

Contents: All events from Meeting Room Model and Room Messages (RPC-over-Matrix). These are always unencrypted since they do not leave the users device.

Matrix Client <-> Matrix Homeserver

HTTPS connection to the datacenter that hosts the Homeserer.

Contents: All events from Meeting Room Model and Room Messages (RPC-over-Matrix). If room encryption is enabled, Room Messages (RPC-over-Matrix) are end-to-end encrypted.

Matrix Homeserver <-> NeoDateFix Bot

HTTPS connection usually inside the datacenter that hosts both the Homeserver and the Bot.

Contents: All events from Meeting Room Model and Room Messages (RPC-over-Matrix). If room encryption is enabled, Room Messages (RPC-over-Matrix) are end-to-end encrypted.

NeoDateFix Widget <-> NeoDateFix Bot

HTTPS connection to the datacenter that hosts the Bot.

Contents: The endpoints GET /v1/widget/list, GET /v1/config, GET /v1/meeting/{roomId}/sharingInformation. Requires authentication and contains no PII.

External Application (OX) <-> NeoDateFix Bot

HTTPS connection usually inside the datacenter that hosts both the Bot and OX.

Contents: The endpoints POST /v1/meeting/create, PUT /v1/meeting/update, POST /v1/meeting/close. Requires authentication.

End-to-end encryption:

If room encryption is enabled, the events are encrypted between the Matrix Client, and the NeoDateFix Bot. The Matrix Homeserver only sees the encrypted information.

Meeting Room Model

Each meeting is represented by a meeting room. All events of a recurrent meetings happen in the same meeting room. The rooms have a room type of net.nordeck.meetings.meeting or net.nordeck.meetings.breakoutsession.

  • content.type identities if the room is a meeting or a breakout session.
  • the name of the meeting.
  • the description of the meeting.
  • the participants of the meeting.
  • if present, the meeting was canceled/deleted.
  • tells if users are allowed to post messages in the meeting channel.
  • net.nordeck.meetings.metadata: the information about when the meeting(s) happen.
  • m.widget (im.vector.modular.widget): the installed widgets (state_key === widget-id).
  • the parent room that created this meeting (ex: management <- meeting | meeting <- breakout).
  • the child rooms of this room (ex: management -> meeting | meeting -> breakout).

net.nordeck.meetings.metadata (State Event)

Holds the state of a single meeting that couldn't be stored in events that are defined by the Matrix Specification.


Field Type Description
creator string The ID of the user that created the meeting.
calendar[] A list of events that happen in this room.
calendar[].uid string The uid of the entry.
calendar[].dtstart The start date and time.
calendar[].dtstart.tzid string The timezone of the value.
calendar[].dtstart.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
calendar[].dtend The end date and time.
calendar[].dtend.tzid string The timezone of the value.
calendar[].dtend.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
calendar[].rrule string? The recurring rule in the iCalendar format (ex: FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5).
calendar[].exdate[] ? A list of dates which are excluded from the recurrence rule.
calendar[].exdate[].tzid string The timezone of the value.
calendar[].exdate[].value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
calendar[].recurrenceId ? The id of the recurrence entry that this entry replaces.
calendar[].recurrenceId.tzid string The timezone of the value.
calendar[].recurrenceId.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
force_deletion_at number? The time when the room reaper should delete the room as unix timestamp in milliseconds.
external_data ? Data that might reference to external resources.
external_data.key object Each entry should be namespaced with a key.
start_time string? (deprecated) The start time as ISO 8601 timestamp. Used as dtstart if calendar is missing.
end_time string? (deprecated) The end time as ISO 8601 timestamp. Used as dtend if calendar is missing.
auto_deletion_offset number? (deprecated) Minutes after end_time when the room is deleted. Replaced by force_deletion_at.


  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.metadata",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "state_key": "",
  "content": {
    "creator": "@user-id",
    "calendar": {
      "uid": "65a755a8-dec0-4732-ac4a-2f4a926ad027",
      "dtstart": { "tzid": "Europe/Berlin", "value": "20221026T160000" },
      "dtend": { "tzid": "Europe/Berlin", "value": "20221026T170000" }
    "force_deletion_at": 1577844000000,
    "external_data": {
      "com.example": {
        "custom": "data"
        // ...
      // ...
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1666789726421

Meeting Room Hierarchy

The meeting rooms form a hierarchy and can (optionally) have a parent room. This parent room was used to create the meeting and can be interpreted as being the “calendar” or “management room“ that this meeting is part of.

While meetings don't need to have a parent room, breakout sessions don't work without a parent.

               │  Management  │
               │    <Room>    │
                   ▲       │ │       │
      (optional)   │       │  (optional)
                   │       ▼
    │              Meeting               │
    │               <Room>               │
    │ type: net.nordeck.meetings.meeting │
                   ▲       │
                   │       │ │       │
                   │       ▼
│              Breakout Session              │
│                   <Room>                   │
│ type: net.nordeck.meetings.breakoutsession │

Room setup

The planner view of the NeoDateFix widget can be installed to a room in different ways.

1:1 chat

The user can initiate a 1:1 chat with the meetings bot user. The bot will accept the invitation, add the NeoDateFix widget, and change the widget layout to show it full screen.

Welcome Workflow

The user can invite the meetings bot into a normal matrix room. The bot will accept the invitation and will invite the user into a separete “Help” room. This room contains more information on how to setup the NeoDateFix widget.


The meetings bot provides two kinds of APIs:

  1. it reacts to room events in a room where the bot user joined.
  2. it provides a HTTP API that is authorized with a client access token or an OpenID token.

Room Messages (RPC-over-Matrix)

The meeting can instruct the bot to perform different actions:

  • Create a new meeting.
  • Update the meeting details.
  • Add or remove widgets from a meeting room.
  • Invite or remove participants of a meeting room.
  • Update the messaging permissions in the room.
  • Close a meeting.
  • Create new breakout sessions.
  • Send a message to all breakout sessions of this meeting.

The bot will acknowledge each command with a m.reaction message. The reaction can be ✅ or ❌ and can be used to tell whether the action succeeded or failed.

This is an example on the message transfer when creating a meeting room:

                      Meetings                               Homeserver        Meetings
                       Widget                                                    Bot
                         │                                        │               │
          "Create Room"  │                                        │               │
          ─────────────►┌┴┐                                       │               │
   xxx                  │ │ net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.create   │               │
  x   x                 │ ├─────────────────────────────────────►┌┴┐              │
  x   x                 │ │            ($req-event-id)           │ ├────────────►┌┴┐
  x   x                 │ │                                      │ │             │ │
   xxx                  │ │                                      │ │  Setup room │ │
    x                   │ │                                      │ │◄────────────┤ │
    x                   │ │                                      │ │             │ │
  xxxxx                 │ │                                      │ │◄────────────┤ │
 xx x xx                │ │                                      │ │        ...  │ │
xx  x  xx               │ │                                      │ │             │ │
    x                   │ │                                      │ │             │ │
    x                   │ │                                      │ │             │ │
  xx xx                 │ │                                      │ │  m.reaction │ │
 xx   xx                │ │               m.reaction             │ │◄────────────┴┬┘
 x     x     "OK"       │ │◄─────────────────────────────────────┴┬┘              │
          ◄─────────────┴┬┘      (relates_to: $req-event-id)      │               │
                         │                                        │               │

net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.create (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to create a new meeting. Creates a child meeting for the given room ID taken from the room event.

Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.title string The title of the meeting.
data.description string The description of the meeting.
data.calendar[] A list of events that happen in this room.
data.calendar[].uid string The uid of the entry.
data.calendar[].dtstart The start date and time.
data.calendar[].dtstart.tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].dtstart.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.calendar[].dtend The end date and time.
data.calendar[].dtend.tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].dtend.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.calendar[].rrule string? The recurring rule in the iCalendar format (ex: FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5).
data.calendar[].exdate[] ? A list of dates which are excluded from the recurrence rule.
data.calendar[].exdate[].tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].exdate[].value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.calendar[].recurrenceId ? The id of the recurrence entry that this entry replaces.
data.calendar[].recurrenceId.tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].recurrenceId.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.widget_ids[] string[]? A list of widget IDs to be added (get IDs from /v1/widget/list).
data.participants[] ? A list of users to invite to the meeting.
data.participants[].user_id string The ID of the user.
data.participants[].power_level number? The custom power level of the user. Defaults: 0. The creator will be 100.
data.messaging_power_level number? The power level of the messaging power. Defaults: 0. Prefer to use 0 and 100.
data.external_data ? Data that might reference to external resources.
data.external_data.key object Each entry should be namespaced with a key.
data.enable_auto_deletion boolean? (deprecated) If true, the Room Reaper will delete the meeting after it ends. Default: true.
data.start_time string? (deprecated) The start time as ISO 8601 timestamp. Skip if calendar is defined.
data.end_time string? (deprecated) The end time as ISO 8601 timestamp. Skip if calendar is defined.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.create",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "title": "My Meeting",
      "description": "",
      "calendar": {
        "uid": "65a755a8-dec0-4732-ac4a-2f4a926ad027",
        "dtstart": { "tzid": "Europe/Berlin", "value": "20221026T160000" },
        "dtend": { "tzid": "Europe/Berlin", "value": "20221026T170000" }
      "widget_ids": ["jitsi", "poll"],
      "participants": [{ "user_id": "@user-id" }]
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1666789552097

net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.update (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to update an existing meeting.

Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.target_room_id string The id of the meeting that should be updated.
data.title string? The title of the meeting.
data.description string? The description of the meeting.
data.calendar[] ? A list of events that happen in this room.
data.calendar[].uid string The uid of the entry.
data.calendar[].dtstart The start date and time.
data.calendar[].dtstart.tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].dtstart.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.calendar[].dtend The end date and time.
data.calendar[].dtend.tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].dtend.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.calendar[].rrule string? The recurring rule in the iCalendar format (ex: FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=5).
data.calendar[].exdate[] ? A list of dates which are excluded from the recurrence rule.
data.calendar[].exdate[].tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].exdate[].value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.calendar[].recurrenceId ? The id of the recurrence entry that this entry replaces.
data.calendar[].recurrenceId.tzid string The timezone of the value.
data.calendar[].recurrenceId.value string The date and time in the iCalendar format (ex: 20220101T100000).
data.external_data ? Data that might reference to external resources.
data.external_data.key object Each entry should be namespaced with a key.
data.start_time string? (deprecated) The start time as ISO 8601 timestamp. Skip if calendar is defined.
data.end_time string? (deprecated) The end time as ISO 8601 timestamp. Skip if calendar is defined.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.update",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "target_room_id": "!room-id",
      "title": "My Meeting",
      "description": "",
      "calendar": {
        "uid": "65a755a8-dec0-4732-ac4a-2f4a926ad027",
        "dtstart": { "tzid": "Europe/Berlin", "value": "20221026T160000" },
        "dtend": { "tzid": "Europe/Berlin", "value": "20221026T170000" }
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id", // can also be "!parent-room-id"
  "origin_server_ts": 1666789552097

net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.widgets.handle (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to change what widgets are enabled.

Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.target_room_id string The id of the meeting that should be updated.
data.widget_ids[] string[] A list of widget IDs to be changed (get IDs from /v1/widget/list).
data.add boolean If true, the listed widgets will be added. If false, they will be removed.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.widgets.handle",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "target_room_id": "!room-id",
      "widgets": ["jitsi"],
      "add": false
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id", // can also be "!parent-room-id"
  "origin_server_ts": 1666799817961

net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.participants.handle (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to invite or kick participants into the meeting.

Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.target_room_id string The id of the meeting that should be updated.
data.userIds[] string[] A list of users to invite to the meeting.
data.invite boolean If true, the listed users will be invited. If false, they will be kicked.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.participants.handle",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "target_room_id": "!room-id",
      "userIds": ["@other-user-id"],
      "invite": true
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id", // can also be "!parent-room-id"
  "origin_server_ts": 1666800401568

net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.change.message_permissions (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to update the messaging permissions in the meeting room.

Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.target_room_id string The id of the meeting that should be updated.
data.messaging_power_level number The power level of the messaging power. Prefer to use 0 and 100.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.participants.handle",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "target_room_id": "!room-id",
      "messaging_power_level": 100
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id", // can also be "!parent-room-id"
  "origin_server_ts": 1666800522128

net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.close (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to close an existing meeting or breakout session. If the meeting has subrooms (i.e. breakout sessions), they will also be closed.

Rooms can be closed in two ways:

  1. tombstone: A tombstone is set that links to the parent room. This only works when the room was created by a net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.create event or when /v1/meeting/create was called with a parent_room_id.
  2. kick_all_participants: All participants are kicked from the room. The room is archived by the home server.
Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.target_room_id string The id of the meeting that should be closed.
data.method string? The method to close the room. Default: tombstone.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.close",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "target_room_id": "!room-id",
      "method": "kick_all_participants"
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id", // can also be "!parent-room-id"
  "origin_server_ts": 1666800722108

net.nordeck.meetings.breakoutsessions.create (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to create new breakout sessions. Creates breakout sessions for the given room ID taken from the room event.

Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.description string The description of the breakout sessions.
data.start_time string The start time of the sessions as ISO 8601 timestamp.
data.end_time string The end time of the sessions as ISO 8601 timestamp.
data.widget_ids[] string[]? A list of widget IDs to be enabled (get IDs from /v1/widget/list).
data.enable_auto_deletion boolean? If true, the Room Reaper will delete the meeting after it ends. Default: true.
data.groups[] A list of sessions to create.
data.groups[].title string The title of the meeting.
data.groups[].participants[] A list of users to invite to the meeting.
data.groups[].participants[].user_id string The ID of the user.
data.groups[].participants[].power_level number? The custom power level of the user. Defaults: 0. The creator will be 100.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.breakoutsessions.create",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "description": "",
      "start_time": "2022-10-26T16:00:00+02:00",
      "end_time": "2022-10-26T17:00:00+02:00",
      "widget_ids": ["jitsi", "poll"],
      "groups": [
          "title": "Session 1",
          "participants": [{ "user_id": "@user-id-1" }]
          "title": "Session 2",
          "participants": [{ "user_id": "@user-id-2" }]
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1666801138375

net.nordeck.meetings.sub_meetings.send_message (Room Event)

Instructs the bot to send a message to all breakout sessions of this meeting.

Field Type Description
data The payload of this event.
data.target_room_id string The id of the parent meeting that has breakout sessions.
data.message string The message to send to all breakout sessions that are children of the target_room_id.
context The context of this event.
context.locale string The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag.
context.timezone string The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
  "type": "net.nordeck.meetings.breakoutsessions.create",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "data": {
      "target_room_id": "!room-id",
      "description": "Please finish you discussions and return to the main meeting room."
    "context": {
      "locale": "en-US",
      "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1666801456248


There are different endpoints to create or update meetings via the HTTP API and to get other configurations.

POST /v1/meeting/create

Instructs the bot to create a new meeting.

Request Content
Field Type Description
parent_room_id string? The id of room that should be a parent for the meeting.
title string The title of the meeting.
description string The description of the meeting.
start_time string The start time of the meeting as ISO 8601 timestamp.
end_time string The end time of the meeting as ISO 8601 timestamp.
widget_ids[] string[]? A list of widget IDs to be enabled (get IDs from /v1/widget/list).
participants[] ? A list of users to invite to the meeting.
participants[].user_id string The ID of the user.
participants[].power_level number? The custom power level of the user. Defaults: 0. The creator will be 100.
messaging_power_level number? The power level of the messaging power. Defaults: 0. Prefer to use 0 and 100.
enable_auto_deletion boolean? If true, the Room Reaper will delete the meeting after it ends. Default: true.
external_data ? Data that might reference to external resources.
external_data.key object Each entry should be namespaced with a key.
Response Content
Field Type Description
room_id string? The id of the room that was created.
meeting_url string The URL to open the meeting room.
const response = await fetch('http://meetings-bot.local/v1/meeting/create', {
  method: 'POST',
  header: {
    authorization: '...',
    // The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag
    'accept-language': 'en-US',
    // The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
    'x-timezone': 'Europe/Berlin',
  body: {
    title: 'My Meeting',
    description: '',
    start_time: '2022-10-26T16:00:00+02:00',
    end_time: '2022-10-26T17:00:00+02:00',
    widget_ids: ['jitsi', 'poll'],
    participants: [{ user_id: '@user-id' }],

console.log(await response.json());
// { room_id: "!room-id", meeting_url: "!room-id" }

PUT /v1/meeting/update

Instructs the bot to update an existing.

Request Content
Field Type Description
target_room_id string The id of the meeting that should be updated.
title string? The title of the meeting.
description string? The description of the meeting.
start_time string? The start time of the meeting as ISO 8601 timestamp.
end_time string? The end time of the meeting as ISO 8601 timestamp.
external_data ? Data that might reference to external resources.
external_data.key object Each entry should be namespaced with a key.
Response Content

No response content.

const response = await fetch('http://meetings-bot.local/v1/meeting/update', {
  method: 'PUT',
  header: {
    authorization: '...',
    // The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag
    'accept-language': 'en-US',
    // The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
    'x-timezone': 'Europe/Berlin',
  body: {
    target_room_id: '!room-id',
    title: 'My Meeting',
    description: '',
    start_time: '2022-10-26T16:00:00+02:00',
    end_time: '2022-10-26T17:00:00+02:00',

// no response data

POST /v1/meeting/close

Instructs the bot to close an existing meeting or breakout session. If the meeting has subrooms (i.e. breakout sessions), they will also be closed.

Rooms can be closed in two ways:

  1. tombstone: A tombstone is set that links to the parent room. This only works when the room was created by a net.nordeck.meetings.meeting.create event or when /v1/meeting/create was called with a parent_room_id.
  2. kick_all_participants: All participants are kicked from the room. The room is archived by the home server.
Request Content
Field Type Description
target_room_id string The id of the meeting that should be closed.
method string? The method to close the room. Default: tombstone.
Response Content

No response content.

const response = await fetch('http://meetings-bot.local/v1/meeting/close', {
  method: 'POST',
  header: {
    authorization: '...',
    // The language of formatted messages as BCP 47 language tag
    'accept-language': 'en-US',
    // The timezone in formatted messages as timezone string.
    'x-timezone': 'Europe/Berlin',
  body: {
    target_room_id: '!room-id',
    method: 'kick_all_participants',

// no response data

GET /v1/widget/list

Get a list of all widgets that can be selected for a meeting.

Response Content
Field Type Description
[] An array of known widgets.
[].id string The ID of the widget.
[].name string The name to show to users.
const response = await fetch('http://meetings-bot.local/v1/widget/list', {
  header: {
    authorization: '...',

console.log(await response.json());
// [{ id: "jitsi", name: "Video Conference" }]

GET /v1/config

Get a list of configuration values.

Response Content
Field Type Description
homeserver string The homeserver that the bot is connected to.
jitsiDialInEnabled boolean If true, jitsi dial in is enabled.
openXchangeMeetingUrlTemplate string? A template url to generate an URL to Open-Xchange based on external_data.
const response = await fetch('http://meetings-bot.local/v1/config', {
  header: {
    authorization: '...',

console.log(await response.json());
// [{ homeserver: "" }]

GET /v1/meeting/{roomId}/sharingInformation

Get the dial in information for the current meeting. Only use this endpoint if jitsiDialInEnabled is true in /v1/config.

Response Content
Field Type Description
jitsi_dial_in_number string? The phone number to dial into the Jitsi conference.
jitsi_pin number? The pin that needs to be entered when calling dialing in.
const response = await fetch(
  { header: { authorization: '...' } },

console.log(await response.json());
// [{ jitsi_dial_in_number: "01234 567890", jitsi_pin: 7604 }]