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Workflow Policy


version no. what has been done date/person
1.7 Copied from X-Road Joint Development repository. 17.3.18 / PK
2.0 Document updated to match the NIIS operating model. Changes approved by the Working Group. 25.5.18 / PK
2.1 Moved chapter 20 content to document. 31.5.18 / PK
2.2 Added description of support branches. 13.2.18 / IS
2.3 Added requirement regarding Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA). 17.6.19 / PK
2.4 Add licence. Remove references to Test Workflow Policy. 22.11.20 / PK
2.5 Minor updates. Remove outdated sections. 23.06.21 / PK
2.6 Minor updates. Link to external documents and remove outdated sections. 16.06.23 / PK


This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit

Table of contents

1 General

1.1 This document establishes workflow policy for the development of the X-Road core. Workflow Policy strives to serve as a handbook for all practical aspects of the development.

1.2 Workflow is understood as systematic arrangement of work, a complex of processes, practices, roles and responsibilities, communication patterns, and artefacts.

1.3 Goals of the workflow policy are to

  • establish productive and secure collaborative open source working environment
  • assure production of high quality software
  • avoid duplication of effort, facilitate re-use of software
  • transparency and openness
  • broader community of developers
  • use of software development best practice
  • clear communication among all the parties in the X-Road development process
  • innovation.

1.4 This policy uses terminology of X-Road Development Model.

1.5 All the parties participating in the X-Road development must follow this policy. This applies to the NIIS, the NIIS Members and X-Road community. In case development work is ordered from a third party the organization conducting the development is responsible for the inclusion of appropriate stipulations in the contracts between the Contracting Party and the Vendor.

1.6 The NIIS, the NIIS Members and X-Road community implement this policy in good faith and in the context of sustainable, good software development practice.

1.7 Projects may have their own workflow arrangements as far as these do not contradict this policy.

1.8 In this document the NIIS Members and their contractors, and X-Road community are referred as Contributors.

2 Related documents

2.1 Workflow policy is related to other X-Road development guidelines and regulations:

See also other documentation in X-Road Development repository.

3 Development model

3.1 X-Road uses Github and Git based version management. In general the workflow policy follows Atlassian Gitflow scheme.

  • The NIIS developers are working directly in the nordic-institute/X-Road main repository.
  • The NIIS Members may choose to work directly in the nordic-institute/X-Road main repository or in their own forked repository.
  • X-Road community members work in their own forked repositories.

Semantic versioning scheme is used for software versions.

4 Repositories

4.1 The following code and documentation repositories are used:

  • Master Repository
    • short name: nordic-institute/X-Road
    • hosted on: GitHub
    • managed by: NIIS
    • purpose: development and release of X-Road software
    • access:
      • write access: NIIS
      • read access: all
  • Contributor repositories
    • purpose: development work carried out by Contributor
    • administered by: Contributor.

4.2 The Contributors can establish their own, additional repositories, for backup, software distribution or other purposes.

5 Branching pattern

Branching pattern is described in the X-Road core source code master repository.

6 Tagging

Tagging practices are described in the X-Road core source code master repository.

7 Package naming

7.1 There are development versions and release versions and their package naming format is different.

7.2 The development package name format is X.Y.Z-R.YYYYMMDDHHMMSSgitAAAAAA (e.g. xroad-securityserver_6.14.0-0.20170428110816gitfbe4542_all.deb and xroad-securityserver-6.14.0-0.20170428110816gitfbe4542.el7.noarch.rpm)

  • The software version X.Y.Z: X=major, Y=minor, Z=patch, e.g. 6.24.1
  • R=package release number. For development versions this should be set to 0.
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS = git commit timestamp (UTC) and AAAAAA = git commit hash (git show -s --format=%h)
    • The purpose of the timestamp is to ensure that packages will update although the software version number is not changed
    • Commit hash can be used to help working out from which commit the packages are made of

7.3 The release package name format is X.Y.Z-R (e.g. xroad-securityserver_6.14.0-1_all.deb and xroad-securityserver-6.14.0-1.noarch.rpm)

  • R=package release number. If there is no specific reason to set otherwise, for release versions it should be equal to 1 (debian/rhel convention)
    • Specific reason to raise the package release number could be a bug in packaging when the software version doesn't change, only packaging. When the software version changes, the package release number is set back to 1.

8 Changelog management

8.1 The main changelog of the application is in and it contains all software changes. The changelog entry format is

 ## X.Y.Z - YYYY-MM-DD
- ISSUE-ID: Description.

For example

## 6.24.1 - 2020-09-18
- XRDDEV-1306: Fix  docker image build
- XRDDEV-1305: Fix central server schema rename when BDR 1.0 is in use.
- XRDDEV-1303: Fix  UI permission handling in "keys and certificates" view
- XRDDEV-1304: Fix  UI routing in " tls certificate" view
- XRDDEV-1308: Fix UI bug in  settings view child tab active state
- XRDDEV-1317: Fix duplicate routing console log warning messages in  UI.

Debian packaging has its own changelogs in src/packages/src/xroad/ubuntu/generic/changelog and src/packages/src/xroad-jetty9/ubuntu/generic/changelog but these are not used to record changelog entries since these are already in, only to set the Debian package version. I.e. the following Debian changelog is sufficient.

xroad (6.25.0-0) stable; urgency=medium

  * Change history is found at /usr/share/doc/xroad-

 -- NIIS <>  Thu, 17 Sep 2020 14:20:14 +0300

9 Pull requests

9.1 To ease the review work and to make clearer what changes are done, a pull request should contain one feature or bug fix. The larger the pull request is, the more complex it is to review.

9.2 Pull request conventions are described in the X-Road core source code master repository.

9.3 Commit message conventions are described in the X-Road core source code master repository.

10 Work initiation

10.1 New development is initiated by preparing an enhancement request. The request is submitted for review and approval to X-Road Technical Committee, according to the procedure in X-Road Development Model, section "Evaluate". It's strongly recommended to submit the enhancement request in advance and indicate in the enhancement request that the implementation will be provided, too.

10.2 The NIIS coordinates development by the X-Road Product Roadmap. Approved request will be entered into the Product Roadmap. Dependencies and effects to other components of the X-Road core and related projects must be analysed in preparing of requests.

10.3 New features are always developed on feature branches.


  • Contributor creates its own repository by forking X-Road
  • feature branch is created by branching from develop

10.4 In case you're planning to implement an existing backlog item, let the NIIS know about your plans in advance to avoid duplicate work.

10.5 If a new feature requires changes in the architecture, it's strongly recommended to discuss the changes with the NIIS in advance. Agreeing on the details of the changes upfront will likely speed up the approval process.

11 Performing and integrating work

11.1 The X-Road core is developed by the NIIS and the Contributors. The Contributors have forked X-Road and the development work is done in the fork. The NIIS coordinates towards a common release and the Contributors integrate their work to the main repository. Contributor is required to periodically fetch updates from nordic-institute/X-Road/develop and integrate changes into Contributor's branch as described in Github's documentation. The purpose of this is to facilitate merging of Contributor's work into nordic-institute/X-Road/develop.

11.2 It is the responsibility of the Contributor to follow the X-Road Product Roadmap and react to changes that might affect the scope of the Contributor's development work.

12 Submitting and accepting work

12.1 Upon completion of feature development, Contributor submits a pull request to nordic-institute/X-Road/develop. Prior to submitting the request Contributor must fetch the most recent updates from nordic-institute/X-Road/develop and integrate the changes into Contributor's branch (solve conflicts, if any). Once the code is ready a pull request is made from the fork's feature branch to the nordic-institute/X-Road/develop branch as described in the Github documentation. If defects are found in the pull request review they are fixed in the fork's feature branch and the Github pull request updates automatically. When the pull request is eventually accepted to nordic-institute/X-Road/develop the changes are synced back to fork's develop as described in the Github documentation.

X-Road Integration

12.2 The pull request is reviewed by the NIIS. The pull request is reviewed according to the acceptance criteria that was in effect when the work on this changeset started. Before opening a pull request, it's recommended to review the pull request checklist and make sure that all the requirements are met.

12.3 Pull requests are generally reviewed and accepted on first-come, first-served (FCFS) basis.

12.4 If acceptance criteria is not met, then Contributor is requested to bring submitted work up to acceptance requirements.

12.5 The NIIS can hold up acceptance of new pull requests from other Contributors, to allow a specific Contributor fix the deficiencies found in submitted work.

12.6 When the changeset meets the acceptance criteria and all the reviewers have accepted the work, then the NIIS pulls in and merges the work into nordic-institute/X-Road/develop.

13 Release preparation

13.1 New versions of X-Road are published 2-4 times a year. Releases are always prepared in the X-Road core master repository nordic-institute/X-Road.

First, a release branch is forked from the develop branch and pull request is made against nordic-institute/X-Road/master. The version in the release branch is then exhaustively tested and fixes are made when necessary. When the version in the release branch meets the acceptance criteria the release branch is merged into master and back into develop.

Release preparation

13.2 X-Road is released by the procedure:

  • The NIIS creates a release branch from develop and makes a pull request against nordic-institute/X-Road/master.
  • The NIIS thoroughly reviews the software to be released.
  • The NIIS decides to release, including the version number (see X-Road Development Model, sections “Publish” and “Version compatibility”).
  • The NIIS merges the pull request from release branch into nordic-institute/X-Road/master and tags the commit with version number.
  • The NIIS also updates nordic-institute/X-Road/develop with changes made on release branch.

14 Deployment

14.1 The Contributors can fetch the released software into their own repositories. The contributor repositories serve as distribution points for Contributors' ecosystems.

15 Hotfix

15.1 Critical bug in production version is handled by preparation and release of a patch (see X-Road Development Model, section “Warranty”). Hotfixes are always prepared in the X-Road core master repository nordic-institute/X-Road.

15.2 The NIIS prepares a patch on hotfix branch forked from the master branch.


15.3 When the fix is ready a pull request is made against the nordic-institute/X-Road/master branch. If defects are found in the pull request review they are fixed in the hotfix branch. After the pull request has been accepted the changes can be merged into both nordic-institute/X-Road/master and nordic-institute/X-Road/develop. In addition, nordic-institute/X-Road/master must be tagged with an updated version number.

15.4 When an old release needs to be patched NIIS prepares a patch on support branch forked from the relevant release tag on the master branch. The necessary commits are made and finally the released version is tagged in the support branch.

16 Setting up repositories

16.1 Repositories are set up according to the process:

  • The NIIS sets up the Master Repository X-Road. Repository is initialised by committing the X-Road core source code into the master branch.
  • The NIIS creates develop branch in X-Road.

17 Open source development

17.1 The X-Road Master Repository nordic-institute/X-Road is open to everybody for forking. The NIIS administers the Master Repository nordic-institute/X-Road.

17.2 New branches are created in nordic-institute/X-Road by the NIIS as needed.

17.3 Pull requests into nordic-institute/X-Road are reviewed and accepted by the NIIS.

17.4 Good quality and useful results of open source development can be integrated into nordic-institute/X-Road. The X-Road change management process is described in the development model.

18 Documentation policy

18.1 X-Road documentation is produced in English. Contributors are free to translate documentation into other languages.

18.2 Production format for documentation is GitHub Flavoured Markdown.

18.3 The documentation is written in vanilla style. In X-Road context it means that the NIIS Member specific customizations, settings, repositories etc. need to stand out from documentation clearly. The vanilla version of X-Road Security Server is installed with xroad-securityserver package. The country specific versions are installed with xroad-securityserver-XX where XX is the country code.

18.4 Contributors may publish X-Road documentation on their own websites in accordance with the Licence.

19 Approval, publication and amendment

19.1 Workflow will be amended as needed. Amendments are guided by the goal of having efficient and flexible workflow.

19.2 All participants of the development can propose to amend Workflow Policy. Amendment proposal can be submitted by raising an issue or submitting a pull request in GitHub.

19.3 The NIIS, upon consultation with the NIIS Members, when appropriate, accepts or rejects the proposal.

19.4 Current version of Workflow Policy is made public in GitHub,

20 Testing

20.1. Tests are maintained in the nordic-institute/X-Road main repository. Changes related to tests follow this workflow policy.