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const canvas = document.querySelector("#glcanvas"), gl = canvas.getContext("webgl"); function assert(e, r) { 0 == e && alert(r) } function acquireVertexArrayObjectExtension(e) { var r = e.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object"); r ? (e.createVertexArray = function () { return r.createVertexArrayOES() }, e.deleteVertexArray = function (e) { r.deleteVertexArrayOES(e) }, e.bindVertexArray = function (e) { r.bindVertexArrayOES(e) }, e.isVertexArray = function (e) { return r.isVertexArrayOES(e) }) : alert("Unable to get OES_vertex_array_object extension") } function acquireInstancedArraysExtension(e) { var r = e.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"); r && (e.vertexAttribDivisor = function (e, t) { r.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(e, t) }, e.drawArraysInstanced = function (e, t, n, a) { r.drawArraysInstancedANGLE(e, t, n, a) }, e.drawElementsInstanced = function (e, t, n, a, o) { r.drawElementsInstancedANGLE(e, t, n, a, o) }) } function getArray(e, r, t) { return new r(memory.buffer, e, t) } function UTF8ToString(e, r) { let t = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer); if (string = "", null == r) for (; ;) { let r = t[e]; if (null == r) return void console.log("is it assert in js style?"); if (0 == r) break; string += String.fromCharCode(r), e++ } else for (let n = 0; n < r; n++)string += String.fromCharCode(t[e + n]); return string } null === gl && alert("Unable to initialize WebGL. Your browser or machine may not support it."), canvas.focus(), acquireVertexArrayObjectExtension(gl), acquireInstancedArraysExtension(gl), null == gl.getExtension("WEBGL_depth_texture") && alert("Cant initialize WEBGL_depth_texture extension"); var Module, wasm_exports, FS = { loaded_files: [], unique_id: 0 }, GL = { counter: 1, buffers: [], mappedBuffers: {}, programs: [], framebuffers: [], renderbuffers: [], textures: [], uniforms: [], shaders: [], vaos: [], contexts: {}, programInfos: {}, getNewId: function (e) { for (var r = GL.counter++, t = e.length; t < r; t++)e[t] = null; return r }, validateGLObjectID: function (e, r, t, n) { 0 != r && (null === e[r] ? console.error(t + " called with an already deleted " + n + " ID " + r + "!") : e[r] || console.error(t + " called with an invalid " + n + " ID " + r + "!")) }, getSource: function (e, r, t, n) { for (var a = "", o = 0; o < r; ++o) { var i = 0 == n ? void 0 : getArray(n + 4 * o, Uint32Array, 1)[0]; a += UTF8ToString(getArray(t + 4 * o, Uint32Array, 1)[0], i) } return a }, populateUniformTable: function (e) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, e, "populateUniformTable", "program"); for (var r = GL.programs[e], t = GL.programInfos[e] = { uniforms: {}, maxUniformLength: 0, maxAttributeLength: -1, maxUniformBlockNameLength: -1 }, n = t.uniforms, a = gl.getProgramParameter(r, 35718), o = 0; o < a; ++o) { var i = gl.getActiveUniform(r, o), l = i.name; t.maxUniformLength = Math.max(t.maxUniformLength, l.length + 1), "]" == l.slice(-1) && (l = l.slice(0, l.lastIndexOf("["))); var s = gl.getUniformLocation(r, l); if (s) { var c = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms); n[l] = [i.size, c], GL.uniforms[c] = s; for (var u = 1; u < i.size; ++u) { var f = l + "[" + u + "]"; s = gl.getUniformLocation(r, f), c = GL.getNewId(GL.uniforms), GL.uniforms[c] = s } } } } }; function resize(e, r) { var t = e.clientWidth, n = e.clientHeight; e.width == t && e.height == n || (e.width = t, e.height = n, null != r && r(Math.floor(t), Math.floor(n))) } _glGenObject = function (e, r, t, n, a) { for (var o = 0; o < e; o++) { var i = gl[t](), l = i && GL.getNewId(n); i ? (i.name = l, n[l] = i) : (console.error("GL_INVALID_OPERATION"), GL.recordError(1282), alert("GL_INVALID_OPERATION in " + a + ": GLctx." + t + " returned null - most likely GL context is lost!")), getArray(r + 4 * o, Int32Array, 1)[0] = l } }, _webglGet = function (e, r, t) { if (!r) return console.error("GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGet" + t + "v(name=" + e + ": Function called with null out pointer!"), void GL.recordError(1281); var n = void 0; switch (e) { case 36346: n = 1; break; case 36344: return void ("EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I" != t && "EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I64" != t && (GL.recordError(1280), err("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet" + t + "v(GL_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS): Invalid parameter type!"))); case 34814: case 36345: n = 0; break; case 34466: var a = gl.getParameter(34467); n = a ? a.length : 0; break; case 33309: assert(!1, "unimplemented"); break; case 33307: case 33308: assert(!1, "unimplemented") }if (void 0 === n) { var o = gl.getParameter(e); switch (typeof o) { case "number": n = o; break; case "boolean": n = o ? 1 : 0; break; case "string": return GL.recordError(1280), void console.error("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet" + t + "v(" + e + ") on a name which returns a string!"); case "object": if (null === o) switch (e) { case 34964: case 35725: case 34965: case 36006: case 36007: case 32873: case 34229: case 35097: case 36389: case 34068: n = 0; break; default: return GL.recordError(1280), void console.error("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet" + t + "v(" + e + ") and it returns null!") } else { if (o instanceof Float32Array || o instanceof Uint32Array || o instanceof Int32Array || o instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i)assert(!1, "unimplemented"); return } try { n = 0 | o.name } catch (r) { return GL.recordError(1280), void console.error("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet" + t + "v: Unknown object returned from WebGL getParameter(" + e + ")! (error: " + r + ")") } } break; default: return GL.recordError(1280), void console.error("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet" + t + "v: Native code calling glGet" + t + "v(" + e + ") and it returns " + o + " of type " + typeof o + "!") } } switch (t) { case "EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I64": getArray(r, Int32Array, 1)[0] = n; case "EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I": getArray(r, Int32Array, 1)[0] = n; break; case "EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_F": getArray(r, Float32Array, 1)[0] = n; break; case "EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_B": getArray(r, Int8Array, 1)[0] = n ? 1 : 0; break; default: throw "internal glGet error, bad type: " + t } }, animation = function () { wasm_exports.frame(), window.requestAnimationFrame(animation) }; const SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_BEGAN = 10, SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_MOVED = 11, SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_ENDED = 12, SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_CANCELLED = 13; into_sapp_mousebutton = function (e) { switch (e) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 2; case 2: return 1; default: return e } }, into_sapp_keycode = function (e) { switch (e) { case "KeyA": return 65; case "KeyS": return 83; case "KeyD": return 68; case "KeyW": return 87; case "ArrowRight": return 262; case "ArrowLeft": return 263; case "ArrowDown": return 264; case "ArrowUp": return 265; case "Space": return 32 } }; var start, emscripten_shaders_hack = !1, importObject = { env: { console_debug: function (e) { console.debug(UTF8ToString(e)) }, console_log: function (e) { console.log(UTF8ToString(e)) }, console_info: function (e) { console.info(UTF8ToString(e)) }, console_warn: function (e) { console.warn(UTF8ToString(e)) }, console_error: function (e) { console.error(UTF8ToString(e)) }, set_emscripten_shader_hack: function (e) { emscripten_shaders_hack = e }, rand: function () { return Math.floor(2147483647 * Math.random()) }, time: function () { return (Date.now() - start) / 1e3 }, canvas_width: function () { return Math.floor(canvas.clientWidth) }, canvas_height: function () { return Math.floor(canvas.clientHeight) }, glClearDepthf: function (e) { gl.clearDepth(e) }, glClearColor: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.clearColor(e, r, t, n) }, glClearStencil: function (e) { gl.clearColorStencil(e) }, glScissor: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.scissor(e, r, t, n) }, glClear: function (e) { gl.clear(e) }, glGenTextures: function (e, r) { _glGenObject(e, r, "createTexture", GL.textures, "glGenTextures") }, glActiveTexture: function (e) { gl.activeTexture(e) }, glBindTexture: function (e, r) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.textures, r, "glBindTexture", "texture"), gl.bindTexture(e, GL.textures[r]) }, glTexImage2D: function (e, r, t, n, a, o, i, l, s) { gl.texImage2D(e, r, t, n, a, o, i, l, s ? getArray(s, Uint8Array, n * a * 4) : null) }, glTexSubImage2D: function (e, r, t, n, a, o, i, l, s) { gl.texSubImage2D(e, r, t, n, a, o, i, l, s ? getArray(s, Uint8Array, a * o * 4) : null) }, glTexParameteri: function (e, r, t) { gl.texParameteri(e, r, t) }, glUniform1fv: function (e, r, t) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniform1fv", "location"), assert(0 == (3 & t), "Pointer to float data passed to glUniform1fv must be aligned to four bytes!"); var n = getArray(t, Float32Array, 1); gl.uniform1fv(GL.uniforms[e], n) }, glUniform2fv: function (e, r, t) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniform2fv", "location"), assert(0 == (3 & t), "Pointer to float data passed to glUniform2fv must be aligned to four bytes!"); var n = getArray(t, Float32Array, 2); gl.uniform2fv(GL.uniforms[e], n) }, glUniform3fv: function (e, r, t) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniform3fv", "location"), assert(0 == (3 & t), "Pointer to float data passed to glUniform3fv must be aligned to four bytes!"); var n = getArray(t, Float32Array, 3); gl.uniform3fv(GL.uniforms[e], n) }, glUniform4fv: function (e, r, t) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniform4fv", "location"), assert(0 == (3 & t), "Pointer to float data passed to glUniform4fv must be aligned to four bytes!"); var n = getArray(t, Float32Array, 4); gl.uniform4fv(GL.uniforms[e], n) }, glBlendFunc: function (e, r) { gl.blendFunc(e, r) }, glBlendEquationSeparate: function (e, r) { gl.blendEquationSeparate(e, r) }, glDisable: function (e) { gl.disable(e) }, glDrawElements: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.drawElements(e, r, t, n) }, glGetIntegerv: function (e, r) { _webglGet(e, r, "EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I") }, glUniform1f: function (e, r) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniform1f", "location"), gl.uniform1f(GL.uniforms[e], r) }, glUniform1i: function (e, r) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniform1i", "location"), gl.uniform1i(GL.uniforms[e], r) }, glGetAttribLocation: function (e, r) { return gl.getAttribLocation(GL.programs[e], UTF8ToString(r)) }, glEnableVertexAttribArray: function (e) { gl.enableVertexAttribArray(e) }, glDisableVertexAttribArray: function (e) { gl.disableVertexAttribArray(e) }, glVertexAttribPointer: function (e, r, t, n, a, o) { gl.vertexAttribPointer(e, r, t, !!n, a, o) }, glGetUniformLocation: function (e, r) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, e, "glGetUniformLocation", "program"); var t = 0; if ("]" == (r = UTF8ToString(r))[r.length - 1]) { var n = r.lastIndexOf("["); t = "]" != r[n + 1] ? parseInt(r.slice(n + 1)) : 0, r = r.slice(0, n) } var a = GL.programInfos[e] && GL.programInfos[e].uniforms[r]; return a && t >= 0 && t < a[0] ? a[1] + t : -1 }, glUniformMatrix4fv: function (e, r, t, n) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniformMatrix4fv", "location"), assert(0 == (3 & n), "Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix4fv must be aligned to four bytes!"); var a = getArray(n, Float32Array, 16); gl.uniformMatrix4fv(GL.uniforms[e], !!t, a) }, glUseProgram: function (e) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, e, "glUseProgram", "program"), gl.useProgram(GL.programs[e]) }, glUniform4fv: function (e, r, t) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, e, "glUniformMatrix4fv", "location"), assert(0 == (3 & t), "Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix4fv must be aligned to four bytes!"); var n = getArray(t, Float32Array, 4); gl.uniform4fv(GL.uniforms[e], n) }, glGenVertexArrays: function (e, r) { _glGenObject(e, r, "createVertexArray", GL.vaos, "glGenVertexArrays") }, glGenFramebuffers: function (e, r) { _glGenObject(e, r, "createFramebuffer", GL.framebuffers, "glGenFramebuffers") }, glBindVertexArray: function (e) { gl.bindVertexArray(GL.vaos[e]) }, glBindFramebuffer: function (e, r) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.framebuffers, r, "glBindFramebuffer", "framebuffer"), gl.bindFramebuffer(e, GL.framebuffers[r]) }, glGenBuffers: function (e, r) { _glGenObject(e, r, "createBuffer", GL.buffers, "glGenBuffers") }, glBindBuffer: function (e, r) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.buffers, r, "glBindBuffer", "buffer"), gl.bindBuffer(e, GL.buffers[r]) }, glBufferData: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.bufferData(e, t ? getArray(t, Uint8Array, r) : r, n) }, glBufferSubData: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.bufferSubData(e, r, n ? getArray(n, Uint8Array, t) : t) }, glEnable: function (e) { gl.enable(e) }, glDepthFunc: function (e) { gl.depthFunc(e) }, glBlendFuncSeparate: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.blendFuncSeparate(e, r, t, n) }, glViewport: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.viewport(e, r, t, n) }, glDrawArrays: function (e, r, t) { gl.drawArrays(e, r, t) }, glCreateProgram: function () { var e = GL.getNewId(GL.programs), r = gl.createProgram(); return r.name = e, GL.programs[e] = r, e }, glAttachShader: function (e, r) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, e, "glAttachShader", "program"), GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, r, "glAttachShader", "shader"), gl.attachShader(GL.programs[e], GL.shaders[r]) }, glLinkProgram: function (e) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, e, "glLinkProgram", "program"), gl.linkProgram(GL.programs[e]), GL.populateUniformTable(e) }, glFramebufferTexture2D: function (e, r, t, n, a) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.textures, n, "glFramebufferTexture2D", "texture"), gl.framebufferTexture2D(e, r, t, GL.textures[n], a) }, glGetProgramiv: function (e, r, t) { (assert(t), GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, e, "glGetProgramiv", "program"), e >= GL.counter) ? console.error("GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetProgramiv") : GL.programInfos[e] ? 35716 != r && 35719 != r && 35722 != r && 35381 != r ? getArray(t, Int32Array, 1)[0] = gl.getProgramParameter(GL.programs[e], r) : console.error("unsupported operation") : console.error("GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGetProgramiv(program=" + e + ", pname=" + r + ", p=0x" + t.toString(16) + "): The specified GL object name does not refer to a program object!") }, glCreateShader: function (e) { var r = GL.getNewId(GL.shaders); return GL.shaders[r] = gl.createShader(e), r }, glShaderSource: function (e, r, t, n) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, e, "glShaderSource", "shader"); var a = GL.getSource(e, r, t, n); if (emscripten_shaders_hack) { var o = ""; -1 != (a = (a = a.replace(/#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable/g, "")).replace(/#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable/g, "")).indexOf("gl_FragColor") && (o += "out mediump vec4 GL_FragColor;\n", a = a.replace(/gl_FragColor/g, "GL_FragColor")), a = (a = (a = (a = (a = (a = (a = (a = (a = (a = (a = (a = -1 != a.indexOf("attribute") ? (a = a.replace(/attribute/g, "in")).replace(/varying/g, "out") : a.replace(/varying/g, "in")).replace(/textureCubeLodEXT/g, "textureCubeLod")).replace(/texture2DLodEXT/g, "texture2DLod")).replace(/texture2DProjLodEXT/g, "texture2DProjLod")).replace(/texture2DGradEXT/g, "texture2DGrad")).replace(/texture2DProjGradEXT/g, "texture2DProjGrad")).replace(/textureCubeGradEXT/g, "textureCubeGrad")).replace(/textureCube/g, "texture")).replace(/texture1D/g, "texture")).replace(/texture2D/g, "texture")).replace(/texture3D/g, "texture")).replace(/#version 100/g, "#version 300 es\n" + o) } gl.shaderSource(GL.shaders[e], a) }, glGetProgramInfoLog: function (e, r, t, n) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, e, "glGetProgramInfoLog", "program"); var a = gl.getProgramInfoLog(GL.programs[e]); assert(null !== a); let o = getArray(n, Uint8Array, r); for (var i = 0; i < r; i++)o[i] = a.charCodeAt(i) }, glCompileShader: function (e, r, t, n) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, e, "glCompileShader", "shader"), gl.compileShader(GL.shaders[e]) }, glGetShaderiv: function (e, r, t) { if (assert(t), GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, e, "glGetShaderiv", "shader"), 35716 == r) { var n = gl.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[e]); assert(null !== n), getArray(t, Int32Array, 1)[0] = n.length + 1 } else if (35720 == r) { var a = gl.getShaderSource(GL.shaders[e]), o = null === a || 0 == a.length ? 0 : a.length + 1; getArray(t, Int32Array, 1)[0] = o } else getArray(t, Int32Array, 1)[0] = gl.getShaderParameter(GL.shaders[e], r) }, glGetShaderInfoLog: function (e, r, t, n) { GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.shaders, e, "glGetShaderInfoLog", "shader"); var a = gl.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[e]); assert(null !== a); let o = getArray(n, Uint8Array, r); for (var i = 0; i < r; i++)o[i] = a.charCodeAt(i) }, glVertexAttribDivisor: function (e, r) { gl.vertexAttribDivisor(e, r) }, glDrawArraysInstanced: function (e, r, t, n) { gl.drawArraysInstanced(e, r, t, n) }, glDrawElementsInstanced: function (e, r, t, n, a) { gl.drawElementsInstanced(e, r, t, n, a) }, glDeleteShader: function (e) { gl.deleteShader(e) }, glDeleteBuffers: function (e, r) { for (var t = 0; t < e; t++) { var n = getArray(r + 4 * t, Uint32Array, 1)[0], a = GL.buffers[n]; a && (gl.deleteBuffer(a), a.name = 0, GL.buffers[n] = null) } }, glDeleteTextures: function (e, r) { for (var t = 0; t < e; t++) { var n = getArray(r + 4 * t, Uint32Array, 1)[0], a = GL.textures[n]; a && (gl.deleteTexture(a), a.name = 0, GL.textures[n] = null) } }, init_opengl: function (e) { start = Date.now(), canvas.onmousemove = function (e) { var r = e.clientX, t = e.clientY; wasm_exports.mouse_move(Math.floor(r), Math.floor(t)) }, canvas.onmousedown = function (e) { var r = e.clientX, t = e.clientY, n = into_sapp_mousebutton(e.button); wasm_exports.mouse_down(r, t, n) }, canvas.addEventListener("wheel", function (e) { wasm_exports.mouse_wheel(-e.deltaX, -e.deltaY) }), canvas.onmouseup = function (e) { var r = e.clientX, t = e.clientY, n = into_sapp_mousebutton(e.button); wasm_exports.mouse_up(r, t, n) }, canvas.onkeydown = function (e) { var r = into_sapp_keycode(e.code); wasm_exports.key_down(r) }, canvas.onkeyup = function (e) { var r = into_sapp_keycode(e.code); wasm_exports.key_up(r) }, canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) { for (touch of (e.preventDefault(), e.changedTouches)) wasm_exports.touch(10, touch.identifier, Math.floor(touch.clientX), Math.floor(touch.clientY)) }), canvas.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) { for (touch of (e.preventDefault(), e.changedTouches)) wasm_exports.touch(12, touch.identifier, Math.floor(touch.clientX), Math.floor(touch.clientY)) }), canvas.addEventListener("touchcancel", function (e) { for (touch of (e.preventDefault(), e.changedTouches)) wasm_exports.touch(SAPP_EVENTTYPE_TOUCHES_CANCELED, touch.identifier, Math.floor(touch.clientX), Math.floor(touch.clientY)) }), canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) { for (touch of (e.preventDefault(), e.changedTouches)) wasm_exports.touch(11, touch.identifier, Math.floor(touch.clientX), Math.floor(touch.clientY)) }), window.onresize = function () { resize(canvas, wasm_exports.resize) }, window.requestAnimationFrame(animation) }, fs_load_file: function (e, r) { var t = UTF8ToString(e, r), n = FS.unique_id; FS.unique_id += 1; var a = new XMLHttpRequest; return a.open("GET", t, !0), a.responseType = "arraybuffer", a.onload = function (e) { if (200 == this.status) { var r = new Uint8Array(this.response); FS.loaded_files[n] = r, wasm_exports.file_loaded(n) } }, a.onerror = function (e) { FS.loaded_files[n] = null, wasm_exports.file_loaded(n) }, a.send(), n }, fs_get_buffer_size: function (e) { return null == FS.loaded_files[e] ? -1 : FS.loaded_files[e].length }, fs_take_buffer: function (e, r, t) { var n = FS.loaded_files[e]; console.assert(n.length <= t); for (var a = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, r, t), o = 0; o < n.length; o++)a[o] = n[o]; delete FS.loaded_files[e] } } }; function init_plugins(e) { if (null != e) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)e[r].register_plugin(importObject) } function expose_wasm(e) { if (null != e) for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)e[r].set_wasm_refs(memory, wasm_exports) } function load(e, r) { var t = fetch(e); init_plugins(r), "function" == typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming ? WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(t, importObject).then(e => { memory = e.instance.exports.memory, wasm_exports = e.instance.exports, expose_wasm(r), e.instance.exports.main() }) : t.then(function (e) { return e.arrayBuffer() }).then(function (e) { return WebAssembly.instantiate(e, importObject) }).then(function (e) { memory = e.instance.exports.memory, wasm_exports = e.instance.exports, expose_wasm(r), e.instance.exports.main() }) } resize(canvas);