I want to put into practice what I'd learned while revising for the AWS CCP exam, as well as showcasing other tech skills. Someone recommended Forrest Brazeal's Cloud Resume Challenge, and although the deadline has long since passed, the actual project is totally worth it. At the moment my priority is to pass the CCP comfortably (and I need to reference the cert in this resume anyway) and move into learning DevOps skills, so for now this will be a part-time project.
- Hosts my resume in the Cloud for potential employers
- Utilises skills learned as a full-stack engineer
I believe that if you can, in good faith, complete the Cloud Resume Challenge, you will already have more useful skills than a lot of people who graduate from university computer science programs. Specifically: you will understand something about full-stack software development, version control, infrastructure as code, automation, continuous integration and delivery, cloud services and “serverless”, application security, and networking. -- Forrest Brazeal
- Designed a cloud architecture as I currently understand it
- Reacquainted myself with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, and started building out
- Started a Trello board, splitting the challenge up into three distinct phases:
- Create HTML resume
- Deploy HTML resume on AWS
- In other news, I scored 75.38% on Tutorials Dojo timed mode - set 4
- 98.46% on the retake
- 90% on review mode - set 3