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NZ COVID Badge - Tech Spec

An ERC721 collection gated by NZ COVID Passes.


NZ COVID Badge balances the following goals:

  • Verify that the user has a valid NZ COVID Pass
  • Only allow 1 NZ COVID Badge per person
  • Don't let NZ COVID Pass leak
  • Don't let user identity leak
  • Protect user from MEV

Verification of an NZ COVID Pass

An NZ COVID Pass is valid if:

  • Signature is valid and signed by NZ Ministry of Health
  • Pass is not expired

In order to verify the signature, the full pass is not needed. Merely the SHA256 hash of the ToBeSigned value is sufficient.

We verify that the signature is valid by computing SHA256(ToBeSigned) inside the circuit and then running the EllipticCurve.validateSignature function on the result in the Solidity mint function. This way, we know the hash belongs to the pass the user holds, even though we don't know the full pass itself.

One NZ COVID Badge per person

In order to prevent the user from having multiple NZ COVID Badges, we limit the number of NZ COVID Badges to 1 per blinded nullifier hash (aka nullifierHashPart). We define blinded nullifier hash as:

credentialSubject = `${givenName},${familyName},${dob}`
nullifierHashPart = SHA512(credentialSubject)[0:256]

In the smart contract, we only allow nullifierHashPart to be used once (i.e., after minting the nullifierHashPart is considered 'spent')

Not letting NZ COVID Pass leak

Since we're only sending the ToBeSignedHash value, r, s and exp of the pass to the contract, it's not possible for an attacker to reconstruct the full pass. For the full pass, the attacker will need to also have the credential subject (which is only passed to the contract as a blinded nullifier hash), exp, nbf as well as the cti (CWT ID). While exp value is passed to the contract as plain text, and nbf value is trivially derived, the cti (CWT ID) value is never revealed. Therefore, the attacker will need to fully reverse the blinded nullifier hash as well as guess the cti (which is a 16-byte random string issued by NZ Ministry of Health) to reconstruct the full pass. If we assume that an attacker already guessed the credential subject and that they have equipment which can generate 100 TH/s, they will need 14 billion years to brute-force the full pass.

Not letting user identity leak

An important property of nullifierHashPart is that it's blinded. Since we only output 256 bits of nullifier hash, it means that by spending 1 blinded nullifier hash, we spend 2256 nullifiers. While the entropy of a nullifier (${givenName},${familyName},${dob}) is low, the entropy of a blinded nullifier hash is high since a blinded nullifier hash will match not just 1 identity, but up to 2256 identities. This makes it especially hard for an attacker to perform a brute force attack on the pre-image (${givenName},${familyName},${dob}) of a blinded nullifier hash.

MEV protection

User specifies the address they would like to receive their NZ COVID Badge at as an input signal to the circuit (the pass-through data). This way, an MEV searcher would not be able to front-run user's transaction, since they would also need a full pass to compute the zero knowledge proof and set a different address.

Pseudocode of the circuit

  • Circuit takes in ToBeSigned value, pass-through data
  • Parses ToBeSigned as CBOR
  • Finds exp (expiration date) value of the pass
  • Finds vc map in it (verified credential)
  • Jumps to the position of credentialSubject which is assumed to be at the position of vc + 171
  • Gets givenName, familyName and dob out of credentialSubject
  • Constructs the nullifier in the form of ${givenName},${familyName},${dob}
  • Hashes the nullifier as SHA512 to get the nullifierHash
  • Gets the first 256 bits of the nullifierHash to get the blinded nullifierHash (aka nullifierHashPart)
  • Takes SHA256 hash of ToBeSigned value to get the toBeSignedHash
  • Exports nullifierHashPart, toBeSignedHash, exp as well as data which is pass-through data

You can find the javascript version of the circuit implemented as getNZCPPubIdentity function in the Dapp repo.