FreeBEE includes a module (freebee-bench
) that provides a test harness that can be used for performance benchmarking and evaluator functionality testing.
The module includes a number of interfaces that allow the test harness to be configured or extended.
The module also includes useful companion classes, including:
- A configurable, random boolean expression generator.
- A reference boolean expression evaluator that is not optimized for performance but is easier to understand. (Note, this is a work in progress and currently has limited features.)
The benchmarking test harness currently consists of two Java main
- BenchmarkRunner: Stress tests the FreeBEE library and produces a runtime performance report.
- ReferenceComparisonRunner: Compares the FreeBEE logic against a reference evaluator for correctness analysis.
The following steps run the benchmarking tool:
Configure BenchmarkRunner. Currently, this is managed at the top of the main class as static variables. In the future, this will be replaced with external configuration properties. For now, modify these values in
private static final int INPUT_COUNT = 5_000; private static final int MAX_VALUES_PER_INPUT = 100; private static final int EXPRESSION_COUNT = 1_000; private static final int MAX_EXPRESSION_WIDTH = 1_000; private static final int MAX_EXPRESSION_DEPTH = 3; private static final long RANDOM_SEED = 14888790436548L;
Here is the effect of these variables:
Config Variable Description INPUT_COUNT
The number of input records/requests to run against the evaluator. MAX_VALUES_PER_INPUT
The maximum number of attribute values to generate per input record EXPRESSION_COUNT
The number of boolean expressions to generate for the evaluator MAX_EXPRESSION_WIDTH
The maximum number of predicate (leaf) nodes for the boolean expression trees that are generated MAX_EXPRESSION_DEPTH
The maximum depth of the boolean expression trees that are generated RANDOM_SEED
The random seed to use for all pseudorandom generators. Useful for reproducing results. -
Create an IDE Run Configuration for the main class.
Run the BenchmarkRunner Run Configuration. The output will go to the console. Here is an example:
Evaluated 5000 requests against 1000 expressions Total time: 90414 ms Setup benchmark: 12440 ms Build evaluator index: 2282 ms Evaluate requests: 75692 ms Average and Max Metrics Average evaluation time: 15.138400 ms (wall clock) Average evaluation time: 15.133384 ms (instrument) Standard deviation: 12.868864 ms 50th percentile: 13.676861 ms 75th percentile: 19.150101 ms 95th percentile: 28.939144 ms 97th percentile: 33.324185 ms 98th percentile: 38.730450 ms 99th percentile: 51.663963 ms Max evaluation time: 572.646660 ms Request Input Stats Matched: 5000 requests Not matched: 0 requests
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The following steps run the reference comparision tool:
Configure ReferenceComparisonRunner. Currently, this is managed at the top of the main class as static variables. In the future, this will be replaced with external configuration properties. For now, modify these values in
private static final int INPUT_COUNT = 100; private static final int MAX_VALUES_PER_INPUT = 100; private static final int EXPRESSION_COUNT = 100; private static final int MAX_EXPRESSION_WIDTH = 100; private static final int MAX_EXPRESSION_DEPTH = 4; private static final long RANDOM_SEED = 14888790436548L;
For the details regarding the meaning of these variables, see the above section for
Create an IDE Run Configuration for the main class.
Run the BenchmarkRunner Run Configuration. The output will go to the console. Here is an example:
Evaluated 100 requests against 100 expressions Total time: 14512 ms Setup benchmark: 1708 ms Build evaluator index: 569 ms Evaluate requests: 12235 ms Expression evaluation results Total failed expressions: 0 (0.0)%
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