In order to make migrating to Lostrómos easier we support using Helm to handle the templating. This allows you to provide a Helm chart to Lostrómos.
For Lostrómos to be able to run commands with Helm it needs access to a tiller.
If you are running inside kubernetes the value for this would look like
if the tiller is in the same namespace as your Lostrómos
deployment. If you are in a different namespace you would use
Helm requires the the tiller and the client be running the same version. Currently Lostrómos uses version v2.8.0 of Helm.
If you are running outside of the kubernetes cluster access to the tiller is a
little more complicated. It is not a good idea to expose the tiller outside of
the cluster since it is not secure by default. Your best option is to
use the kubectl port-forward
command. This is a simple set of commands you can
run that will setup a port forward for you that will work with the default
tiller deployment.
export TILLER_NS=kube-system
export TILLER_POD=`kubectl -n $TILLER_NS get pods \
--selector=app=helm,name=tiller \
-o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{}{end}" | head -n1`
kubectl port-forward -n $TILLER_NS $TILLER_POD 44134:44134
After running this command you would start Lostrómos and set the tiller to point
Lostrómos provides access to the resource from within your charts under the
variable name resource
. The resource has the following fields available on it:
- Which is the custom resource namenamespace
- represents the namespace the custom resource is deployed inspec
- holds all of the data that is stored in your resources spec field.
Given this custom resource
kind: Character
name: nemo
Name: Nemo
From: Finding Nemo
By: Disney
{{ }}
would return "nemo"{{ }}
would return "Nemo"{{ .Values.resource.spec.from }}
would return "Finding Nemo"{{ }}
would return "Disney"
For Lostrómos to be able to pull the charts from a remote repository, the remote
repository should be pre-configured in the tiller (one option is to add it
using helm repo add
helm repo add foonemo
Add chart entry to the annotations, using the same repo name that was used to add,
for the chart to be downloaded from the remote repo.
Chart entry format: <repo name>/<chart name>:[semver]
kind: Character
name: nemo
chart: foonemo/helloworld:1.2r345
Name: Nemo
From: Finding Nemo
By: Disney
Note: Set $HELM_HOME env should be set after initializing the repo.