Flow began life as a major fork of the original Twig templating engine by Armin Ronacher, which he made for Chyrp, a now-defunct blogging engine. Flow features template inheritance, includes, macros, custom helpers, whitespace control and many little features that make writing templates enjoyable. Flow tries to give a consistent and coherent experience in writing clean templates. Flow compiles each template into its own PHP class; used in conjunction with PHP's OPcache, this makes Flow a very fast and efficient templating engine. Templates can be read from files, loaded from string arrays, or even from databases with relative ease.
The easiest way to install is by using Composer; the minimum composer.json configuration is:
"require": {
"flow/flow": "0.7.*"
Flow requires PHP 7 or newer.
Using Flow in your code is straight forward:
require 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
use Flow\Loader;
use Flow\Adapter\FileAdapter;
$flow = new Loader(
new FileAdapter('path/to/templates'),
new FileAdapter('path/to/cache')
try {
$template = $flow->load('home.html');
'data_1' => 'My first data',
'data_2' => 'My second data',
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// something went wrong!
The Loader
constructor arguments are as follows:
: Recompilation mode.source
object. See the section on loading templates from other sources near the bottom of this document.target
object. See the section on loading templates from other sources near the bottom of this document.helpers
: Array of custom helpers.
The mode
option can be one of the following:
: Never recompile an already compiled template.Loader::RECOMPILE_NORMAL
: Only recompile if the compiled template is older than the source file due to modifications.Loader::RECOMPILE_ALWAYS
: Always recompile whenever possible.
The default mode is Loader::RECOMPILE_NORMAL
. If a template has never been
compiled, or the compiled PHP file is missing, the Loader
will compile it once
regardless of what the current mode is.
In a typical development environment, the Loader::RECOMPILE_NORMAL
mode should
be used, while the Loader::RECOMPILE_NEVER
mode should be used for production
whenever possible. The Loader::RECOMPILE_ALWAYS
mode is used only for internal
debugging and testing purposes by the developers and should generally be avoided.
Two kinds of exceptions are thrown by Flow: SyntaxError
for syntax errors, and
for everything else.
Any reference to template files outside the source
directory is considered to
be an error.
Flow uses {%
and %}
to delimit block tags. Block tags are used mainly for
block declarations in template inheritance and control structures. Examples of
block tags are block
, for
, and if
. Some block tags may have a body
segment. They're usually enclosed by a corresponding end<tag>
tag. Flow uses
and }}
to delimit output tags, {!
and !}
to delimit raw output tags,
and {#
and #}
to delimit comments. Keywords and identifiers are
Use {#
and #}
to delimit comments:
{# This is a comment. It will be ignored. #}
Comments may span multiple lines but cannot be nested; they will be completely removed from the resulting output.
To output a literal, variable, or any kind of expression, use the opening {{
and the closing }}
Hello, {{ username }}
{{ "Welcome back, " ~ username }}
{{ "Two plus two equals " ~ 2 + 2 }}
To output a raw expression without doing any output escaping, use the opening
and the closing !}
The following will be HTML bold: {! "<b>bold text</b>" !}
There are several types of literals: numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, and
Numbers can be integers or floats:
{{ 42 }} and {{ 3.14 }}
Large numbers can be separated by underscores to make it more readable:
Price: {{ 12_000 | number_format }} USD
The exact placing of _ is insignificant, although the first character must be a digit; any _ character inside numbers will be removed. Numbers are translated into PHP numbers and thus are limited by how PHP handles numbers with regards to upper/lower limits and precision. Complex numeric and monetary operations should be done in PHP using the GMP extension or the bcmath extension instead.
Strings can either be double quoted or single quoted; both recognize escape sequence characters. There are no support for variable extrapolation. Use string concatenation instead:
{{ "This is a string " ~ 'This is also a string' }}
You can also join two or more strings or scalars using the join operator:
{{ "Welcome," .. user.name }}
The join operator uses a single space character to join strings together.
{{ true }} or {{ false }}
When printed or concatenated, true
will be converted to 1
while false
be converted to an empty string. This behavior is consistent with the way PHP
treats booleans in a string context.
{{ ["this", "is", "an", "array"][0] }}
Arrays are also hash tables just like in PHP:
{{ ["foo" => "bar", 'oof' => 'rab']['foo'] }}
Printing arrays will cause a PHP notice to be thrown; use the join
{{ [1,2,3] | join(', ') }}
{{ null }}
When printed or concatenated, null
will be converted to an empty string. This
behavior is consistent with the way PHP treats nulls in a string context.
In addition to short-circuiting, boolean operators or
and and
returns one
of their operands. This means you can, for example, do the following:
Status: {{ user.status or "default value" }}
Note that the strings '0'
and ''
are considered to be false. See the section
on branching for more information. This behavior is consistent with the way PHP
treats strings in a boolean context.
Comparison operators can take multiple operands:
{% if 1 <= x <= 10 %}
<p>x is between 1 and 10 inclusive.</p>
{% endif %}
Which is equivalent to:
{% if 1 <= x and x <= 10 %}
<p>x is between 1 and 10 inclusive.</p>
{% endif %}
The in
operator works with arrays, iterators and plain objects:
{% if 1 in [1,2,3] %}
1 is definitely in 1,2,3
{% endif %}
{% if 1 not in [4,5,6] %}
1 is definitely not in 4,5,6
{% endif %}
For iterators and plain objects, the in
operator first converts them using a
simple (array)
type conversion.
Use ~
(tilde) to concatenate between two or more scalars as strings:
{{ "Hello," ~ " World!" }}
String concatenation has a lower precedence than arithmetic operators:
{{ "1 + 1 = " ~ 1 + 1 ~ " and everything is OK again!" }}
Will yield
1 + 1 = 2 and everything is OK again!
Use ..
(a double dot) to join two or more scalars as string using a single
space character:
{{ "Welcome," .. user.name }}
String output, concatenations and joins coerce scalar values into strings.
Below is a list of all operators in Flow sorted and listed according to their precedence in descending order:
- Attribute access:
for objects and arrays - Filter chaining:
- Arithmetic: unary
- Concatenation:
- Comparison:
- Conditional:
- Ternary:
? :
You can group subexpressions in parentheses to override the precedence rule.
You can access an object's member variables or methods using the .
{{ user.name }}
{{ user.get_full_name() }}
When calling an object's method, the parentheses are optional when there are no arguments passed. The full semantics of object attribute access are as follows:
For attribute access without parentheses, in order of priority:
- If the attribute is an accessible member variable, return its value.
- If the object implements
, invoke and return its value. - If the attribute is a callable method, call and return its value.
- If the object implements
, invoke and return its value. - Return null.
For attribute access with parentheses, in order of priority:
- If the attribute is a callable method, call and return its value.
- If the object implements
, invoke and return its value. - Return null.
You can always force a method call by using parentheses.
You can return an element of an array using either the .
operator or the [
and ]
{{ user.name }} is the same as {{ user['name'] }}
{{ users[0] }}
The .
operator is more restrictive: only tokens of name type can be used as
the attribute. Tokens of name type begins with an alphabet or an underscore and
can only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters, just like PHP variables
and function names.
One special attribute access rule for arrays is the ability to invoke closure functions stored in arrays:
$template = $flow->load('my_template.html');
'user' => [
'firstname' => 'Rasmus',
'lastname' => 'Lerdorf',
'fullname' => function($self) {
return $self['firstname'] . ' ' . $self['lastname'];
And call the fullname
"method" in the template as follows:
{{ user.fullname }}
When invoked this way, the closure function will implicitly be passed the array it's in as the first argument. Extra arguments will be passed on to the closure function as the second and consecutive arguments. This rule lets you have arrays that behave not unlike objects: they can access other member values or functions in the array.
It's possible to dynamically access an object or array attributes:
{% assign attr = 'name' %}
Your name: {{ user[attr] }}
Helpers are simple functions you can use to test or modify values prior to use. There are two ways you can use them:
- Using helpers as functions
- Using helpers as filters
Except for a few exceptions, they are exchangeable.
{{ upper(title) }}
You can chain helpers just like you can chain function calls in PHP:
{{ nl2br(upper(trim(my_data))) }}
Use the |
character to separate the data with the filter:
{{ title | upper }}
You can use multiple filters by chaining them with the |
character. Using them
this way is not unlike using pipes in Unix: the output of the previous filter is
the input of the next one. For example, to trim, upper case and convert newlines
to <br>
tags (in that order), simply write:
{{ my_data | trim | upper | nl2br }}
Some built-in helpers accept additional parameters, delimited by parentheses and separated by commas, like so:
{{ "foo " | repeat(3) }}
Which is equivalent to the following:
{{ repeat("foo ", 3) }}
When using helpers as filters, be careful when mixing operators:
{{ 12_000 + 5_000 | number_format }}
Due to operator precedence, the above example is semantically equivalent to:
{{ 12_000 + (5_000 | number_format) }}
Which, when compiled to PHP, will output 12005 which is probably not what you'd expect. Either put the addition inside parentheses like so:
{{ (12_000 + 5_000) | number_format }}
Or use the helper as a function:
{{ number_format(12_000 + 5_000) }}
, bytes
, capitalize
, cycle
, date
, dump
, e
, escape
, first
, is_iterable
, is_divisible_by
, is_empty
, is_even
, is_odd
, json_encode
, keys
, last
, length
, lower
, nl2br
, range
, repeat
, replace
, strip_tags
, title
, trim
, unescape
, upper
, url_encode
, word_wrap
Registering custom helpers is straightforward:
use Flow\Loader;
use Flow\Adapter\FileAdapter;
$helpers = [
'random' => function() { return 4; },
'exclamation' => function($s = null) { return $s . '!'; },
$flow = new Loader(
new FileAdapter('/path/to/templates'),
new FileAdapter('/path/to/cache'),
try {
$template = $flow->load('my_template.html');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// something went wrong!
You can use your custom helpers just like any other built-in helpers:
A random number: {{ random() }} is truly {{ "bizarre" | exclamation }}
When used as functions, the parentheses are necessary even if your helpers do not take any parameters. As a rule, when used as a filter, the input is passed on as the first argument to the helper. It's advisable to have a default value for every parameter in your custom helper.
Since built-in helpers and custom helpers share the same namespace, you can override built-in helpers with your own version although it's generally not recommended.
Use the if
tag to branch. Use the optional elseif
and else
tags to have
multiple branches:
{% if expression_1 %}
expression 1 is true!
{% elseif expression_2 %}
expression 2 is true!
{% elseif expression_3 %}
expression 3 is true!
{% else %}
nothing matches!
{% endif %}
Values considered to be false are false
, null
, 0
, '0'
, ''
, and []
(empty array). This behavior is consistent with the way PHP treats data types in
a boolean context. From experience, it's generally useful to have the string
be considered a false value: usually the data comes from a relational
database which, in most drivers in PHP, integers in returned tuples are
converted to strings. You can always use the strict ===
and !==
Apart from the standalone block tag version, the if
tag is also available as
a statement modifier. If you know Ruby or Perl, you might find this familiar:
{{ "this will be printed" if this_evaluates_to_true }}
The above is semantically equivalent to:
{%- if this_evaluates_to_true -%}
{{ "this will be printed" }}
{%- endif -%}
You can use any kind of boolean logic just as in the standard block tag version:
{{ "this will be printed" if not this_evaluates_to_false }}
Using the unless
construct might be more natural for some cases.
The following is equivalent to the above:
{{ "this will be printed" unless this_evaluates_to_false }}
Inline if and unless modifiers are available for output tags, break and continue tags, extends tags, parent tags, set tags, and include tags.
You can use the ternary operator if you need branching inside an expression:
{{ error ? '<p>' ~ error ~ '</p>' : '<p>success!</p>' }}
The ternary operator has the lowest precedence in an expression.
Use the for
tag to iterate through each element of an array or iterator. Use
the optional else
clause to implicitly branch if no iteration occurs:
{% for link in links %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a> {% else %}
{% else %}
There are no links available.
{% endfor %}
Empty arrays or iterators, and values other than arrays or iterators will branch
to the else
You can also iterate as key and value pairs by using a comma:
{% for key, value in associative_array %}
<p>{{ key }} = {{ value }}</p>
{% endfor %}
Both key
and value
in the example above are local to the iteration. They
will retain their previous values, if any, once the iteration stops.
The special variable loop
contains several useful attributes and is available
for use inside the for
{% for user in users %}
{{ user }}{{ ", " unless loop.last }}
{% endfor %}
If you have an ordinary loop
variable, its value will temporarily be out of
scope inside the for
The special loop
variable has a few attributes:
: The zero-based index.loop.count
: The one-based index.loop.first
: Evaluates totrue
if the current iteration is the first.loop.last
: Evaluates totrue
if the current iteration is the last.loop.parent
: The parent iterationloop
object if applicable.
You can use break
and continue
to break out of a loop and to skip to the
next iteration, respectively. The following will print "1 2 3":
{% for i in [0,1,2,3,4,5] %}
{% continue if i < 1 %}
{{ i }}
{% break if i > 2 %}
{% endfor %}
It is sometimes unavoidable to set values to variables and object or array
attributes; use the assign
{% assign fullname = user.firstname .. user.lastname %}
{% assign user.fullname = fullname %}
You can also use assign
as a way to buffer output and store the result in a
{% assign slogan %}
<p>This changes everything!</p>
{% endassign %}
{{ slogan }}
The scope of variables introduced by the assign
construct is always local to
its surrounding context.
Blocks are at the core of template inheritance:
{# this is in "parent_template.html" #}
{% block content %}
<p>Original content</p>
{% endblock %}
{# this is in "child_template.html" #}
{% extends "parent_template.html" %}
This will never be displayed!
{% block content %}
<p>This will be substituted to the parent template's "content" block</p>
{% endblock %}
This will never be displayed!
When child_template.html
is loaded, it will yield:
<p>This will be substituted to the parent template</p>
Block inheritance works by replacing all blocks in the parent, or extended template, with the same blocks found in the child, or extending template, and using the parent template as the layout template; the child template layout is discarded. This works recursively upwards until there are no more templates to be extended. Two blocks in a template cannot have the same name. You can define blocks within another block, but not within macros.
The extends
construct signals Flow to load and extend a template. Blocks
defined in the current template will override blocks defined in extended
{% extends "path/to/layout.html" %}
The template extension mechanism is fully dynamic with some caveats. You can use context variables or wrap it in conditionals just like any other statement:
{% extends layout if some_condition %}
You can also use the ternary operator:
{% extends some_condition ? custom_layout : "default_layout.html" %}
You cannot however use expressions and variables that are calculated inside the
template before the extends
tag. This is because the extends tag is the first
thing a template will evaluate regardless of where its position is in the
template. This is also why it's best to put your extends
tags somewhere at the
top of your templates. For example, the following will not work:
{% assign extend_template = true %}
{% extends "parent.html" if extend_template %}
The following will also not work because tpl
is a value calculated inside the
template before the extends
{% assign tpl = "parent.html" %}
{% extends tpl %}
If however the extend_template
or the tpl
variables are context variables
that already exist before the template loads, then the two examples above will
work as expected.
It is a syntax error to declare more than one extends
tag per template or to
declare an extends
tag anywhere but at the top level scope.
Using the assign
tag to override a context variable before extending a parent
template will not work. This is because an extends
tag is the first thing a
template will evaluate regardless of where its position is in the template and
extending a template will discard the current extending template's layout
(i.e., everything outside block
tags) in favor of the extended template's
You can however pass an array to override a parent template's context when extending it. With a parent template:
{# this is in parent.html #}
{% if show %}
{% endif %}
And a child template:
{# this is in child.html #}
{% extends "parent.html" with ['show' => true] %}
Rendering the child template will produce:
Likewise, you can't use variables created using the assign
tag inside the
array parameter used with the extends
tag. For example, the following will
not work:
{% assign foo = "BAR" %}
{% extends "parent.html" with [some_string => foo] %}
By using the parent
tag, you can include the parent block's contents inside
the child block:
{% block child %}
{% parent %}
{% endblock %}
Using the parent
tag anywhere outside a block or inside a macro is a syntax
Macros are a great way to make flexible and reusable partial templates:
{% macro bolder(text) %}
<b>{{ text }}</b>
{% endmacro %}
To call them:
{% call bolder("this is great!") %}
All parameters are optional; they default to null
while extra positional
arguments passed are ignored. Flow lets you define a custom default value for
each parameter:
{% macro bolder(text="this is a bold text!") %}
<b>{{ text }}</b>
{% endmacro %}
You can also use named arguments:
{% call bolder(text="this is a text") %}
Extra named arguments overwrite positional arguments with the same name and
previous named arguments with the same name. The parentheses are optional only
if there are no arguments passed. Parameters and variables declared inside
macros with the assign
construct are local to the macro and will cease to
exist once the macro returns.
Macros are dynamically scoped. They inherit the calling context:
{% macro greet %}
<p>{{ "Hello," .. name }}</p>
{% endmacro %}
{% assign name = "Joe" %}
{% call greet %}
The above will print:
<p>Hello Joe</p>
The calling context is masked by the arguments and the default parameter values.
Macros are inherited by extending templates and at the same time overrides other macros with the same name in parent templates.
Defining macros inside blocks or other macros is a syntax error. Redefining macros in a template is also a syntax error.
You can call a macro with
a block and yield
inside the macro definition:
{% macro header %}
<header>{% yield %}</header>
{% endmacro %}
{% assign title = "Flow macro blocks is cool" %}
{% call header with %}<h1>{{ title or "This is the title" }}</h1>{% endcall %}
The above will result in:
<header><h1>Flow macro blocks is cool</h1></header>
It is possible to yield
multiple times and to also provide context overrides:
{% macro header %}
<header>{% yield(title="Flow") %}</header>
{% endmacro %}
{% call header with %}<h1>{{ title }}</h1>{% endcall %}
Which will result in:
It's best to group macros in templates like you would functions in modules or classes. To use macros defined in another template, simply import them:
{% import "path/to/form_macros.html" as form %}
All imported macros must be aliased using the as
keyword. To call an imported
macro, simply prepend the macro name with the alias followed by a dot:
{% call form.text_input %}
Imported macros are inherited by extending templates and at the same time overrides other imported macros with the same alias and name pair in parent templates.
You can decorate macros by importing them first:
{# this is in "macro_A.html" #}
{% macro emphasize(text) %}<b>{{ text }}</b>{% endmacro %}
{# this is in "macro_B.html" #}
{% import "macro_A.html" as A %}
{% macro emphasize(text) %}<i>{% call A.emphasize(text) %}</i>{% endmacro %}
{# this is in "template_C.html" #}
{% import "macro_B.html" as B %}
Emphasized text: {% call B.emphasize("this is pretty cool!") %}
The above when rendered will yield:
Emphasized text: <i><b>this is pretty cool!</b></i>
Use the include
tag to include bits and pieces of templates in your template:
{% include "path/to/sidebar.html" if page.sidebar %}
This is useful for things like headers, sidebars and footers. Including non-existing or non-readable templates is a runtime error. Note that there are no mechanisms to prevent circular inclusion of templates, although there is a PHP runtime limit on recursion: either the allowed memory allocation size is reached, thereby producing a fatal runtime error, or the number of maximum nesting level is reached, if you're using xdebug.
As with template extension, you can pass an array as the overriding context for the included template:
{% include "footer.html" with ['year' => current_year] %}
The array parameter will override any variables in the current context but only for the duration of the include.
Paths referenced in extends
, include
, and import
tags can either be
absolute from the specified source
option when instantiating the loader
object, or relative to the current template's directory.
Absolute paths must begin with a /
character like so:
{% include "/foo/bar.html" %}
In the example above, if the source
directory is /var/www/templates
, then
the tag will try to include the template /var/www/templates/foo/bar.html
regardless of what the current template's directory is.
Relative paths must not begin with a /
{% include "far.html" %}
In this example, if the source
directory is /var/www/templates
, and the
current template's directory is boo
, relative to the source
, then the tag
will try to include the template /var/www/templates/boo/far.html
Flow throws a RuntimeException
if you try to load any file that is outside the
Sometimes you need to load templates from a database or even string arrays. This
is possible in Flow by simply passing an object of a class that implements the
interface to the adapter
option of the Loader
The Flow\Adapter
interface declares five methods:
: Determines whether the path is readable or not.lastModified
: Returns the last modified time of the path.getContents
: Returns the contents of the given path.putContents
: Puts content in path and returns bytes written.getStreamUrl
: Returns the stream URL.
The source
option given in the Loader
constructor still determines if a
template is valid; i.e., whether the template can logically be found in the
source directory.
Below is an example of implementing a Flow adapter to string arrays:
use Flow\Loader;
use Flow\Adapter;
use Flow\Adapter\FileAdapter;
class ArrayAdapter implements Adapter
static $templates = [
'first.html' => 'First! {% include "second.html" %}',
'second.html' => 'Second!',
public function isReadable(string $path) : bool
return isset(self::$templates[$path]);
public function lastModified(string $path) : int
return filemtime(__FILE__);
public function getContents(string $path) : string
return self::$templates[$path];
public function putContents(string $path, string $contents) : int
self::$templates[$path] = $contents;
return strlen($contents);
public function getStreamUrl(string $path) : string
/* registering array stream wrapper storage is left as an exercise */
return 'array://' . $path;
$flow = new Loader(
new ArrayAdapter,
new FileAdapter('/path/to/cache')
The above will compile the templates and render the following:
First! Second!
When you're writing a template for a certain file format that is sensitive
to whitespace, you can use {%-
and -%}
in place of the normal opening and
closing block tags to suppress whitespaces before and after the block tags,
respectively. You can use either one or both at the same time depending on
your needs. The {{-
and -}}
delimiters are also available for expression
output tags, while the {#-
and -#}
delimiters are available for comment
The following is a demonstration of whitespace control:
{%- for user in ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"] -%}
<li>{{ user }}</li>
{%- endfor -%}
Which will yield a compact
While the same example, this time without any white-space control:
{% for user in ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"] %}
<li>{{ user }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Will yield the rather sparse
The semantics are as follows:
, and{#-
delimiters will remove all whitespace to their left up to but not including the first newline it encounters. -
, and-#}
delimiters will remove all whitespace to their right up to and including the first newline it encounters.
Flow is released under the MIT License.
Flow is heavily based on the original Twig implementation by Armin Ronacher and subsequently influenced by Jinja2, Fabien Potencier's Twig fork, Python, and Ruby.