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Monitor Kafka Consumer groups in Zabbix using Python

Information about Kafka Consumers groups and consumers LAG are retrieved using Kafka API. ( Kafka API Documentation )

This monitoring tool is working for Kafka Broker version > 0.9.0 and consumers that are using Consumer API which are committing the offset into Kafka.


Install kafka-python

pip install kafka-python

Zabbix Consumer groups discovery

python --bootstrap-server <kafka_broker_list> --list 

Check if a consumer group exists

python --bootstrap-server <kafka-broker-list> --group <consumer-group> --is-present

Get Lag for a specific consumer group

python --bootstrap-server <kafka-broker-list> --group <consumer-group> --lag

Get number of consumers from a group

python --bootstrap-server <kafka-broker-list> --group <consumer-group> --members

All possible arguments

Monitor Kafka Consumer Groups

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bootstrap-server    BOOTSTRAP_SERVER
                          Kafka brokers list
  --list                  List Kafka Consumer Groups
  --group                 CONSUMER_GROUP
      --lag                 Lag consumer group
      --members             Members consumer group
      --is-present          Check if a consumer group exists
  --timeout TIMEOUT       Kafka API timeout in ms
  --security-protocol     Protocol used to communicate with brokers
  --sasl-mechanism        SASL mechanism type
  --sasl-plain-username   Username for SASL PLAIN authentication
  --sasl-plain-password   Password for SASL PLAIN authentication
  --ssl-certfile          Certificate file
  --ssl-keyfile           Key file
  --nocheckcertificate    Desactivate the verification of other peers certificates and hostname server