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Swift Lint Unit Tests Update Changelog, Create Release



A compile-time check to see if you've implemented everything required by the product team.

✨ Example

The following JSON is converted into swift sourcecode, which is then compile time checked to see if it's implemented in your code

  "productAnalysis": {
    "General": {
      "Launch": {
        "children": [{
          "name": "launchName",
          "value": "on_launch"
      "Quit": {
        "children": [{
          "name": "terminateName",
          "value": "on_terminate"

Generated Swift Code

protocol Analyzable {
  var analysisKey: String { get }

enum AnalysisKeys {
  enum General {
    enum Quit {
      public struct terminateName: Analyzable {
        let analysisKey: String = "on_terminate"
    enum Launch {
      public struct launchName: Analyzable {
        let analysisKey: String = "on_launch"

Your Code

struct MyApp {

  func main() {
    // Nothing Implemented


When you compile, you get the following results:

⚠️ AnalysisKeys.General.Launch.launchName not implemented
⚠️ AnalysisKeys.General.Quit.terminateName not implemented

🔀 Integrating into your Project

Add this Swift Package to your App:

.package(url: "", branch: "main")

🛠️ Add Build Phase

Add the following line to a Build Phase Script:


Use a Plist

Add a ProductAnalysis.plist to the root of your project

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Use command line arguments

If you don't want to use a ProductAnalysis.plist file, you can pass arguments to run like so:

#${BUILD_DIR%Build/*}SourcePackages/checkouts/ProductAnalysis/run --folder-name "MyAnalysis" --enable-analysis --enable-generate-source-code

🧑‍💻 Development

Getting Started with Development

To install dependencies run the following script, it installs Xcode Command line tools, Commitizen, Pre commit & Swiftlint


📋 Running Tests

If you want to run unit tests, use the following script, this is also ran as a GitHub Action

swift test --enable-code-coverage

Then to get a code-coverage report (GitHub Action reports this too)

ARCH=$(uname -m)
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/llvm-cov \
  report ".build/${ARCH}-apple-macosx/debug/ProductAnalysisPackageTests.xctest/Contents/MacOS/ProductAnalysisPackageTests" \
  -instr-profile=".build/${ARCH}-apple-macosx/debug/codecov/default.profdata" \

📝 Logging

To view log events, open a new Terminal window and run:

log stream --level debug --predicate 'subsystem == "com.productAnalysis"'

Other links


Useful/Interesting links


  • Localisation
  • AnalysisReporter
  • Versioning - Send bundle version as a start
  • Signed Commits only with GitHub Action
  • Service Tests
  • CLI Tests
  • Self-hosted runner
  • Add BDD Feature files
  • print("ProductAnalysis Finished") fires before all results returned