Tried python solution, didn't work
Tried python solution, didn't work
Add history combo for search bar
Add history combo for search bar
Force push
Add history combo for search bar
Add history combo for search bar
Force push
Always reset entry backgrounds on dialog response
Always reset entry backgrounds on dialog response
Force push
Always reset entry backgrounds on dialog response
Always reset entry backgrounds on dialog response
Set FIF search/directory entry background to indicate error
Set FIF search/directory entry background to indicate error
Also wrap label for dialogs_show_input_numeric
Also wrap label for dialogs_show_input_numeric
[Input Dialog refactor] Replace 5 parameters with 1
[Input Dialog refactor] Replace 5 parameters with 1
[Make Custom Target] Always put a space between command and argument
[Make Custom Target] Always put a space between command and argument
Enable keyboard searching for Compiler and Messages tree views
Enable keyboard searching for Compiler and Messages tree views
Toggling treeview parent is GTK; Add note about GTK2 notebook tabs
Toggling treeview parent is GTK; Add note about GTK2 notebook tabs
Force push
Toggling treeview parent is GTK; Add note about GTK2 notebook tabs
Toggling treeview parent is GTK; Add note about GTK2 notebook tabs
Force push
Treeview parent is GTK; Add note about GTK2 notebook tabs
Treeview parent is GTK; Add note about GTK2 notebook tabs
Restore prefs doc, add link there
Restore prefs doc, add link there
Force push
Restore prefs doc, add link there
Restore prefs doc, add link there
[docs] Add Document List tips
[docs] Add Document List tips
Force push