Thank you for considering contributing to HLSDownloader! By participating in this project, you help make HLSDownloader better for everyone. Please take a moment to review this document to ensure a smooth and collaborative contribution process.
There are several ways you can contribute to HLSDownloader:
- Reporting issues
- Suggesting enhancements
- Submitting pull requests
- Improving documentation
- Sharing your experience using HLSDownloader
If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, please search the existing issues to avoid duplicating efforts. If your issue isn't already filed, feel free to create a new issue following the issue template.
When reporting an issue, please provide:
- A clear and descriptive title
- Detailed steps to reproduce the problem
- Any relevant error messages or logs
- System and OS version
We welcome and appreciate pull requests! If you're adding new features or fixing bugs, please fork the repository, create a new branch for your changes, and submit a pull request against the main branch.
To help us review your PR effectively:
- Explain the purpose of your changes
- Provide context on any related issues
- Keep the changes focused and limited in scope
- Write clear commit messages. We follow Conventional Commit Message guidelines
Please adhere to the coding standards and style used in the project. Make sure your code:
- Follows the style guide (if available)
- Includes tests for new functionality
- Is well-documented and includes comments where necessary
Pull requests will be reviewed by maintainers before merging. Feedback may be provided, and changes might be requested for improvements. Please be patient during the review process.
Improving documentation is a valuable contribution. If you find areas lacking or confusing, feel free to update the documentation or create new documents to enhance clarity and usefulness. Use
By contributing to HLSDownloader, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's license.
Thank you for your interest in improving HLSDownloader! Your contributions are highly appreciated.