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1cdd4df · Jan 19, 2022


This branch is 3 commits ahead of, 2 commits behind hyperledger-archives/indy-sdk:main.


CLI for Indy-SDK

This is the official command line interface for Indy SDK, which provides a distributed-ledger-based foundation for self-sovereign identity. It provides the commands to:

  • Manage wallets
  • Manage pool configurations
  • Manage DIDs
  • Sending transactions to distributed ledger

Installing the Indy-CLI

Release channels

The Indy SDK release process defines the following release channels:

  • master - development builds for each push to master branch.
  • rc - release candidates.
  • stable - stable releases.

Please refer to our release workflow for more details.

Ubuntu based distributions (Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04)

It is recommended to install the Indy-CLI with APT:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys CE7709D068DB5E88
sudo add-apt-repository "deb (xenial|bionic) {release channel}"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y indy-cli
  • (xenial|bionic) xenial for 16.04 Ubuntu and bionic for 18.04 Ubuntu.
  • {release channel} must be replaced with master, rc or stable to define corresponded release channel.


  1. Go to{release-channel}.
  2. Download last version of indy-cli.
  3. Unzip archives to the directory where you want to save working library.
  4. After unzip you will get next structure of files:
  • Your working directory
    • indy-cli.exe
    • indy.dll
    • libeay32md.dll
    • libsodium.dll
    • libzmq.dll
    • ssleay32md.dll
  1. Add path to the directory to PATH environment variable.
  2. Run indy-cli.exe to start Indy-CLI.


  1. Go to{release-channel}.
  2. Download last version of indy-cli.
  3. Unzip archives to the directory where you want to save working library.
  4. After unzip you will get next structure of files:
    • Your working directory
      • indy-cli executable file
  5. Install Libindy
    1. Download and unzip libindy from{release-channel}.
    2. After unzip you will get lib folder which contains libindy binary.
    3. Either add directory path to LIBRARY_PATH env variable or move libindy.dylib to /usr/lib folder.
  6. Run indy-cli to start Indy-CLI.


  1. Go to{release-channel}.
  2. Download and unzip the last version of library.
  3. Install with rpm -i indy-cli-version.rpm.
  4. Run indy-cli to start Indy-CLI.

Execution modes

CLI supports 2 execution modes:

  • Interactive. In this mode CLI reads commands from terminal interactively. To start this mode just run indy-cli without params.
  • Batch. In this mode all commands will be read from text file or pipe and executed in series. To start this mode run indy-cli <path-to-text-file>. Batch mode supports the same commands as interactive mode. Note that by default if some command finishes with an error batch execution will be interrupted. To prevent this start command with -. For example, -wallet create test. In this case the result of this command will be ignored. Comments can also be made by beginning the line with a #.

Getting help

The most simple way is just start cli by indy-cli command and put help command. Also you can look to Indy CLI Design doc that contains the list of commands and architecture overview.


  • -h and --help - Print usage.
  • --logger-config - Init logger according to a config file (default no logger initialized).
  • --plugins - Load plugins in Libindy (usage: :,...,:).
  • --config - Define config file for CLI initialization. A config file can contain the following fields:
    • plugins - a list of plugins to load in Libindy (is equal to usage of "--plugins" option).
    • loggerConfig - path to a logger config file (is equal to usage of "--logger-config" option).
    • taaAcceptanceMechanism - transaction author agreement acceptance mechanism to be used when sending write transactions to the Ledger.

Old python-based CLI migration

It is possible to import did's stored in the wallet of deprecated python-based CLI tool. To achieve this user needs to perform the following steps:

  1. Execute script on machine with installed old python-based CLI.
    indy_old_cli_export_dids [-e <env name>] -w <wallet name> [-f <path to the result file>]
    This script will export DIDs stored in specified wallet into the result file. By default, this file creates in current folder and has the following name:
    <env name>_<wallet name>.exp_wallet
  2. Install Indy-Cli
  3. Import generated file into libindy wallet by using Indy CLI
    • Run Indy CLI
    • Open new target wallet (create if needed) in CLI
    • Run
    did import <path to the file created on first step>


Indy-CLI depends on term rust library that has a system dependency on terminfo database. That is why CLI Debian package additionally installs libncursesw5-dev library. More about it read here at Packaging and Distributing section.