The project involved assembling and programming a robot based on Real-Time Operating System concepts taught throughout the semester and complete 2 different challenge runs
- FRDM-KL25Z (Brain)
- ESP32 (For command transmission via WiFi)
- Motors and Wheels (For movement)
- Green Led strip and 1x Red Led strip
- Buzzer (For playing audio)
- HMC5883 (Compass)
- MPU-6050 (Gyroscope, accelorometer)
- HC-SR04 (Ultrasound)
- LiPo batteries (To power components)
Serial communications over WiFi were used to remotely control a robot which would be able to simultaneously carry out various features with a multi-threaded environment
- Green and Red LEDs
- Moving: Green LEDs cycle pattern, Red LEDs flash at 500ms intervals
- Stationary: Green LEDs fully lighted, Red LEDs flash at 250ms intervals
- Movement
- Forward/Backward
- Left/Right static turn
- Left/Right Forward and Backward curved turns
- Audio
- Audio tune during the challenge
- Audio tune at the end of the challenge
- Autorun
- Moving straight until detecting an obstacle and navigating around it back to the starting point automatically