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Generic Programming
Phil Freeman

The PureScript compiler has supported generic deriving in some form since version 0.7.3, thanks to Gershom Bazerman. However, since then, it has gone through several iterations, and the current version (implemented in the purescript-generics-rep library) makes it possible to have the compiler derive a wide variety of boilerplate code based on types. One example of this is the serialization and deserialization of JSON, and in this post I'll show how to use the purescript-foreign-generic library to create such functions using generics.

Generics Overview

PureScript's generics are supported by the purescript-generics-rep library, and in particular, the Data.Generic.Rep.Generic type class:

class Generic a rep | a -> rep where
  from :: a -> rep
  to :: rep -> a

There are three interesting things here:

  • The rep type argument and associated functional dependency define a type function from user types (a) to their representations (rep).
  • from converts a regular value into the representation type.
  • to converts a representation value back into a regular value.

purescript-generics-rep provides standard representation types which can be used to represent any data types which can be expressed in PureScript code.

It is possible to write out Generic instances for our own types by hand, but doing so is very laborious. Instead, we can derive instances by using the derive keyword:

newtype Person = Person { name :: String, location :: String }

derive instance genericPerson :: Generic Person _

Note that the second type argument, which represents the representation type, is specified as a type wildcard. This is useful, because representation types can get quite large, so it is inconvenient to type them out by hand in deriving declarations.

Show, Eq, Ord

The key insight regarding generics is this: if we can write a function which works with any of the standard representation types, then we implement the same function for any instance of Generic. We can even exploit type information in our implementation by using additional type classes to reflect the type information at runtime.

purescript-generics-rep provides helper functions for implementing common type classes from the Prelude:

  • genericShow gives a default implementation of show from the Show class
  • genericEq gives a default implementation of eq from the Eq class
  • genericCompare gives a default implementation of compare from the Ord class
  • genericAppend gives a default implementation of append from the Semigroup class
  • genericMempty gives a default implementation of mempty from the Monoid class

Using these functions is as simple as dropping the generic implementation into your instances:

instance showPerson :: Show Person where
  show = genericShow

instance eqPerson :: Eq Person where
  eq = genericEq

instance ordPerson :: Ord Person where
  compare = genericCompare

instance semigroupPerson :: Semigroup Person where
  append = genericAppend

Handling Foreign Data

The purescript-foreign library is used in PureScript to handle untrusted external data, and to turn such data into typed values. This functionality is represented by the Decode type class in the purescript-foreign-generic library:

class Decode a where
  decode :: Foreign -> F a

Decode instances are a good example of boilerplate code. In most cases, we proceed based on the structure of the type in question. For example, here is one possible implementation of Decode for our Person type, using the new field puns feature:

instance decodePerson :: Decode Person where
  decode value = do
    name     <- value ! "name"
    location <- value ! "location"
    pure $ Person { name, location }

This is not too bad, but real-world records often contain many more fields. Also, it would be nice if we could be sure that the corresponding encoding function would always generate compatible data. Let's see how to verify the same data using Generic, which will solve both of these problems.

The purescript-foreign-generic library defines a function genericDecode, with the following type:

  :: forall a rep
   . Generic a rep
  => GenericDecode rep
  => Options
  -> Foreign
  -> F a

The Options type here is based on the options record from Haskell's aeson library. For our purposes, the default options will work, but we need to turn on the unwrapSingleConstructors option, so that our newtype constructor gets ignored during serialization:

myOptions :: Options
myOptions = defaultOptions { unwrapSingleConstructors = true }

With this, our Decode instance is as simple as:

instance decodePerson :: Decode Person where
  decode = genericDecode myOptions

We can test out this instance in PSCi as follows:

> import Data.Generic.Rep
> import Data.Generic.Rep.Show

> map genericShow (decodeJSON "{ 'name': 'John Smith', 'location': 'USA' }" :: Either ForeignError Person)
Right (Person { name: "John Smith", location: "USA" })

Generating JSON

Just as genericDecode can be used to read well-typed data, the genericEncode and genericEncodeJSON functions can be used to produce the appropriate data or JSON from a PureScript value. The generated genericDecode and genericEncode functions are inverse to each other for any given input type.

In PSCi, we can test JSON generation for our Person data type:

> encodeJSON (Person { name: "John Smith", location: "USA" })
"{ 'name': 'John Smith', location: 'USA' }"

One application of this technique is to produce and consume JSON for use with JSON web services, using generics to reduce the amount of boilerplate model code needed.

Performance Concerns

Generic deriving can be very convenient for code generation, but it comes with a performance penalty. Consider defining a Show instance using genericShow - instead of simply converting our data type directly to a String, we first convert it to the representation type, and then convert that representation into a String. Creating this intermediate structure comes with a cost.

Thankfully, the generics-rep approach means that we only need to perform a shallow copy of the data, up to the first data constructor or record, so in practice the performance cost is acceptable. In the case of foreign-generic, the benefits listed above usually outweight the performance cost, since we rarely need to parse or generate JSON in performance-critical sections of code in many applications.