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The type system defines the following types:

  • Primitive Types: Int, Number, String, Char, Boolean
  • Arrays
  • Records
  • Tagged Unions
  • Newtypes
  • Functions
  • Polymorphic Types
  • Constrained Types
  • Type Synonyms
  • Rows

Primitive Types

The primitive types String, Number and Boolean correspond to their Javascript equivalents at runtime.


The Int type represents integer values. The runtime representation is also a normal JavaScript Number; however, operations like (+) on Int values are defined differently in order to ensure that you always get Int values as a result.


PureScript arrays correspond to Javascript arrays at runtime, but all elements in an array must have the same type. The Array type takes one type argument to specify what type this is. For example, an array of integers would have the type Array Int, and an array of strings would have the type Array String.


PureScript records correspond to JavaScript objects. They may have zero or more named fields, each with their own types. For example: { name :: String, greet :: String -> String } corresponds to a JavaScript object with precisely two fields: name, which is a String, and greet, which is a function that takes a String and returns a String.

Tagged Unions

Tagged unions consist of one or more constructors, each of which takes zero or more arguments.

Tagged unions can only be created using their constructors, and deconstructed through pattern matching (a more thorough treatment of pattern matching will be provided later).

For example:

data Foo = Foo | Bar String

runFoo :: Foo -> String
runFoo Foo = "It's a Foo"
runFoo (Bar s) = "It's a Bar. The string is " <> s

main = do
  log (runFoo Foo)
  log (runFoo (Bar "Test"))

In the example, Foo is a tagged union type which has two constructors. Its first constructor Foo takes no arguments, and its second Bar takes one, which must be a String.

runFoo is an example of pattern matching on a tagged union type to discover its constructor, and the last two lines show how to construct values of type Foo.


Newtypes are like data types (which are introduced with the data keyword), but are restricted to a single constructor which contains a single argument. Newtypes are introduced with the newtype keyword:

newtype Percentage = Percentage Number

The representation of a newtype at runtime is the same as the underlying data type. For example, a value of type Percentage is just a JavaScript number at runtime.

Newtypes are considered different from their underlying types by the type checker. For example, if you try to apply a function to a Percentage where it expects a Number, the type checker will reject your program.

Newtypes can be assigned their own type class instances, so for example, Percentage can be given its own Show instance:

instance showPercentage :: Show Percentage where
  show (Percentage n) = show n <> "%"


Functions in PureScript are like their Javascript counterparts, but always have exactly one argument.

Polymorphic Types

Expressions can have polymorphic types:

identity x = x

identity is inferred to have (polymorphic) type forall t0. t0 -> t0. This means that for any type t0, identity can be given a value of type t0 and will give back a value of the same type.

A type annotation can also be provided:

identity :: forall a. a -> a
identity x = x

Row Polymorphism

Polymorphism is not limited to abstracting over types. Values may also be polymorphic in types with other kinds, such as rows or effects (see "Kind System").

For example, the following function accesses two properties on a record:

addProps o = + + 1

The inferred type of addProps is:

forall r. { foo :: Int, bar :: Int | r } -> Int

Here, the type variable r has kind # Type - it represents a row of types. It can be instantiated with any row of named types.

In other words, addProps accepts any record which has properties foo and bar, and any other record properties.

Therefore, the following application compiles:

addProps { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }

even though the type of addProps does not mention the property baz. However, the following does not compile:

addProps { foo: 1 }

since the bar property is missing.

Rank N Types

It is also possible for the forall quantifier to appear on the left of a function arrow, inside types record fields and data constructors, and in type synonyms.

In most cases, a type annotation is necessary when using this feature.

As an example, we can pass a polymorphic function as an argument to another function:

poly :: (forall a. a -> a) -> Boolean
poly f = (f 0 < 1) == f true

Notice that the polymorphic function's type argument is instantiated to both Number and Boolean.

An argument to poly must indeed be polymorphic. For example, the following fails:

test = poly (\n -> n + 1)

since the skolemized type variable a does not unify with Int.


A row of types represents an unordered collection of named types, with duplicates. Duplicate labels have their types collected together in order, as if in a NonEmptyList. This means that, conceptually, a row can be thought of as a type-level Map Label (NonEmptyList Type).

Rows are not of kind Type: they have kind # k for some kind k, and so rows cannot exist as a value. Rather, rows can be used in type signatures to define record types or other type where labelled, unordered types are useful.

To denote a closed row, separate the fields with commas, with each label separated from its type with a double colon:

( name :: String, age :: Number )

To denote an open row (i.e. one which may unify with another row to add new fields), separate the specified terms from a row variable by a pipe:

( name :: String, age :: Number | r )

Type Synonyms

For convenience, it is possible to declare a synonym for a type using the type keyword. Type synonyms can include type arguments but cannot be partially applied. Type synonyms can be built with any other types but cannot refer to each other in a cycle.

For example:

-- Create an alias for a record with two fields
type Foo = { foo :: Number, bar :: Number }

-- Add the two fields together, since they are Numbers
addFoo :: Foo -> Number
addFoo o = +

-- Create an alias for a polymorphic record with the same shape
type Bar a = { foo :: a, bar :: a }
-- Foo is now equivalent to Bar Number

-- Apply the fields of any Bar to a function
combineBar :: forall a b. (a -> a -> b) -> Bar a -> b
combineBar f o = f

-- Create an alias for a complex function type
type Baz = Number -> Number -> Bar Number

-- This function will take two arguments and return a record with double the value
mkDoubledFoo :: Baz
mkDoubledFoo foo bar = { foo: 2.0*foo, bar: 2.0*bar }

-- Build on our previous functions to double the values inside any Foo
-- (Remember that Bar Number is the same as Foo)
doubleFoo :: Foo -> Foo
doubleFoo = combineBar mkDoubledFoo

-- Define type synonyms to help write complex Effect rows
-- This will accept further Effects to be added to the row
type RandomConsoleEffects eff = ( random :: RANDOM, console :: CONSOLE | eff )
-- This limits the Effects to just RANDOM and CONSOLE
type RandomConsoleEffect = RandomConsoleEffects ()

Unlike newtypes, type synonyms are merely aliases and cannot be distinguished from usages of their expansion. Because of this they cannot be used to declare a type class instance. For more see TypeSynonymInstance Error.

Constrained Types

Polymorphic types may be predicated on one or more constraints. See the chapter on type classes for more information.

Type Annotations

Most types can be inferred (not including Rank N Types and constrained types), but annotations can optionally be provided using a double-colon, either as a declaration or after an expression:

-- Defined in Data.Semiring
one :: forall a. (Semiring a) => a

-- one can be an Int, since Int is an instance of Semiring where one = 1
int1 :: Int
int1 = one -- same as int1 = 1
-- Or even a Number, which also provides a Semiring instance where one = 1.0
number1 = one :: Number -- same as number1 = 1.0
-- Or its polymorphism can be kept, so it will work with any Semiring
-- (This is the default if no annotation is given)
semiring1 :: forall a. Semiring a => a
semiring1 = one
-- It can even be constrained by another type class
equal1 = one :: forall a. Semiring a => Eq a => a

Kind System

The kind system defines the following kinds:

  • Type, the kind of types.
  • Arrow kinds k1 -> k2
  • Row kinds # k
  • User-defined kinds, such as Control.Monad.Eff.Effect, the kind of effects.

Row Kinds

The kind # k of rows is used to classify labelled, unordered collections of types of kind k.

For example # Type is the kind of rows of types, as used to define records, and # Control.Monad.Eff.Effect is the kind of rows of effects, used to define the monad Control.Monad.Eff.Eff of extensible effects.


A type variable can refer to not only a type or a row, but a type constructor, or row constructor etc., and type variables with those kinds can be bound inside a forall quantifier.