How can you protect your WordPress installation? Here are some best practices to protect against attackers. It's no rocket science.
Filter name: sensitive-files
Insert the following code in your .htaccess
<FilesMatch "(^\.|wp-config(-sample)*\.php)">
order deny,allow
deny from all
This code prohibits access to WordPress configuration files and sensitive system files e.g. .htaccess
, .htpasswd
, .ssh
and others.
If you don't use the Database Optimizing and Post-by-Email features, turn off the access too:
<FilesMatch "(repair|wp-mail)\.php">
order deny,allow
deny from all
Putting it all together:
<FilesMatch "(^\.|(repair|wp-mail|wp-config(-sample)*)\.php)">
order deny,allow
deny from all
Prevent browser and search engines to request .log
(e.g. WP DEBUG LOG) and .txt
(e.g. plugins readme) files. Must be placed in /wp-content/.htaccess
<FilesMatch "\.(log|txt)$">
order allow,deny
deny from all
Filter name: wp-login
If possible, set up an access protection for the WordPress login page. Create a .htpasswd
file (htpasswd Generator will help you) and paste this code snippet in your .htaccess
<Files wp-login.php>
AuthName "Welcome to admin area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Secure your Admin area or - better - the complete WordPress site. Thanks Let's EncryptHTTPS is now really easy. Ask your hoster.
Filter name: fpd-vulnerability
The Full Path Disclosure (FPD) vulnerability allows the hacker to identify the file/root path. To turn the actual display of errors off, add the following snippet to the .htaccess
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag display_errors off
Modify mod_php5.c
to mod_php7.c
if PHP7 is installed on your server.
Filter name: directory-listing
Depending on the Apache configuration your visitors can get a directory listing of all the files in a folder. To prevent this mistake add the following line to your .htaccess
Options -Indexes