Releases: nymtech/nym
Releases · nymtech/nym
Nym Wallet v1.0.6
New features:
- warning messages are shown when delegating to oversaturated nodes, so that you can delegate to another mixnode that will give better rewards
- if you've set a password, you can archive your saved mnemonics and choose a new password (this will help if you have your mnemonic saved and have forgotten your password)
Bug fixes:
- Rewards are new redeemed or compounded for both lock and unlocked tokens, or a mix in a single action
- Undelegate from a mixnode in a single action when using a mix of locked and unlocked tokens
See the CHANGELOG for more details.
Download the wallet for your platform:
Nym Wallet v1.0.5
New features:
- added support for multiple accounts
- new simple CLI tool for decrypting and recovering the wallet file that contains encrypted mnemonics when setting a password (NB: if you forget/lose your password, the file is unrecoverable, so keep your password safe!)
- new delegation and rewards UI
- show version in nav bar
Download the wallet for your platform:
Nym Wallet v1.0.4
Nym Binaries v1.0.1
The v1.0.1 release of the Nym Platform.
The full list of changes is in the CHANGELOG
Nym Wallet v1.0.3
Nym Binaries v1.0.0
The v1.0.0 release of the Nym Platform.
The full list of changes is in the CHANGELOG
Nym Binaries v1.0.0-rc.2
This is a pre-release
Nym Wallet v1.0.2
This release of the wallet that adds:
ability to handle locked and unlocked tokens
- bond and delegate locked tokens on mixnodes
- see the vesting schedule
- transfer unlocked tokens into your main account balance
a password can be used to encrypt your mnemonic, so using the wallet is easier
Download the wallet for your platform:
Nym Wallet v1.0.1
Nym Wallet v1.0.0
The Nym Wallet lets you interact with your Nym mixnode and manage your tokens, including delegating stake to others.