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Releases: nymtech/nym

Nym Wallet v1.0.6

21 Jun 18:01
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New features:

  • warning messages are shown when delegating to oversaturated nodes, so that you can delegate to another mixnode that will give better rewards
  • if you've set a password, you can archive your saved mnemonics and choose a new password (this will help if you have your mnemonic saved and have forgotten your password)

Bug fixes:

  • Rewards are new redeemed or compounded for both lock and unlocked tokens, or a mix in a single action
  • Undelegate from a mixnode in a single action when using a mix of locked and unlocked tokens

See the CHANGELOG for more details.

Download the wallet for your platform:

Nym Wallet v1.0.5

13 Jun 14:11
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New features:

  • added support for multiple accounts
  • new simple CLI tool for decrypting and recovering the wallet file that contains encrypted mnemonics when setting a password (NB: if you forget/lose your password, the file is unrecoverable, so keep your password safe!)
  • new delegation and rewards UI
  • show version in nav bar

Download the wallet for your platform:

Nym Wallet v1.0.4

04 May 16:04
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This wallet release fixes an issue with timeouts by changing the default behaviour of validator client to use broadcast_sync and poll for transaction inclusion instead of using broadcast_commit.

Download the wallet for your platform:

Nym Binaries v1.0.1

04 May 16:05
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The v1.0.1 release of the Nym Platform.

The full list of changes is in the CHANGELOG

Nym Wallet v1.0.3

03 May 16:47
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This wallet release fixes an issue with displaying pending delegations and undelegations with locked tokens.

Download the wallet for your platform:

Nym Binaries v1.0.0

03 May 16:49
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The v1.0.0 release of the Nym Platform.

The full list of changes is in the CHANGELOG

Nym Binaries v1.0.0-rc.2

20 Apr 10:46
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This is a pre-release

Nym Wallet v1.0.2

05 Apr 16:59
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This release of the wallet that adds:

  • ability to handle locked and unlocked tokens

    • bond and delegate locked tokens on mixnodes
    • see the vesting schedule
    • transfer unlocked tokens into your main account balance
  • a password can be used to encrypt your mnemonic, so using the wallet is easier

Download the wallet for your platform:

Nym Wallet v1.0.1

05 Apr 16:59
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Nym Wallet v1.0.1 Pre-release

This is a pre-release of the wallet that adds:

  • ability to handle locked and unlocked tokens

    • bond and delegate locked tokens on mixnodes
    • see the vesting schedule
    • transfer unlocked tokens into your main account balance

    Download the wallet for you platform:

Nym Wallet v1.0.0

04 Apr 17:32
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The Nym Wallet lets you interact with your Nym mixnode and manage your tokens, including delegating stake to others.