This project lets you install Splainer into your Solr as a plugin. You can access it via http://localhost:8983/v2/splainer and avoids common CORS and other network problems that you might encounter using the hosted site.
bin/solr start -c -Denable.packages=true
bin/solr package add-repo splainer ""
bin/solr package list-available
bin/solr package install solr-splainer
bin/solr package deploy solr-splainer -y -cluster
This plugin requires a manual custom step added after you run the main grunt dist
process in the Splainer application that builds a complete webapp in the ../dist
directory. _This should be automated someday ;-( _.
- Copy the following Javascript and paste it at the bottom of
/* Override default config values for talking to Solr
* */
.value('defaultSolrConfig', {
sanitize: true,
highlight: true,
debug: true,
numberOfRows: 10,
escapeQuery: true,
apiMethod: 'GET'
- Export the private key:
export SOLR_PACKAGE_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=~/ssh/solr-private-key.pem
- Build the package:
mvn package
- Now for testing, host the solr-splainer-package/repo locally:
First copy the generated jar into the repo directory:
cp target/solr-splainer-package* repo/
python -m http.server
In a Run Solr and install the package:
tar -xf solr-9.3.0.tgz; cd solr-9.3.0/ bin/solr start -c -e films -Denable.packages=true bin/solr package add-repo splainer-dev "http://localhost:8000/repo/" bin/solr package list-available bin/solr package install solr-splainer bin/solr package deploy solr-splainer -y -cluster
Navigate to http://localhost:8983/v2/splainer on the browser.
- Changes communication with Solr to use GET instead af JSONP, same way the Admin UI communicates with Solr
Based on Another Hack by Doug Turnbull This works if you can't use Solr Packages in your environment.
Created by OpenSource Connections.
Thanks to all the community contributors for finding bugs and sharing fixes!.
Released under Apache 2