This charter adheres to the Roles and Organization Management specified by the O3DE Foundation. Team information may be found in the README.
Sig-simulation oversees aspects of O3DE related to modelling real-world processes which evolve over time. Its responsibilities include:
- Ensuring efficient runtime performance and stability of all simulation operations
- Keeping pace with the latest developments in simulation technology
- Review and contribute to simulation technology roadmap
- Review simulation related RFCs and PRs
- Ensure timely and frequent communication of simulation activities (including Discord, sig meetings, triage, PR review, RFCs, etc.)
- Ensure accurate measurement of simulation systems (testing and performance)
- Provide support to community for simulation topics
- Work with sig-core to unify, consolidate and maintain math libraries
- Work with sig-core to define tick (update) system
- Operational excellence on simulation technology (unit tests, end-to-end tests, benchmarks, documentation, tutorials)
- Physics API (AzFramework/Physics), physics related Gems (e.g. PhysX Gem) and physics tools
- Maintenance of the O3DE fork of PhysX 5
- Animation systems, EMotionFX math library, related Gems (e.g. EMotionFX Gem) and animation tools
- Character physics (e.g. character controllers, gravity, ragdolls)
- Cloth simulation (e.g. NvCloth Gem)
- Destruction (e.g. Nvidia Blast Gem)
- Debugging tools for simulations
- Exposing simulation features to scripting (Script Canvas, Lua, Python)
- Editor "Simulate" mode (Ctrl+P)
- Shape components (in co-operation with sig-content)
- AI systems (e.g. pathfinding, behavior trees)
- Robotics systems (e.g. ROS2 Gem) and sample projects (e.g. Robot Vacuum and Fruit Picking)
- Potential future simulation features (e.g. fluids, particles)
- Collaborate with sig-core on:
- Math library maintenance
- Tick (update) system maintenance
- Collaborate with sig-graphics-audio on:
- Debug rendering
- Presentation aspects of simulations
- Skinned mesh system
- Support sig-content work on:
- Simulation aspects of terrain system
- Collaborate with sig-network on:
- Multiplayer simulation
- The presentation aspects of simulated systems (e.g. rendering)
- Visibility and culling
- Scripting infrastructure (e.g. Behavior Context, Script Canvas framework)
- Joining this SIG
- Joining Slack/Discord
- Mailing list
- Issues/PRs
- Meeting agenda & notes
SIG Simulation adheres to the standards for roles and organization management as specified by the O3DE Foundation. This SIG opts in to updates and modifications to the Foundation's guidance.