A truffle box to support compiling, migrating, and testing both Solidity and Rust contracts with or without confidentiality in the Oasis cloud.
Note: It's suggested to use the Contract Kit docker image so that you can skip installation and take advantage of complete Truffle integration with Oasis. Currently in development is support for a Truffle workflow with Rust contracts outside of Contract Kit. In the meantine, if you're using Truffle to develop Rust contracts, we'll assume you're using Contract Kit.
If you're using Solidity outside of Contract Kit, ensure you have truffle v5 installed. If you have another version of truffle installed you'll want to either uninstall it or ensure you're using v5 with this box.
npm install -g truffle
Now download the truffle box.
truffle unbox oasislabs/oasis-box
Once installed, you can use truffle commands like you would any other truffle project. However, you'll want to make sure you're pointing at an Oasis gateway, for example, by specifying --network oasis
. The supported commands are
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network oasis
truffle test --network oasis
To mark your contract confidential, prefix your contract's filename with either confidential_
or confidential-*
, for example, confidential_MyContract.sol
for Solidity or confidential-my-contract-crate
for Rust. When your contract compiles with one of the above truffle commands, its bytecode will be prepended with a header indicating that it should be deployed as a confidential contract. On deploy, the header indicates to the Oasis runtime that the contract is to be run inside a secure enclave, at which point one should use web3c.js to communicate with the contract through an encrypted channel.
To do this, simply retrieve the contract's deploy address from the artifact, and instantiate a web3c.js Contract object with it. For example,
const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");
const contractInstance = web3c.oasis.Contract(MyContract.abi, MyContract.address, { ... });
For more details, see the truffle and web3c.js documentation.