:doc:`documents` (and their associated files) are all publishable documents (except :ref:`data-access-requests`). Being a publishable document means that there can be different revisions of the document before being published.
The publication flow refers to the work flow from a draft document to its publication. The following diagram represent the life cycle of a document with its :ref:`revision-status` and :ref:`transitions`:
The publishable document goes through several states allowing to separate user privileges: some users will be responsible for the content edition only, while other users will be responsible for the reviewing and the publication of the document.
A draft document can be changed/edited as many times as necessary. When the edition work is done, the document is staged for being reviewed. The state of the document that is reviewed is the one that will be published. Once the review and the publication is done, the document is ready again for edition. When a document is to be removed, it is first marked as being deleted (without affecting the publication) before being permanently removed.
The revision status is an enumeration of named states:
The transitions between the different revision status are the following:
Transition | Description | Permission | From Status | To Status |
To Under Review | Once changes have be saved, the document is ready to be reviewed. |
To Draft | If reviewed changes or the deletion are rejected, the document
can return to the draft state for edition.
Publish | When changes have been reviewed and approved, the document can be
published: the current state of the document is persisted in the
publication repository.
To Deleted | Approval for document deletion is requested. |
Delete | Deletion is approved and effective. If the document was published,
it is removed from the publication repository.