macOS ships with Perl, but it's not safe to rely on it for more than basic one-liners. Apple has broken it twice, and let it go very stale at least once. Many packages distributed with Homebrew depend on the version of Perl it installs, but for complete control of what version you're running and what packages are installed, there's also Perlbrew.
There are several methods of installing modules from the Comprehensive
Perl Archive Network (CPAN), but the easiest
is cpanminus (cpanm
$ brew install perl cpanminus
$ curl -L | bash
$ source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
$ perlbrew install-cpanm
$ perlbrew install --switch stable
$ echo source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc >> ~/.bash_profile
Other useful commands:
# full documentation
$ perlbrew help
# override version in current shell
$ perlbrew use $version
# execute a script with a specific version
$ perlbrew exec $version $script
# revert to vendor/Homebrew Perl in current shell
$ perlbrew off
# reinstall all modules in a different version
$ perlbrew clone-modules $from $to
To install additional modules from CPAN:
$ cpanm Modern::Perl
You can set the environment variable PERLBREW_ROOT
to override
the default installation directory.