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ocamlmark – An ocamldoc to CommonMark bi-directional translation

The ocamlmark language allows to write OCaml documentation strings and .mld files in CommonMark.

It is just the CommonMark language with the following tweaks:

  1. Link references [label] whose label starts with ! cannot be defined in documents and are used to stand for the {!…}, {!modules…} and {!indexlist} references and directives of ocamldoc.
  2. An extension to specify heading reference labels to match the {[0-5]+:label text} ocamldoc heading construct. We reuse Pandoc's heading identifiers's syntax.
  3. In paragraphs, a few more construct are detected to support ocamldoc's @-tags.

See the full translation.

Short example

The following show equivalent ocamldoc and ocamlmark text side-by-side:

{1:mapping Mapping list elements}   | # Mapping list elements {#mapping} 
Use function {!} to map the | Use function [!] to map the
elements of a list. Other           | elements of a list. Other 
{{!List.iterators}iterators} are    | [iterators][!List.iterators] are 
available.                          | available.

And this body of ocamlmark warns on the reference definition that it is illegal, because its label starts with a !.

See my wonderful [website][!website]



The ocamldoc language is defined here (AST). The CommonMark language is defined here.

The ←, ↔ and → arrows indicate translation directions.

ocamldoc                   ocamlmark
{[0-5] text}           ↔   #… text
{[0-5]:label text}     ↔   #… text {#label} 
{b text}               ↔   **text**
{i text}               ↔   *text*
{e text}               ↔   *text*
{C text}               ↔   text
{L text}               ↔   text
{R text}               ↔   text
{ol {- }…              ↔   1. …
{ul {- }…              ↔   * … 
{{:url} text}          ↔   [text](url)
{{!ref} text}          ↔   [text][!ref]
[string]               ↔   `string`  (string not starting with `)
[`string]              ↔   `` `string ``
{!ref}                 ↔   [!ref]
{!modules m…}          ↔   [!modules m…] (in its own paragraph)
{!indexlist}           ↔   [!indexlist]  (in its own paragraph)
{^ text}               →   <sup>text</sup>
{%html: …%}            ←   <sup>text</sup>
{_ text}               →   <sub>text</sub>
{%html: …%}            ←   <sub>text</sub>
{[ string ]}           ↔   ```
                           or indented code block
{@info[ string ]}      ↔   ```info 
{v string v}           ↔   ```verb
{%latex: string %}     ↔   ```=latex
{% string %}               string
{%html: string %}      ←   HTML block or raw HTML or
{%texi: string %}      ←   ```=texi
{%man: string %}       ←   ```=man
<img src="url"         ←   ![text](url)

{%html: <hr/> %}       ←   *** (thematic break) 
???                    ←   > … (block quotes) 

@authors string        ↔   @authors string
@deprecated text       ↔   @deprected text 
@param id text         ↔   @param id text
@raise Exc text        ↔   @raise string text
@return text           ↔   @return text
@see url text          ↔   @see url string
@since string          ↔   @since string
@before string         ↔   @before string
@version string        ↔   @version string 

Documentation comment structure

CommonMark is sensitive to leading spaces on lines and ocamldoc comments are usually indented.

ocamlmark defines a start column to define the first relevant character of lines in documentation comments. The start column is set to the first non-space character after the ** marker (this means right after it if a newline immediately follows). In this example, the first character of the line is the c character:

(** c
        This is an indented code block.
       And this is not *)

On every line of the comment, leading spaces are trimmed up to the start column. If there are less spaces than that, the line starts on the first non space character as if it was indented to the start column.

These three comments are equivalent:

    (** This is multi-line
        text *)

    (**This is multi-line 
       text *)

    (**   This is multi-line
  text *)  

Notes and unresolved questions

Here are a few notes and questions on the above translation and the current implementation in odoc-parser that translates CommonMark to the ocamldoc abstract syntax tree.

  1. Comment structure. We should likely refine the strategy for fenced code blocks, so that we can have them flush left to benefit from 80 columns. For now if you do that you lose indentation up to the start column.

  2. Tags are a litte bit unclear. odoc changed their semantics: they are no longer allowed inline. We could simply define them as paragraphs and the first inline defines the tag. Personally I would rather be in favor of deprecating most them in ocamlmark and let them be OCaml attributes for the ones that are useful. This somehow already happened for @deprecated which became an alert. @version, @since and @before would also be useful for enriching the compiler alerting mecanisms and @raise would provide information for static analysers. However there are new odoc specific hint tags that are needed (e.g. @canonical, @open, @inline) and don't make sense as attributes.

  3. The image link reference translation is not really statisfactory. After all these years it's time for odoc to really solve the page assets problem.

  4. The above table does not include the latest ocamldoc additions (LATEX maths) and upcoming additions (tables). cmarkit supports both though.

  5. We need a way to handle the heading 0 level trick of .mld files. It's not natural to use, for toplevel sections, level 2 in .mld files and level 1 in modules. The simplest would be for .mld files to take a first level 1 heading as defining the heading 0. But for that we need to know we are parsing a .mld files, the current odoc-parser API does not tell us that.

  6. At the moment odoc does not support ocamldoc's raw HTML tags, no decision has been taken yet but it wouldn't be hard to translate it in either direction.

  7. CommonMark is less restricted than ocamldoc. It can have headings in list items. When this occurs we warn and drop the construct.

  8. What should we do with thematic breaks ? For now we translated them to raw HTML.

  9. Should we treat the concatenation of comments as a document ? This only influences link reference definition. Maybe we could just accumulate link references as we go. This makes it slightly at odds with CommonMark semantics were link definitions are allowed to occur anywhere.

    But it would be nice to be able to reuse link reference definitions from one comment to the other, especially given disadvantage 4 (see below). Doing it in reverse (from bottom to top) and accumulating refs would allow to have long URLs as link reference definitions at the end of the doc.

  10. For the ocamldoc to ocamlmark translation we don't have a syntax for {%backend: when these are used inlines, except for raw HTML if the raw HTML satisfies the complicated contraints of CommonMark raw HTML. Could be a problem for that translation direction if people used that.

  11. Ordered list can specify their starting point in CommonMark but can't in ocamldoc, we issue a warning.

  12. There's no notion of hard breaks in ocamldoc, we issue a warning to indicate that.

  13. For now the super and sub scripts will be translated by virtue of raw HTML but this will only show up in the HTML backend. We could try to be smarter on raw HTML and try to parse <sub>/<sup> markup in inlines.

  14. For simplicity when we get a [!modules: …] directive in the middle of a paragraph, we drop it. ocamldoc is smarter, it warns and splits the paragraph. Could be done at the cost of less clear control flow, not sure it's a big deal the way it works now, you have been warned as they say.

  15. {!indexlist} is still unsupported in odoc and likely forever. For now we recognize it and warn about it.

  16. There's no notion of link title in ocamldoc, we issue a warning and drop them.


  1. CommonMark is found in a lot of other systems including Git{Hub,Lab}, Discourse, etc. It is also increasingly being used in API documentation tools, rustdoc, Documenter.jl, etc.

  2. Since it's everywhere, that's one less thing to learn for newcomers and one less thing to have in the head for old-timers. But only if we eventually get rid of the ocamldoc syntax.

  3. .mld files become (slightly special) .md files which means they get a bit of rendering in various systems like Git{Lab,Hub} etc. As per CommonMark specification, ocamldoc references will become plain text in these renders, so we get "graceful degradation". We can also lean on the CommonMark support of editors to edit them.

  4. One of the stated philosophy of CommonMark is that its formatting should be publishable as-is without looking like it's been marked up. This looks like a good fit for documentation in programming language comments.


  1. CommonMark never errors. If you get your markup wrong, you just get text. You may not realize your outputs are garbled if you don't check the renderings.

  2. If the ocamldoc language is kept. You now have two syntaxes for writing documentation. Who can possibly think that syntax choice is good ?

  3. The syntax for inline code clashes with the backtick of polymorphic variants. If you want to inline a polymorphic variant case you need to write, `` `Myvariant `` which is quite annoying to remember, read and write.

  4. CommonMark has no syntax to break long URLs. Neither has ocamldoc but I hope it can be added.

  5. CommonMark is a rather complicated beast to parse full of weird corner and pathological cases. This could make some tooling more complicated than it needs to be (e.g. ocp-indent or merlin which currenly completes in comments ? odoc-parser could mediate that though).

  6. OCaml's doc comments becomes constrained by the CommonMark specification and tied to what CommonMark can be. If ocamlmark deviates too much, benefits are lost.

Personal opinions

  1. Disadvantage 2. should really be taken seriously, it basically thwarts advantage 2. If both syntax are offered and officially supported then as a user of the eco-system I have to a) choose one b) still learn the other, since others will have made a different choice.

    If ocamlmark is to be pursued, it should become the official language, ocamldoc should be deprecated and we should devise source-to-source comment migration tool so code bases can gradually move to it effortlessly. Nothing insurmountable.

  2. I'm also a bit concerned by disadvantage 1. – personally I mostly read the renderings when I devise docs but I suspect many people don't, could be a problem for doc QA.

  3. To really assess advantage 4. I'd need more than the toy examples I played with for making the POC. Does it really look good ?

    One thing I missed is the easily scannable ocamldoc headers and their labels. But maybe better syntax highlighting in comments could fix that.

    In general I find the ocamldoc code span syntax much more readable:

    • `'a` vs ['a]
    • `'a'` vs ['a']
    • `"string"` vs ["string"]
    • `` `A `` vs [`A]