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File metadata and controls

426 lines (331 loc) · 13.8 KB

This example illustrates how to keep track of and modify the content of a text input using the Incr_dom model instead of solely relying on the browser to do the state management.

This approach makes dynamic uses of forms more reliable, since it gives you more control over the content of each input.


Follow the build instructions in the example README and then navigate to the example in your browser:

The "app" is extremely simple. You can change the text in the input box manually or by pressing one of the buttons. The "Increment" button adds 1 to a counter and sets the input to the text "Default #<counter>".

What is all the code for?

There are two files we care about: and, both in this directory.

The Main file is typically just a few lines long and its only job is to start the app and declare which Incr_dom interface you're using:

open! Core
open! Incr_dom
open! Js_of_ocaml

let () =
    (module App)
    ~initial_model:(App.Model.init ())

Here, we call Start_app.start to start the app with the App_intf.S interface. It lays out the modules and functions you have to define to use Incr_dom.

Let's go through each of these pieces in turn. Recall that Incr_dom apps have a model-view-controller design, where incremental changes to your data (the model) are automatically reflected in the UI (the view), based on dependencies you define (roughly, the "controller").


A model must implement a type t and a function cutoff that says when the model has changed sufficiently to trigger a refiring of the incremental graph. In this case, our model is simply:

module Model = struct
  type t =
    { counter        : int
    ; input_text     : string
    ; submitted_text : string option
    } [@@deriving sexp, fields, compare]

  let cutoff t1 t2 = compare t1 t2 = 0

The cutoff function is simple, in that it triggers whenever any of the fields in t is changed (with the comparison functions auto-generated by [@@deriving compare]).

The model also contains a variety of helper functions, like init and reset_counter and incr_counter, that do what you'd expect.


Actions define how to update the model. It's a variant type that's used in the function apply_action, which maps each variant to some code that actually makes changes to the model. In our example, there are only four possible actions:

module Action = struct
  type t =
    | Reset_counter
    | Incr_counter
    | Update_input of string
    | Submit_input
  [@@deriving sexp]

  let should_log _ = true

(Note that we also have to implement the should_log function, which says whether we want to log actions.)

apply_action simply delegates these actions to the corresponding helper function on the model:

let apply_action action model _state ~schedule_action:_ =
  match (action:Action.t) with
  | Reset_counter     -> Model.reset_counter model
  | Incr_counter      -> Model.incr_counter  model
  | Update_input text -> Model.update_input  model text
  | Submit_input      -> Model.submit_input  model

It's worth asking why we have the Action abstraction in the first place. Couldn't we just write functions that manipulate models directly?

Indeed you could, but reifying actions allows you to better debug them. This isn't so important in an application as simple as this one, but later on, you'll find that actions help you reason about e.g. concurrency.

Consider pagination. If your "next" and "prev" buttons are hooked up to a function that is closed over the current state of the UI, it can be hard to interpret which page the function thinks you're on at the time that the function is called. Having an explicit action type makes it clearer which page you're on when it runs.


We don't use State in this application but in general it's used to manage imperative state outside the Model-View world, for instance, in an Async RPC client.


Imagine having a button you can click that fires off an asynchronous call to some external server; when the call comes back, you need some way to tell the model about the result. The schedule_action function provides a hook into the Action queue: you schedule an action and the action updates the model.


We've seen what this does above. It's the bridge between actions and the model.


This function is called once, right after the DOM is initialized. It's often used to spin up async processes, and it's given hooks to the schedule_action function and to your model so that those processes can interact with the app.

Here it's just a no-op:

let on_startup ~schedule_action:_ _ = Async_kernel.return ()


We don't use on_display in this application, but it fires anytime the DOM is updated. While incr_dom is mostly "value-triggered," in the sense that the view responds to changes in model values, on_display lets you define behavior that's "edge-triggered." For example, if a model change triggers the adding 2,000 of rows to a table, you might want to respond by scrolling the viewport. You're not so much responding to the model change as you are to the effect it had on the DOM.


This is another function we don't use in this example. It's used when you want to selectively render parts of the model based on what the user can see in their viewport (because maybe e.g. you don't want to render rows of a table that are offscreen).

When this function is called, you can inspect the DOM (using various helper functions) and update your model to, say, filter out the offscreen rows, so that only the visible rows are rendered.

There's no general-purpose way for the browser to say when a change to the DOM might have affected the visibility of some element, and so this function is usually hooked up via a callback to certain events that might be relevant to visibility, like scrolling. It is rarely used in practice.

Here it's just the identity function:

let update_visibility m = m


Since in this case the view defines most of the app's behavior, we'll unpack it in the section below.

Understanding the app's behavior

Dumping DOM on the page

There's essentially no HTML in this directory, and yet we end up with text and buttons and an input fields on the page. Where did that stuff come from?

It came from the view function. When we load the page, the JavaScript we compiled from this file, and in particular the code defined in view, ends up building the DOM node by node.

There are all kinds of possible nodes, which are defined in Virtual_dom.Vdom.Node.

So for instance to end up with the HTML:

  <div>No submissions yet</div>

--we would write:

let submission = Node.div [] [Node.text "No submissions yet"] in
Node.body [] [submission]

That's what most of the code in view does, is just use the Vdom module and Node in particular to build up the elements of our page: Node.button for the buttons, Node.input for the input field, and Node.div for the div containing text.

Refining the incremental graph

But perhaps more important is that the view function is where we define how exactly changes in the model will affect the UI. This is why view is passed the Model.t itself and a function, inject, which it can use to hook up actions to DOM elements.

Here's a simple example: we want the "submission" text to update when the Model.submitted_text changes. Let's leave out everything else and see what the code looks like:

let view (m : Model.t Incr.t) ~inject:_ =
  let open Incr.Let_syntax in
  let open Vdom in
  let submission =
    let%map submitted_text = m >>| Model.submitted_text in
    let text =
      match submitted_text with
      | None      -> "No submissions yet"
      | Some text -> "Your latest submission was: " ^ text
    Node.div [] [Node.text text]
  Node.body [] [submission]

Behaviorally, we're setting things up so that whenever there's Some text in Model.submitted_text, like "ASDF", the div will update to read "Your latest submission was: ASDF".

The trickiest line in here is this one:

let%map submitted_text = m >>| Model.submitted_text in

In essence we're taking a big incremental computation -- the one that decides whether the whole model m has changed, and minimally propagates those changes throughout the incremental graph -- and carving out a little piece of it, namely, the piece responsible for saying whether m.submitted_text has changed. We do this so that the text field only depends on changes to m.submitted_text and not on changes to the entire model.

Here, there's probably no performance improvement from doing this. But in general it can make a huge difference in the speed of your app if you refine your incremental graph so that the entire UI isn't recomputing anytime any small part of the model changes. The way you do this is by this let%map ... >>| pattern.

(The let%map and >>| syntax are technically giving you the applicative subset of the monad. The syntax comes from the open Incr.Let_syntax import.)

So we could have written the above code to be the more simple:

let view (m : Model.t Incr.t) ~inject:_ =
  let open Incr.Let_syntax in
  let open Vdom in
  let%map m = m in
  let submission =
    let text =
      match m.submitted_text with
      | None      -> "No submissions yet"
      | Some text -> "Your latest submission was: " ^ text
    Node.div [] [Node.text text]
  Node.body [] [submission]

Now the div depends on m as a whole and will be re-rendered whenever any part of the model changes, not just m.submitted_text. If that's unacceptable, another way to achieve a refinement of the dependency graph is to scope the let%map m = m a little tighter:

let view (m : Model.t Incr.t) ~inject:_ =
  let open Incr.Let_syntax in
  let open Vdom in
  let submission =
    let%map m = m in
    let text =
      match m.submitted_text with
      | None      -> "No submissions yet"
      | Some text -> "Your latest submission was: " ^ text
    Node.div [] [Node.text text]
  let%map input_text = m >>| Model.input_text in
  Node.body [] [submission]

This way, only the UI components in scope have the dependency on m. The components defined in [...] will just depend on Model.input_text and won't be re-rendered when m.submitted_text changes.

Using inject


Seeing the view -> action -> model -> view loop in action

The motivation for this example was to show how a tight coupling of a DOM element -- in this case, an input field -- to the model can allow for finer control of the DOM, without implicitly relying on the browser for state. So how does it work?

The relevant code is the code that controls the input field itself:

let%map input =
  let%map input_text = m >>| Model.input_text in
    [ Attr.type_ "text"
    ; Attr.string_property "value" input_text
    ; Attr.on_input (fun _ev text -> inject (Action.Update_input text))

This creates an <input type="text"> DOM element whose value is set to input_text, with the Update_input action hooked up to its input event.

Note that this Attr.string_property "value" input_text is not a one-time "set it and forget it" operation. input_text is actually a slice of our incremental computation, and so the line is setting up a dependency such that the input element's "value" attribute will be updated every time the value of input_text changes.

The loop is thus: (1) the user changes the value in the input field, (2) the "input" DOM event fires, (3) the Update_input event is triggered with that text, (4) the input_text value changes on the model, and (5) the input field is set to the new value.

It's easier to see that this is happening when you perturb the code a little bit. Let's make it so that model changes always set the input value to the string "aaa":

let%map input =
  let%map _input_text = m >>| Model.input_text in
    [ Attr.type_ "text"
    ; Attr.string_property "value" "aaa"
    ; Attr.on_input (fun _ev text -> inject (Action.Update_input text))

Now we get the following behavior in the browser:

It's as if the input field is "locked" into the value "aaa" -- anytime we try to change it, it'll be overwritten. Let's say the user types "f". The Attr.on_input... line ensures that we'll update the model. But updating the model will trigger the incr_dom dependency on Model.input_text, and so we'll fire the code which sets the input value back to "aaa" again.

The model, though, will have "aaaf" for its value, which we see when we hit the "Submit" button.

Suppose we also commented out the Attr.on_input line:

let%map input =
  let%map _input_text = m >>| Model.input_text in
    [ Attr.type_ "text"
    ; Attr.string_property "value" "aaa"
    (* ; Attr.on_input (fun _ev text -> inject (Action.Update_input text)) *)

Now the model update won't happen as the input field's "input" event is triggered, and so we're able to type stuff willy-nilly into the input box, without affecting the model -- which we can see by repeatedly pressing the "Submit" button.

But as soon as we hit the "Increment" button, the model will get updated again, and in particular the Model.input_text will change, and so we'll trigger the line that sets "aaa" again, effectively resetting the field.