an attention network, $ A_X(x) $
transformation network, $ T_X(x) $ $$ \begin{array}l G(x) = A_X(x)\odot T_X(x)+(1-A_X(x))\odot x \ F(G(x)) \approx x \end{array} $$
discriminative network
- adversarial loss
- cycle consistency loss
only work for region in attention mask
- attention loss: the regions of interest in the original image and the transformed image should be the same $$ \begin{array}l \mathcal L_{A_{cyc}}=\mathbb E_{x\in X}[||A_X(x)-A_Y(G(x))||_ 1]+E_{y\in Y}[||A_Y(y)-A_X(F(y))||_ 1] \ \mathcal L_{A_{sparse}}(A_X,A_Y)=E_{x\in X}[||A_X(x)||_ 1]+E_{y\in Y}[||A_Y(y)||_ 1] \end{array} $$
- Attention 一致性:$A_X(x)\approx A_Y(G(x)), A_Y(y)\approx A_Y(F(y))$
- Attention稀疏性:尽量关注small region而不是the whole image
- 当有分割label时,不用$\mathcal L_{A_{cyc}},\mathcal L_{A_{sparse}}$,只用分割label,${(x_1,m_1),...,(x_N,m_N))}$,
$m=0\quad or\quad 1$ $$ \mathcal L_{A_{sup}}=\sum_{i=1}^{N_X}||m_i-A_X(x_i)||_ 1+\sum_{i=1}^{N_Y}||m_j-A_Y(y_j)||_ 1 $$
- 为无监督image2image加了attention
- transform时,仍操作原图,最后加权生成结果