We'll use the nada tool to create a new project
- Create an rps nada project
nada init rps
- Go into the rps folder
cd rps
- Write the RPS program in main.py (if you get stuck, check nada/src/main.py)
- Initialize 2 parties: computer and player
party_computer = Party(name="Computer")
party_player = Party(name="Player")
- Add each player's choice as a named SecretInput
choice_computer = SecretInteger(Input(name="choice_computer", party=party_computer))
choice_player_2 = SecretInteger(Input(name="choice_player_2", party=party_player))
- Adjust choice values (original secrets can't be 0 values)
adjusted_choice_computer = (choice_computer - Integer(10)) % Integer(3)
adjusted_choice_player_2 = (choice_player_2 - Integer(10)) % Integer(3)
- Compute result
result = (adjusted_choice_computer - adjusted_choice_player_2 + Integer(3)) % Integer(3)
- Determine winner
winner = (
(result > Integer(0)).if_else(
(result > Integer(1)).if_else(Integer(2), Integer(1)),
- Create an output variable
out = Output(winner, "game_result", party_computer)
- Return the output
return [out]
- Build (compile) the program
nada build
- Generate a test file
nada generate-test --test-name test_r_p main
- Modify and run test
nada test test_r_p