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This ADT describes all possible functions of a pulse node.
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ocharles committed Sep 13, 2016
1 parent d2dce41 commit 37fca51
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Showing 6 changed files with 63 additions and 43 deletions.
46 changes: 10 additions & 36 deletions reactive-banana/src/Reactive/Banana/Prim/Combinators.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Reactive.Banana.Prim.Plumbing
, readPulseP, readLatchP, readLatchFutureP, liftBuildP,
import qualified Reactive.Banana.Prim.Plumbing (pureL)
import Reactive.Banana.Prim.Types (Latch, Future, Pulse, Build)
import Reactive.Banana.Prim.Types (Latch, Future, Pulse, Build, PulseCalculation(..))

import Debug.Trace
-- debug s = trace s
Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ debug s = id
mapP :: (a -> b) -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse b)
mapP f p1 = do
p2 <- newPulse "mapP" $ {-# SCC mapP #-} fmap f <$> readPulseP p1
p2 <- newPulse "mapP" (PulseMap f p1)
p2 `dependOn` p1
return p2

Expand All @@ -36,45 +36,33 @@ mapP f p1 = do
-- of a 'Latch' to a pulse.
tagFuture :: Latch a -> Pulse b -> Build (Pulse (Future a))
tagFuture x p1 = do
p2 <- newPulse "tagFuture" $
fmap . const <$> readLatchFutureP x <*> readPulseP p1
p2 <- newPulse "tagFuture" $ PulseFuture x p1
p2 `dependOn` p1
return p2

filterJustP :: Pulse (Maybe a) -> Build (Pulse a)
filterJustP p1 = do
p2 <- newPulse "filterJustP" $ {-# SCC filterJustP #-} join <$> readPulseP p1
p2 <- newPulse "filterJustP" $ PulseJoin p1
p2 `dependOn` p1
return p2

unsafeMapIOP :: (a -> IO b) -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse b)
unsafeMapIOP f p1 = do
p2 <- newPulse "unsafeMapIOP" $
{-# SCC unsafeMapIOP #-} eval =<< readPulseP p1
p2 <- newPulse "unsafeMapIOP" $ PulseMapIO f p1
p2 `dependOn` p1
return p2
eval (Just x) = Just <$> liftIO (f x)
eval Nothing = return Nothing

unionWithP :: (a -> a -> a) -> Pulse a -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse a)
unionWithP f px py = do
p <- newPulse "unionWithP" $
{-# SCC unionWithP #-} eval <$> readPulseP px <*> readPulseP py
p <- newPulse "unionWithP" $ PulseUnionWith f px py
p `dependOn` px
p `dependOn` py
return p
eval (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)
eval (Just x) Nothing = Just x
eval Nothing (Just y) = Just y
eval Nothing Nothing = Nothing

-- See note [LatchRecursion]
applyP :: Latch (a -> b) -> Pulse a -> Build (Pulse b)
applyP f x = do
p <- newPulse "applyP" $
{-# SCC applyP #-} fmap <$> readLatchP f <*> readPulseP x
p <- newPulse "applyP" $ PulseApply f x
p `dependOn` x
return p

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,30 +101,16 @@ switchL l pl = mdo

executeP :: Pulse (b -> Build a) -> b -> Build (Pulse a)
executeP p1 b = do
p2 <- newPulse "executeP" $ {-# SCC executeP #-} eval =<< readPulseP p1
p2 <- newPulse "executeP" $ PulseExecute p1 b
p2 `dependOn` p1
return p2
eval (Just x) = Just <$> liftBuildP (x b)
eval Nothing = return Nothing

switchP :: Pulse (Pulse a) -> Build (Pulse a)
switchP pp = mdo
never <- neverP
lp <- stepperL never pp
-- switch to a new parent
switch = do
mnew <- readPulseP pp
case mnew of
Nothing -> return ()
Just new -> liftBuildP $ p2 `changeParent` new
return Nothing
-- fetch value from old parent
eval = readPulseP =<< readLatchP lp

p1 <- newPulse "switchP_in" switch :: Build (Pulse ())
p1 <- newPulse "switchP_in" (PulseSwitch pp p2)
p1 `dependOn` pp
p2 <- newPulse "switchP_out" eval
p2 <- newPulse "switchP_out" (PulseReadLatch lp)
p2 `keepAlive` p1
return p2
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion reactive-banana/src/Reactive/Banana/Prim/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ compile m state1 = do
theAlwaysP <- case nAlwaysP state1 of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> do
(x,_,_) <- runBuildIO undefined $ newPulse "alwaysP" (return $ Just ())
(x,_,_) <- runBuildIO undefined $ newPulse "alwaysP" (PulseAlways ())
return x

(a, topology, os) <- runBuildIO (nTime state1, theAlwaysP) m
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33 changes: 31 additions & 2 deletions reactive-banana/src/Reactive/Banana/Prim/Evaluation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, BangPatterns, GADTs #-}
module Reactive.Banana.Prim.Evaluation (
) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ evaluatePulses roots = wrapEvalP $ \r -> go r =<< insertNodes r roots Q.empty
evaluateNode :: SomeNode -> EvalP [SomeNode]
evaluateNode (P p) = {-# SCC evaluateNodeP #-} do
Pulse{..} <- readRef p
ma <- _evalP
ma <- runPulseCalculation _evalP
writePulseP _keyP ma
case ma of
Nothing -> return []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,3 +118,32 @@ insertNodes (RWS.Tuple (time,_) _ _) = {-# SCC insertNodes #-} go
go (node:xs) q = go xs (Q.insert ground node q)
-- O and L nodes have only one parent, so
-- we can insert them at an arbitrary level

runPulseCalculation :: PulseCalculation a -> EvalP (Maybe a)
runPulseCalculation (PulseMap f p1) = fmap f <$> readPulseP p1
runPulseCalculation PulseNever = return Nothing
runPulseCalculation (PulseJoin p1) = join <$> readPulseP p1
runPulseCalculation (PulseMapIO f p1) = eval =<< readPulseP p1
where eval (Just x) = Just <$> liftIO (f x)
eval Nothing = return Nothing
runPulseCalculation (PulseUnionWith f px py) =
eval <$> readPulseP px <*> readPulseP py
where eval (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)
eval (Just x) Nothing = Just x
eval Nothing (Just y) = Just y
eval Nothing Nothing = Nothing
runPulseCalculation (PulseApply f x) = fmap <$> readLatchP f <*> readPulseP x
runPulseCalculation (PulseExecute p1 b) = eval =<< readPulseP p1
where eval (Just x) = Just <$> liftBuildP (x b)
eval Nothing = return Nothing
runPulseCalculation (PulseSwitch pp p2) =
do mnew <- readPulseP pp
case mnew of
Nothing -> return ()
Just new -> liftBuildP $ p2 `changeParent` new
return Nothing
runPulseCalculation (PulseReadLatch lp) = readPulseP =<< readLatchP lp
runPulseCalculation (PulseReadPulse p) = readPulseP p
runPulseCalculation (PulseAlways x) = return $ Just x
runPulseCalculation (PulseFuture x p1) =
fmap . const <$> readLatchFutureP x <*> readPulseP p1
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion reactive-banana/src/Reactive/Banana/Prim/IO.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ newInput = mdo
pulse <- liftIO $ newRef $ Pulse
{ _keyP = key
, _seenP = agesAgo
, _evalP = readPulseP pulse -- get its own value
, _evalP = PulseReadPulse pulse -- get its own value
, _childrenP = []
, _parentsP = []
, _levelP = ground
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions reactive-banana/src/Reactive/Banana/Prim/Plumbing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ import Reactive.Banana.Prim.Util
Build primitive pulses and latches

-- | Make 'Pulse' from evaluation function
newPulse :: String -> EvalP (Maybe a) -> Build (Pulse a)
newPulse :: String -> PulseCalculation a -> Build (Pulse a)
newPulse name eval = liftIO $ do
key <- Lazy.newKey
newRef $ Pulse
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ neverP = liftIO $ do
newRef $ Pulse
{ _keyP = key
, _seenP = agesAgo
, _evalP = return Nothing
, _evalP = PulseNever
, _childrenP = []
, _parentsP = []
, _levelP = ground
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17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion reactive-banana/src/Reactive/Banana/Prim/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Reactive.Banana.Prim.Types where

import Control.Monad.Trans.RWSIO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,13 +87,27 @@ type Pulse a = Ref (Pulse' a)
data Pulse' a = Pulse
{ _keyP :: Lazy.Key (Maybe a) -- Key to retrieve pulse from cache.
, _seenP :: !Time -- See note [Timestamp].
, _evalP :: EvalP (Maybe a) -- Calculate current value.
, _evalP :: PulseCalculation a -- Calculate current value.
, _childrenP :: [Weak SomeNode] -- Weak references to child nodes.
, _parentsP :: [Weak SomeNode] -- Weak reference to parent nodes.
, _levelP :: !Level -- Priority in evaluation order.
, _nameP :: String -- Name for debugging.

data PulseCalculation x where
PulseMap :: (a -> x) -> Pulse a -> PulseCalculation x
PulseFuture :: Latch x -> Pulse a -> PulseCalculation (Future x)
PulseNever :: PulseCalculation x
PulseJoin :: Pulse (Maybe x) -> PulseCalculation x
PulseMapIO :: (a -> IO x) -> Pulse a -> PulseCalculation x
PulseUnionWith :: (x -> x -> x) -> Pulse x -> Pulse x -> PulseCalculation x
PulseApply :: Latch (a -> x) -> Pulse a -> PulseCalculation x
PulseExecute :: Pulse (a -> Build x) -> a -> PulseCalculation x
PulseSwitch :: Pulse (Pulse x) -> Pulse x -> PulseCalculation x
PulseReadLatch :: Latch (Pulse x) -> PulseCalculation x
PulseReadPulse :: Pulse x -> PulseCalculation x
PulseAlways :: x -> PulseCalculation x

instance Show (Pulse a) where
show p = _nameP (unsafePerformIO $ readRef p) ++ " " ++ show (hashWithSalt 0 p)

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